More on UppMiss CCP

  • Buzz
    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1834

    FYI, some of us attended the Upper Mississippi Refuge CCP meeting in Winona last night. The Refuge Manager, Don Hultman, did a short power point presentation that hit on some overview and history and then a few of the Hot-topic issues that have arisen from the CCP. Trapping, Closed duck areas, beach and alcohol use, dogs and how boat traffic disrupts the fall rafting flocks of ducks. No presentations on fishing, tournaments or the “solitude issues” that seem to be driving the access/use problems that we have with the CCP.

    One of their main objectives seems to be creating more duck sanctuary areas, spaced more uniformly apart from each other, and then working to create habitat that would provide more food sources, this sounds good for ducks. But it would restrict both Sport and Commercial fishermen, a reasonable solution would be to create some boating lanes through these areas that would allow access. If they would dredge and create these boat lanes, I think fishermen would have fewer issues with some closed and electric trolling motor areas they propose.

    During the question and Answer period, I had a chance to ask about why Bass Boats where included in the CCP’s repeated references to Jet skis, Bass boats, Airboats and Hydrofoils. Mr. Hultman first claimed that the plan didn’t lump these together, but when I read passages directly from the plan, he had no comment. I also pointed out that most bass boats where using their electric trolling motors in the backwaters areas and seem to get some validation from them about this. One attendee did complain about “tournament fishermen with those 200-250 motors running from spot to spot. And he gave an example of being out on Lake Pepin in heavy fog and having boats running a little to close for comfort, near him.

    I also asked about the CCP’s call for Tournament permits and I pointed out that we already use State permits, his response was that he saw the CCP moving toward being the coordinating agency between the states, so tournaments would be issued permits on the same pools, at the same time by Border States. This seems reasonable, but in the “D” plan option a reduction of tournaments was called for. He also alluded to tournaments numbering over 250 and rising, he made it sound like a Capitol One commercial, as if we tournament guys where showing up in Viking ships, raiding and plundering the River towns.

    I wish I would have had more time to discuss these issues; they seem to be concerned about tournaments obtaining financial gain from refuge resources. And it is slightly true that a tournament organizer might make $10-$12 per boat, but the real financial gain is to the Communities along the River, the restaurants, motels, gas stations, bait stores, outboard motor parts and repair shops. Ironically the big user of the refuge who makes enourmous profits from it is the big barge and shipping companies. Yet I don’t see how they are being asked to contribute to the Refuge in the CCP.

    I also would have like to discuss just how the refuge views tournaments, I don’t know if they recognize that we are talking about a very large group of committed anglers, practicing the best conservation they can, using catch and release so as to not to harm the resource, self-imposing very strict rules of boat safety, ethic and sportsmanship on each other. I fear we are being seen as detractors from the Refuge experience, when we in fact may be their best friend.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    we are going tonight to the Wabasha meeting. Maybe I can report more on that too.

    Posts: 56

    I have to admit limiting tournaments sounds good to me, as it probably does to professional individuals like myself, who have limited opportunities to recreate. Going to packed launches on tournament weekends have maxed out my patience, and force me and people like me to vote against them. That is the only problem I have with tournament fishing. Any solutions to that?

    Flame suit on, I’ll need it with all the pros on this board!!

    Olin, Iowa
    Posts: 423

    I can see your point and tournaments can congest a ramp but aren’t there more than enough ramps. I only see full ramps on Memorial Day, 4th July , and Labor Day weekends here. Maybe it is different up north and there usually no tournaments then.

    Quite frankly I’d rather pull up at a single lane ramp behind 6 regular fishermen in front of me then at a 3 lane ramp with 4 pleasure boaters. I mean come on learn to back that boat somewhere else first and then find out what the boat prep areas are for. Geeez!

    Next Case Please!

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 272

    There are plenty of ramps around Pool 4/5. Even with smaller tournaments it’s not so bad getting in and out. The extremely rare 150+ boat tournaments could possibly make it difficult, but they are mostly tied to a certain launch area.

    Yes, the three day weekends sure bring out the inconsiderate and rude boaters…both pleasure boaters and semi-fishermen. Everyone should learn to use the boat prep areas. Running by canoes, small boats, and other boats creating 2 ft wakes within 30 feet of them is inconsiderate and dangerous!

    As to the CCP: What section is being pushed the most?

    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495


    I mean come on learn to back that boat somewhere else first

    Well geez, then I hope when it comes time for my first fishing boat – first time launching – that I’m not the one you are waiting on being next in line.

    Are there anymore meetings this side of Wisconsin coming up or where I can write to give my 2 cents?

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941


    Going to packed launches on tournament weekends have maxed out my patience, and force me and people like me to vote against them

    Tournament boats are usually on the water long before anyone else is even up….Not sure how that’s a problem….We also don’t waste any time getting out of the water….

    Posts: 56

    I don’t know about you guys being first on the water…..but I do agree with you guys being in and out of the water quick. This problem is only going to get worse though.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    I can understand your frustrations about not having a parking spot at the ramp. But don’t blame other fisherman who beat you to the ramp. Demand more ramps. Whoever said there is plenty of ramps on pools 4/5 is mistaken big time. I don’t know where your from but on the MN side of pool 5, we have 2 or so. Neither is hardly usable at normal pool level, whether you have a jon boat or a walley boat. So instaead of pointing fingers at tournaments and limiting them, ask for more and/or better ramps. Don’t let “them” make us turn on each other. If you vote agaist us(tournament anglers), you are in turn, voting against yourself. We all want the same rights. Lets not point fingers at each other, point them at the real problem. Show your support for plan A.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 272

    Pool 4/5 ramps. I don’t fish from the MN water side, but there are quite a few ramps on the WI side. If you are from MN I believe you will need a WI fishing license to use the WI ramps.

    If you want more/better ramps on the MN side contact your DNR/municipalities.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776


    I don’t know if they recognize that we are talking about a very large group of committed anglers, practicing the best conservation they can, using catch and release so as to not to harm the resource, self-imposing very strict rules of boat safety, ethic and sportsmanship on each other. I fear we are being seen as detractors from the Refuge experience, when we in fact may be their best friend.

    Are you freaking kidding me? Self imposing “very strict” rules of boating safety …blah blah…The big money/big name tourney guys have no problem blowing by the poor sap fishing from a john boat in a small slough so long as they are the first one to the next hot spot they wanna get to.
    The local guys at least respect each other and other fisherman.

    I am against many of the things they are proposing…but I for one am gonna ask for stricter enforcement, boat drivers lisences, and a 100 yard limit from hunter to hunter for duck season. I am tired of being blasted past by jet skii’s, huge bass boats and the like while I am sitting anchored fishing. Tired of having ducks shot over MY decoys by others, and tried of the “Tuna boats” and other “more money than brains” type boaters on the river.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Are you freeking kidding me is right!!!


    I am tired of being blasted past by jet skii’s, huge bass boats and the like while I am sitting anchored fishing

    What the hell do you excpect when you anchor on the main channel? I’m tired of reading your posts bashing us all the time. If you’re looking for peace and serenity, you’re not going to find it on the River….There’s too many other people out there trying to enjoy it’s MANY uses. Bass boat waves are no bigger at full speed than that monster boat you have. I’ve seen it and i’m sure it throws a bigger wake than mine at ANY speed.

    Where were you this weekend when I was towing in a big pontoon back to the landing? I guess we’re not all that bad after all.

    See you this weekend

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Slop…you didn’t read what I said. I have never accused you, or anyone else on here of being a boating slob. I have and will continue to bash the big-money/big-name bass and walleye guys till they learn to respect others rights. I would post the registration numbers but its kinda hard to get them when they blast by at 70mph. I have NEVER blasted by anyone while they were anchored or using thier trolling motor, esopecially in a small slough REGARDLESS of how big a wake you think my boat may make, I always slow to “NO WAKE” speed and idle by them. Its called common courtesy. I don’t give a rats behind if its a tourney or everyday fisherman…its the right thing to do.

    Yes, the river is and should be enjoyed by everyone BUT, your enjoyment should not overshadow or be more important than anyone elses especially at someone elses expense.

    Posts: 5130

    Can we please learn to agree to disagree? The name calling and hating between the bass, walleye, and panfish guys is getting out of control. This site used to be so friendly, but now that the site is growing everyday, there seems to be a lot more friction going on. We need to quit all this finger pointing and accept that the river belongs to us all. There will always be bad apples in every group of fisherfolks. ERronnigan said it best, let’s not take out our frustrations on each other. At this time we need to stand up and be counted as a whole instead of small segments. This goes for fisherman, hunters, and recreational users. We all know the saying, “United we stand;Divided we fall”. I don’t like all the tuna boats or jet skis or rude boaters any more than the next guy, but, they have a right to be out there as well. The only time it ticks me off is when a situation could result in an accident. This past holiday weekend I was pretty suprised at how friendly 99% of the boaters were. There was a lot of waving going on between boats of all kinds. That’s all I have to say for now.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Watson is right guys. We need everyone who uses the river to come together on the issues at hand.
    And really, when you stop and think about it a bit, it’s really not so much the ‘type’ of watercraft that’s out there, as much as it is the ‘type’ of people who use it, or how they use it.
    But right now we need those people too.
    I can’t make any of the meetings since they are just too far away and held during the work week, so I’m sort of counting on you guys to speak up for me. Give em ell for me will ya? And as soon as the info is available, I’ll be writing, calling, and emailing to do my part.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    If anyone wants to send your opinion, send it to:

    Comprehensive Conservation Plan
    Upper Mississippi River Refuge
    51 East 4th St, Room 101
    Winona, MN 55987

    Your comments MUST be received by no later than August 31, 2005. If you have an opinion I would highly recommend sending out comments to address above.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    I will, thanks.

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