Assistant Media Pro Staff Director

  • Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    I would like to announce the Assistant Media Pro Staff Director….

    Jon J.

    I’m sure anyone of us could and would make great directors and assistant directors. I’m a firm believer in a team concept and there is no I in TEAM. We as a team will make this Media Staff work , and i’m sure it will take all of us.

    I’m really looking forward to working with all the EFN Staff. Here’s to the future of the Electronic Fishing Network.

    Dave K.

    Owatonna, MN
    Posts: 608

    2 cool!
    What a deal! Glad that you took on the job, Jon!
    I am just thrilled with this…. I know what it will mean to our growth and development.
    Three cheers!

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