Welcome KEM

  • shew
    East Bethel, Minnesota
    Posts: 696

    I just thought I would drop a post to ask you all to welcome KEM to the site. She is a woman that can out hunt and out fish most of us. Well after opener on Mille Lacs like this one who couldn’t.We had a few fish, a broken ankle , saw a t-shirt with Skindogs face on it . And still made it back and plan to do it again next year. Maybe those who can chime in will. Great to be back.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    If KEM is who I think she is………..

    Welcome aboard Kate !

    It’s been awhile since I seen you! Give me a shout. I often fish Mille Lacs. I missed it this weekend and I’m just itchin to get out there. Perhaps Sunday!

    Adam who broke the ankle???

    East Bethel, Minnesota
    Posts: 696

    Ya it’s Kate. I said I would not say who or how the bone was broke but let me say he is an IDA member, I also grew up with him. and He was up with Fish On!,KEM,eyeshaveit3 and I.

    Chanhassen, MN
    Posts: 9

    Thanks adam for the welcome and thanks for the fishing last weekend! I had a great time…broken ankle, t-shirt, weezy and all. I’m not sure your statement about me out fishing anyone was a good one after last night. The only thing I could seem to catch was a crawfish and a clam. But I guess a little seafood doesn’t hurt either.

    Hey Rob…it has been awhile, good to see your still alive.
    I’m looking forward to being a member of this site…

    Chanhassen, MN
    Posts: 9

    About the broken ankle…I think there were two other IDA members there that could be called in as witnesses….

    East Bethel, Minnesota
    Posts: 696

    Ya your right Kate. Buckshot and walleyebrat were up there on scene also.

    East Bethel, Minnesota
    Posts: 426

    HOw about that BAnd!! “Bone GAng!” Wow, I thought we were seeing Great White back in concert!
    Two other things about “KEM”…
    Don’t play her in Fossball or Cribage! She Stinks!

    O.k.I got my handed to me!
    KEM, Had a great time, tell pa thanks for everything!!

    As for the broken ankle… His IDA name rhymes with butpile!

    Kate! I like the name I came up with better!!

    GReat weekend, great company, nice to meet Buckshot and Walleye Brat!

    Norwood, Minnesota
    Posts: 105

    Broken ankle??? I didn’t see a thing.
    You can just send the $50 when you get a chance Gutpile.

    The band….. did anyone get a look at their time machine out back…. holy buckets, I didn’t know they made clothes like that anymore!!

    Anyway, despite broken bones, burnt fingers (how are they Kate??), incliment weather, and a band stuck in the 80s, it was a GREAT time. I really enjoyed meeting everyone…. Kate, Eyeshaveit, Fishon… and reuniting with old acquaintances… Gutpile, and Adam….. who am I forgetting?? I can’t wait until next year…. are you guys going to be welcome at Jack’s again??

    big water
    Andover ,MN
    Posts: 291

    i,m never going there again it hurts to much, my head and ankle.
    $50 did we bet somthing?

    East Bethel, Minnesota
    Posts: 696


    I can’t wait until next year…. are you guys going to be welcome at Jack’s again??

    Welcome back HA! Next year we are the entertainment if I can keep Gutpile healthy.

    East Bethel, Minnesota
    Posts: 426

    I think your right! More people were watching us then the “Bone GAng!”
    Interesting mix of people!

    Doug Ertl
    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 957

    Another St.Cloud’er. Welcome to the site Kem.

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