There is no law……..

  • cherilovell
    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495

    That says women “need to leave the fishing to the men”! I have gotten some PM’s the last couple days that want me to do this very thing. Why? Are you jealous? There’s no need to be. You just need to get out more, work harder at what you want. Matter of fact, there are many women out here on this site who enjoy fishing just as much if not more then me – I just happen to want to share my stories more. There are also many women who fish in the United States. Here are some facts:

    14.3 million women fish. That’s more than the number who participate in jogging, basketball, volleyball, softball, golf or tennis.
    32.4 percent of all anglers are female
    Women spend $3 billion on fishing items them selves.
    It was also been asked of me to stay in the kitchen where I belong ………NOT A CHANCE!!!!! I live in a world where women can do anything a man can do and sometimes even better, that includes fishing (read some of the old posts where the men will tell the truth and say their wives/girlfriends out fish them). I fish for the joy of it, it helps me relax and it’s fun. Maybe I can share with you how , all you have to do is ask – and not make a out of your selves in stead .
    To everyone else – thanks for letting me vent.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    Please do not let the archaic comments from a select few sway your opinions of the rest of us on the site. I don’t know who sent you the PM’s but if this is the way they feel then I don’t think their opinions are worth worring about anyway.

    I, for one, am damn glad to have you on the site and would be proud to have you share a boat with me some day.

    Posts: 6

    You go, Girl!!!!!! It’s very hard for me to accept that in this day and age there are still those with the “women belong in the kitchen” mentality and are dense enough to actually voice it. Just consider the source and move on. I’m new to this site and have enjoyed your posts… keep up the good work!!


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992


    “women belong in the kitchen”

    Personally…I couldn’t agree more.

    Right next to me….

    Ya know…I just really don’t know what to say. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised..since we have so many folks on IDA….but I am surprised and saddened.

    What is so great about fishing is that it brings young, old, men, women, backgrounds and ethnic groups together. We all have a common love.

    The only thing that I can think of saying to the members that sent these PM’s to you is: “What are you thinking?

    I’m sorry that those pm’s were sent and listen to Gator and Dragonfly!

    Posts: 95

    I just read your post and I couldn’t believe someone would do that to you. I enjoy your fishing reports. Stay in the kitchen HAh. I also love to fish and will continue to as long as I’m able.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5432

    I spend most of my time in the KITCHEN, I am a chef. I am proud to say my wife makes more money than I do. I am proud of her because she has worked for it. She just graduated from Augsburg College. She did it while having 2 kids, three if you count me and working 50 hours a week.

    These kind of people really make me

    I do not care what race, religion, sex, ect. a person is. All I care is that you treat me like a human and I will do the same to you/them.

    Take it with a grain of salt. James will take care of it. People can and will behind their computer screens and say things that they have no courage to say to your face.
    If they would like they can find my phone number by doing a search and we can have a nice talk about thing, But they won’t.


    P.S. You keep on fishing and making them all jealous

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    SP….that is my comment to those who hide behind a PM to belittle anyone! Have a comment or concern? Bring it out in the open! Muskygirl…whoever it is, tell them to go ^&*% themselves! Keep posting whenever and whatever you want…I read all of them and enjoy most…lol!

    Posts: 19

    First of all, I wish I were as good at musky fishing as you- so I really appreciate your posts. Also, my last girlfriend was a city girl who refused to touch fish or to get in the woods, which turned out to be signs of an impending break-up. My current girlfriend loves to fish, and I am proud to say that she kicks my butt almost every time we’re out there. There is something special when you and your significant other are out there on the water surrounded by God’s beauty. I figure those guys that PMed to probably can’t get a girl to go out with them, so they are just bitter . I also know many women, including my mom, who prefer to stay home when her boys go out fishing, but the key is that we would love for her to come with us. It’s fine for guys or girls to stay home, but who gives one person the right to tell any one else whether they can fish ! Anyways, thanks for your posts and please keep them coming!! Good fishing. Will

    Miles, Iowa
    Posts: 574

    I sure don’t mind having the gals out on the water fishing. Wish I could find a gal for a full time fishing partner. You know a good catch on or off the water, a real keeper !

    westby wi
    Posts: 864

    I wish i could get my wife to fish with me. I’m behind you all the way and i like reading your post. As far as the jerks in pm If it was me i would let the name of the person be known. This site dont need narrow minded on it. You are welcome in my boat anytime

    Dysart, IA
    Posts: 595

    Hopefully by putting this up here, the fools that wrote the pm’s will realize they are a small, small minority in their opinions and will stop writing them.

    It was a much better idea to bring the issue to the forum where everyone can see and support you rather than you getting into a fued with someone over pm’s that won’t change their opinion because they dont know how many people think they are wrong.

    Thanks for posting, and I hope that they stop, because I enjot seeing your pictures and reading your reports

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992


    the fools that wrote the pm’s will realize they are small

    Skippy…your quote might be just a little out of context…but I think you’ve sumed it up.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167

    Cheri, I would guess that the people who are sending you those messages are people who troll discussion boards looking to cause trouble. Remember that we’ve got a public forum here and any bored geek with a computer can get in here and try to stir the pot. I wouldn’t even give it a second thought. Delete the comments. Don’t reply to them (that just puts gas on the fire and they like the attention). If you get stuff that is abusive or threatening let the admins know.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    James will take care of it. People can and will behind their computer screens and say things that they have no courage to say to your face.

    Trust that Koonce and I have made these two guys “go away” for awhile.

    Posts: 973

    Hey, if ladies want to fish so be it and great. A friend of mine’s wife from Watertown, WI. literally will fish all night. She is a big time Musky fisherman and although I might not usually admit it has done far better then I have. This specific lady amazes me, because she is so independent and I can’s keep up with her.

    Bottom line is to critize any woman that likes fishing comes from sheer stupidity.

    West Salem,WI
    Posts: 211

    I don’t post much,but I love readin you’re posts,so please keep it up.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5432


    Trust that Koonce and I have made these two guys “go away” for awhile.

    Fishing Machine
    Lansing, Ia
    Posts: 810

    Cheri I just have to get my 2 cents worth in. I am sorry to hear that this has happened to you.
    I don’t know who would be so cruel as to send a nice person like you messages like that. But who-ever needs to get their heads screwed on striaght.
    I use to own a bait shop and about 95% of my men customers would often say that they wished they could get their wives to go with them.
    I like to fish and I like to cook. So I spend about equal time doing both.
    Hold your chin high Cheri. Keep fishing as always. We need to do it for relaxation and getting rid of some stress if nothing else.

    Posts: 2

    It is astounding to me that you’d receieve pm’s like this. Truth be told-if it wasn’t for my wife going along fishing, we might not have any fish to eat! (As I am busy “guiding” ) She didn’t know how to fish until she met me, and now she outfishes me every time! It doesn’t bother me a bit, as seeing her happiness catching fish also brings joy to me as I taught her how to fish. Perhaps “those who can’t do teach” is true. All I know is she is great as she shares her catch with me too! Now if I can just get her to share some of her secret tips with me!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Welcome aboard Fishmn! Great first post too.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    MG…keep on fishin! Ignore those “Rons” as in MO-RONS.

    The fish don’t care what gender you are.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5432


    MG…keep on fishin! Ignore those “Rons” as in MO-RONS.

    The fish don’t care what gender you are.

    I thought that most people ignored me always


    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603



    James will take care of it. People can and will behind their computer screens and say things that they have no courage to say to your face.

    Trust that Koonce and I have made these two guys “go away” for awhile.


    There’s more of us with you (by FAR!) than against you. You are appreciated and valued….. never forget that! And Kudos for bringing it up so they could be dealt with accordingly!

    As the site continues to grow, we may encounter more things that make us wonder what kind of morons we share our world with, but we’ve got a great leader in James and a GREAT group of staffers to assist him! I hope you’ll be able to put this behind you quickly and know that a real family of quality individuals will always be here for ya!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607



    James will take care of it. People can and will behind their computer screens and say things that they have no courage to say to your face.

    Trust that Koonce and I have made these two guys “go away” for awhile.

    Thanks James, Cheri is more than welcome here, in fact she ”belongs here” as she loves to fish. Fishing is a family sport in which any sex, race and age can have fun doing. Cheri is a fishing nut [ ] [loves to fish] and puts her heart into this site and loves to share with all of us. I fine it very sad to think that someone would do something like that to another fisherperson. I’m sorry that this happened Cheri. Please don’t take those remarks in a pm seriously. I like reading your reports and look forward to many more from you.

    To the other women who join us here both as registered and not yet registered-Please feel free to post and share all you want here. You are all more than welcome to join us.
    Thanks, Bill

    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495

    Thanks everyone for all the kind words and making me feel more welcomed then I already felt. I don’t intend on letting a couple bad apples ruin my love for fishing and talking about fishing. I just wanted to stand up for my self (and all the other women out here)and be heard. Again, thanks for the chance to vent and thanks for all the love felt from this site. Yes, I surely know that there are way more good people out here then there are bad, but I’d rather not have to deal with them. BUT- do know this – I don’t take anyones BS I am my own person and if I want to fish, then thats where you’ll find me. And if I want to talk about fishing, them HERE is where you’ll find me. Don’t like me or my posts? Then don’t read them – won’t hurt me in the least bit. So with that said HAPPY FISHING EVERYONE and LOVE back at ya!!!!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    BUT- do know this – I don’t take anyones BS I am my own person and if I want to fish, then thats where you’ll find me. And if I want to talk about fishing, them HERE is where you’ll find me. Don’t like me or my posts? Then don’t read them – won’t hurt me in the least bit. So with that said HAPPY FISHING EVERYONE and LOVE back at ya!!!!

    Save me a hug!!!

    Posts: 6

    It’s about time

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3668

    I am not prejudiced against anyone except for stupid people, and those guys fall into the later catagory. Keep posting and keep fishing. We all fish for the same reasons, relaxation, challenge, being outside, and it doesn’t matter who or what you are if you enjoy it. People need to worry about what they do and not be so concerned with what others are doing.

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