Hi all I was just wondering what others thought or know about what happens to the fish and fishery during river tournaments. I have fished a few so I am guilty too. I have been fishing some of my favorite bass spots the last few weekends only to find another tournament going on. This is the 3rd one in three weeks. What happens to the fish when they are pulled from there normal spawning beds and pulled up or down river a pool or two. Over those three weeks there were atleast a dozen boats in there each weekend. If each one of those boats pulled 3 or 4 fish out of that spot and ran them up river through the locks they are absolutely displacing these fish. And the fish they are displacing are not the small ones they are the 2.5 to 5 pounders if not bigger. At the beginning of the year I was having no problem catching bigger fish but now it seems after every tournament the number and quality of the fish is going down. What kind of impact will this have on a fishery. a dozen boats 4 fish each 3 weeks in a row if my math does not fail me thats 144 quality bass out of one little spot. I know these fish are released but a don’t think they are running some of them back down through the dams to the other pools. I posted this in the bass tournament forum as well.
May 11, 2005 at 5:22 pm