Upper Mississippi River Info for Everyone…..

  • jeremy-crawford
    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge
    Savanna District
    7071 Riverview Road
    Thomson, IL 61285

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Ed Britton (815) 273-2732 ext 11
    April 28, 2005

    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Releases Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan For Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge

    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has released for public review and comment a draft of the Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Impact Statement for the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. The draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan articulates issues and presents management alternatives for the refuge which extends for 261 miles of Mississippi River floodplain from Wabasha, Minn. to Rock Island, Ill.

    From May 16 to June 23, the refuge will host a series of public information meetings and workshops at select communities that border the refuge to inform refuge neighbors, visitors and interested groups about the numerous issues and management alternatives presented in the Plan. The Plan will guide management of the refuge for the next 15 years.

    Public information meetings will include an open house segment, a presentation of key issues and alternatives being considered, and a question and answer session. The public workshops will use a small group format for discussion of alternatives and group reporting of ideas and concerns. Special topic public meetings will be scheduled as needed during the 120-day comment period. Alternatives being considered in the draft Plan include “no action,” a “wildlife” focus, a “public use” focus, and “wildlife with integrated public use” focus.

    “The draft plan is an important step in the planning process that began nearly three years ago with public involvement that helped us to identify issues and public concerns for the refuge,” said Refuge Manager Don Hultman. “We will continue to involve the public and other agencies as we move closer to deciding on a management alternative that benefits wildlife and provides for quality experiences for the millions of people who visit the refuge each year.”

    Dates and locations of public information meetings and workshops are listed below. Information meetings begin with an open house from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. and conclude at 9 p.m. Workshops begin at 5:30 p.m. and conclude at 9 p.m.

    Date Location Type
    May 16 Clinton Community College, Room 10 Information Meeting
    Business & Industrial Center, Clinton, Iowa
    May 17 House of Events, 108 Main Street, Information Meeting
    Savanna, Illinois
    May 18 Grand River Center, Room 6, 500 Bell St. Information Meeting
    Dubuque, Iowa
    May 19 Prairie du Chien High School, Prairie du Chien, Wis. Information Meeting
    May 23 Kurnt Bros. Community Room, Lansing, Iowa Information Meeting
    May 24 American Legion Post 315, Stoddard, Wis. Information Meeting
    May 25 American Legion Club Room, La Crescent, Minn. Information Meeting
    May 26 Eagle Bluff Elementary School, Onalaska, Wis. Information Meeting
    May 31 Winona Middle School, Winona, Minn. Information Meeting
    June 1 Wabasha-Kellogg High School, Wabasha, Minn. Information Meeting
    June 13 Winona Middle School, Winona, Minn. Workshop
    June 14 Wabasha-Kellogg High School, Wabasha, Minn. Workshop
    June 16 Prairie du Chien High School, Prairie du Chien, Wis. Workshop
    June 21 House of Events, (108 Main St.) Savanna, Ill. Workshop
    June 22 American Legion Post 315, Stoddard, Wis. Workshop
    June 23 Onalaska Middle School, Onalaska, Wis. Workshop
    An Executive Summary of the draft Plan has been mailed to nearly 3,000 citizens and organizations that expressed an interest during earlier public involvement. Additional copies of the summary can be requested by calling the refuge headquarters toll free 1-888-291-5719 or 507-452-4232 within the 507 area code.
    The complete draft Plan and a summary can be viewed on the Internet at the Service’s Planning Website: http://www.fws.gov/midwest/planning/uppermiss/
    The draft Plan can also be viewed at 52 public libraries in communities near the refuge, or at refuge district offices in Savanna, Ill.; McGregor, Iowa; La Crosse, Wis.; and Winona, Minn. Written comments on the draft Plan will be accepted by the Service until August 31, 2005, at the following address: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Attn: CCP Comment, Room 101, 51 East Fourth Street, Winona, MN 55987.
    With more than 3 million visitors per year, the “Upper Miss” Refuge is the most visited refuge in the country and has the added complexity of a major navigation system, including 11 locks and dams within its boundary. It is also a world-class fish and wildlife area which harbors 306 species of birds; 119 species of fish; more than 130 active bald eagle nests; thousands of heron and egret nests; spectacular concentrations of canvasback ducks, tundra swans, and white pelicans; and several threatened or endangered species.

    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the principal federal agency responsible for conserving, protecting and enhancing fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. The Service manages the 95-million-acre National Wildlife Refuge System which encompasses more than 545 national wildlife refuges, thousands of small wetlands and other special management areas. It also operates 66 national fish hatcheries, 64 fishery resource offices and 78 ecological services field stations. The agency enforces federal wildlife laws, administers the Endangered Species Act, manages migratory bird populations, restores nationally significant fisheries, conserves and restores wildlife habitat such as wetlands, and helps foreign governments with their conservation efforts. It also oversees the Federal Assistance Program that distributes hundreds of millions of dollars in excise taxes on fishing and hunting equipment to state fish and wildlife agencies.


    Learn more about the “Upper Miss” refuges at: http://www.fws.gov/midwest/UpperMississippiRiver/

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    The May 26th that was to be at Eagle Bluff has been move to the new Stoney Creek facility over by the Onalaska Gunderson Lutheran.

    READERS: Please plan to attend, they have a couple proposals that would severly limit boating and fishing throughout the upper refuge pools. We need to get our voices heard!

    JC – thanks for posting this. Have you seen the maps? We should get them posted, as it clarifies what I say above.

    Posts: 1530


    It’s best if you take the time to go to the website for yourself, but let me summarize one of the proposals. On pool 4 there is a proposed Big Lake/ Buffalo Slew closed area. The heading reads ”Closed to all Migratory Bird Hunting, No Fishing, No Motors October 1 to the end of the State Duck Hunting Season (3249 aceres)” The area is from Indian Slew on the West, the Main Channel on the South and the Buffalo River on the East. It looks like there may be a channel to Thatchers and along the WI shore but all of Big Lake, Catfish Slew and all of the islands and channels in the Beef Slew area would be closed. That is a huge area of prime fall bass, walleye and panfish water that would be closed. If you are a river fisherman you need to look this proposal over carefully (that’s just the tip of the iceberg) and attend the meetings.


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    Thats right John, this can’t be stressed enough. Anyone that enjoys fishing the Mississippi needs to attend and if possible voice our opinions. It looks like it will affect all the pools from Wabasha down an awful long ways.

    Posts: 305

    If you look at http://www.wxow.com website which is a news station out of LaCrosse, they have a list of proposed changes. Make your voices heard.

    Posts: 973

    Wht bothers me the most is I doubt that most of these Fish and Wildlife Folks even understand the river. I wonder how many of them have ever fished, hunted or camped on the Upper Miss. It is astounding how many silly things are in this proposal.

    Mississippi River
    Posts: 997

    This is absolutely asinine! I know people have said it already, but I need to stress that it is extemely important to get the public to these meetings. Everytime I look at this proposal I find something more they want to get rid of. How will they enforce all this stuff? The USFWS refuge system is already the most underfunded land system. I suppose they are going to leave it up to the States DNR to figure that out. What I don’t see is that Outdoorsman and Women contribute more money to habitat (thru their respective organizations like DU or a zillion others) than the FWS can. I hope that people do not overlook this proposal because this will affect everyone who uses the river in anyway!!! I have written letters, emails and will be attending meetings. I hope that others do the same!

    New Albin, Ia Pool 9 Minnesota Slough
    Posts: 51

    The Lansing meeting is now @ the Lansing High School. Same time and date (tonight 5:30)

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Meetings this week:

    Today: Stoddard, Wis., American Legion Post 315, 414 Broadway

    Wednesday, May 25: La Crescent, Minn., American Legion Club Room, 509 N. Chestnut St.

    Thursday, May 26: Onalaska, Wis., conference room at Stoney Creek Inn, 3060 S. Kinney Coulee Road.

    Tuesday, May 31: Winona (Minn.) Middle School auditorium, 1570 Homer Road, Winona, Minn.

    Wednesday, June 1: Wabasha/Kellogg High School cafeteria, Wabasha, Minn., 2113 East Hiawatha Drive.

    To view the plan or post comments, go to http://www.fws.gov/midwest/planning/uppermiss/index.html

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    Our whole bass club, Zumbro Valley Bassmasters, is taking a bus down to the Wabasha meeting. I fowarded a radio interview to Steve Plantz for him to post for me in this forum as I am not good at attaching things. Its interesting to listen to. BassFan radio interviews Iowa’s federation president about these issues.
    Slop, I’ll email it to you to see if you can get it up for me.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    ———- Original Message ———————————-
    From: “MN BASS Federation – Cal McCracken, Secretary” <[email protected]>
    Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 16:41:27 -0500

    A forwarded message from Vern Wagner, MN Conservation Director:

    I would like alert you to and encourage you to listen to a great radio interview with Tom Bowler, President Iowa Bass Federation, he was recently interviewed by BassFan and I think he does a good job explaining the issues. You can listen by going to

    and play the interview.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Anyone know how the meeting in Lansing turned out last night? Was there a big crowd?

    Fishing Machine
    Lansing, Ia
    Posts: 810

    Yes there was a very good turn out. Had to end up having it in our High School Gym.
    They said very little about our pool ( 9 ) here. Was more about the other pools around. Especially north of us. Lot oof people were very up set needless to say. John Verdon a retired school teacher but raised here gave them a D- grade for what they offered. Also they talked about us only using trolling motors for the back waters. How long is a battery going to last going in our back water with the current as strong as it is in most places. Is ignorance BLISS?????

    New Albin, Ia Pool 9 Minnesota Slough
    Posts: 51

    Meeting went good, A lot of good points were made by locals.
    FWS didn’t do a very good job of presenting facts to justify their view. They like to skirt the real issue facing the refuge, silting and commercial shipping trafic. The beach goers, skiers (even jet), fisherman, and hunters are not responsible for the major environmental, and habitat destruction caused by nitrate and soil runoff, or the redirection of natural flow to maintain a shipping channel (good for walleyes though). Anyhow they pointed out that pools 7,8,9 have excellent waterfoul activity and showed a nice bar graph comparing this to other pools (which were of no comparison). This was followed up by study results from England, South Wales, pool 19 to name a few, which show the impact due to boating disturbance. So what, we’re on pool 9 and our numbers are great without changing a thing. Maybe we should completly close our hunting to allow that many more ducks down to Louisiana and places so they make their seasons even longer and increase thir bag limits even higher. Also found out that the no wake zone on pool slough is being implimented due to safety concerns due to high boat speeds hummm, wonder what class of boaters caused that,-thanks- Anyhow go to the meetings, get your public comments submitted and hope for the best.
    p.s. they will be adding a public workshop for pool 9, they must have forgot about us at first.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    The refuge is wayyy out of my area and at least a 4 hour drive to Lansing. Still wish I could have been there.
    I understand there are 4 different plans in the works. Did the FWS focus on any one plan in particular? If so, you can bet that will be the one they want to implement. That’s their history. Just like the COE.
    Best be getting your pens and paper out, email addys, and phone #’s ready to let your lawmakers in D.C. know how you feel.

    New Albin, Ia Pool 9 Minnesota Slough
    Posts: 51

    Plan D is the plan that will be implimented, so everyone can breath easy about plan B. They say they are still open to suggestions to plan D though.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Maybe, maybe not. I’ve seen too many times where these gov’t people schedule meetings for public input only because they have to by law. They’ll say they want our input or suggestions just to pay us lip service to make us think we’ll have an impact on the final decision when in all actuality their minds are already made up on what they are going to do. But hey, at least you got to speak, right?
    I hope for all of us I’m wrong, but something tells me
    hang on to your butt.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 64

    Hi all,
    I just e-mailed the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service and hope you will too. They want people to let them know what we think. The e-mail address is [email protected] The more people that e-mail, the better off we are. Thanks Ted

    Posts: 97

    Thanks Lacrosse Rookie for the address. Sent my letter out last night, but still we need people to come to the workshops and let the fishermans voice be heard. Also, I think we really need to stand behind the trappers on this that they have all the rights that they do right now. You make ask why? Have you ever seen what happens to a shoreline after a beaver takes all the willows off of it? Hope to see you all at the workshops! Fishnut

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    June 13th Winona—-Winona Middle school–1570 Homer Rd.
    June 14th Wabasha—-Wabasha/Kellogg High school
    June 16th PDC Wis.—Prairie du Chein High school
    June 21st Savanna, Ill—House of Events
    June 22nd Stoddard, Wis–American Legion post 315
    June 23rd Onalaska, Wis–Onalaska middle school
    July 12th Lansing, IA—Lansing(Kee) High school
    July 14th Cassville, Wis—Cassville high school

    People planning on going are asked to please try to register 3 days prior to respective workshop. 120 person max. if we go over that than they will scedule another for that area.
    You may register 3 ways:
    1.) call 1-888-291-5719, leave a message with your name, phone #, and workshop choice(s)
    2.) call 507-452-4232 during regular business hours and speak with live person.
    3.) send an email to, [email protected]

    All workshops are from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
    We will be broken into groups to work on specific issues and put together a recommendation and present it to refuge staff at the end of the night.
    These are the important ones to attend. Please come out and support your opinion. If you have any questions just reply here.

    Eric Ronningen

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Support Plan A

    I went to the Bass Tracker Dealer on French Island today and picked up some literature and bumper stickers. “Support Plan A” is the plan that does nothing for now until a better proposal can be put to gether.
    I have e-mailed all of my representatives for both the state and federal governments.

    Here is what I sent.

    ” Dear ____
    I am writting to you in regards to the proposals for the upper mississippi river. Although I am concerned about the environment and the condition of this great resource. I do not believe the solution is contained in the proposals submitted. Except for one. Plan A, which is to do nothing.
    I agree that some changes need to be made. But none of the proposals contain the correct changes, nor do any of them spell out how any of it would be enforced or how the enforcement would be funded.

    In my opinion, the things that need to be changed or implimented are as follows.

    1) 25 shotshell limit for waterfowl hunters.
    2) Minimum distance of 100 yards between hunters.
    3) Licensing for boat operators.
    4) Usage fees or permits for boat engine ratings over 100 horsepower.
    5) removal of fishing “floats” or barges that exploit the resources for personal profit.

    I hope for now you can at least lend your support to Plan A until such time as a better solution can be found.”

    Posts: 54

    I agree support plan A!!!!! These educated guesses and projected financial estimations are fuzzy math at best. What the conservationalist want to do is have full controll of all islands, beaches, and land pertaining to the mississippi river system, use our future increased liscensing fees on boats and hunting\fishing liscences to tell us we can’t use the river. I have spent some time reviewing there impossible claims ex: remove invasive plants and animals- basically they claim they can remove the zebra mussels if we just can raise fees\taxes. This is what is ment when other members say “a better explanation of there plans” This is serious folks! Get involved please. We might have a chance to stop the government from building another toll road, except this time it’s on the river and we won’t be able to use it.

    Posts: 649


    4) Usage fees or permits for boat engine ratings over 100 horsepower.

    While were being discriminatory why don’t we just make a “usage fee” for people with more than two vowels in their last name that fish on Tuedays and Thursdays before 11:00 and after 3:00 with funny hats on.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    How did this turn out for all the folks down that way?

    Did it end up as bad as it originally sounded?

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