Best quote ever…and from an IDA Member!

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I’m was about to kick my wife out on her ear, since she’s been home recovering for the last 6 or so weeks. Then I came across Emovers post and it made me think ….


    as it is amazing how many things we take for granted that our spouses do around home, until they can’t do them.

    That’s so true…although I might change it slightly to “how we take our spouses for granted.”

    I thought that was one of the best thoughts I’ve heard in awhile… and I thought i would quote him.

    Emover, To you and your soul mate!

    I may have to get a new sponsor picture.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    You better be carefull there Bud or that good lookin gal [your wife] may be stoppin on you in that can next time.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Have you heard of the new Divorce Barbie doll? She comes with all of Kens things.

    Rogers, Minnesota
    Posts: 128


    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317


    You better be carefull there Bud or that good lookin gal [your wife] may be stoppin on you in that can next time.

    Bill, who did you THINK was in that can?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    All I said was…with all those damn shoes…you have…I could have bought a new boat…..

    Alright…some people ask me how we stay married for so long…and I say it’s been easy….

    On our wedding day…I took her picture and carried it in my wallet…anytime I though about straying…I just pulled out the picture…

    But after about 5 or so years of doing this…it wasn’t working too well so I figured I better do something…so…

    I went home…gathered up all my toys and placed them in the front yard of our house. Took a picture of that…with my wife in the forefront of the picture…worked great for about 12 years…then I started to worry…so I pulled out the picture will all my toys…and tore it in two…and through the portion with my wife out…cause if I strayed…THAT’S ALL I WOULD HAVE LEFT…

    Half the house, half the toys…and no wife…

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Yep, never forget;
    What’s her’s is her’s, and what’s your’s is her’s.
    Briank, is this the same lady who bought you your 4 wheeler last winter?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Awwww Herb….you didn’t have to go and bring that up….did you….

    I ‘spose she can sit around for another couple weeks….

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Yes, spouses are usually under appreciated. I try to tell my wife everyday how much she means to me and how much I appreciate what she does.

    Red Wing
    Posts: 28

    Now THIS is what I’m talking about! You guys ROCK! It does my heart good to read about how much you value your wives and all the “behind the scenes” things they do for you. I love it when my husband recognizes what I do around the home to keep his life “hassle-free.”

    It reminds me of a story my mom told me… One day she came into their bedroom to find my dad sitting on the edge of the bed in tears. When she asked what was wrong, he said that he FINALLY realized that every day he finds clean socks in his drawer and has NEVER once thanked her for doing his laundry. (My mom must have thought that an ALIEN had taken over my dad’s body )

    I’m telling ya… it’s that kind of stuff that just melts a girl’s heart. Apparently it does something for the guys too… last week I looked into my husband’s eyes and told him how much I appreciated all the hard work he does earning a living for our family.
    (I think I detectd a slight tear in the corner of his eye.)

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    FM’s…I give my wife A LOT of greif…not only on line but in person…fact is…when things get tough…for whatever reason…sickness, touble of one thing or another…we become one…
    I really couldn’t tell you who supports who…

    Someone smiled on me the day we met…for what reason…I haven’t a clue!

    Ok..’nuff mushy stuff… I have to go wake up the wife,,,she needs to bring in some wood for the fire…I’m getting cold!

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Briank, just what is your SPONSOR doing in that photo?
    Pic is a bit too dark to see very well.
    I don’t have a sponsor. More like a corrections occifer.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Herb, that was taken in the morning. It was a day when I didn’t see things her way…and she’s just making sure…I would “come around”.

    Fishing Machine
    Lansing, Ia
    Posts: 810

    And when you don’t have a spouse around to tell you or you tell them all those nice things you sure as heck miss it.

    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495

    Yes, we should tell our better halfs how much they do mean to use. I know before the move out here, David and I were in a rut and didn’t see it until recently. With him not being able to come out here until he gets his transfer, it has made me see alot. I never thought I’d miss him as much as I am………….the hardest time is at night once the kids leave for the day and their is no one to talk to but the cats, heck, can’t even turn the TV on to pass the time, no reception out here – oh well, I guess thats part of being a river rat. So, yes, tell that person you love that how much you love them and all the things they do for you, because you never know when it’s going to be gone.

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    Thanks BrianK, I was just typing what came to mind, as my mind didn’t really focus very well on much till this weekend. As Mary and Cheri said you don’t appreciate until you don’t have. I know I just lost my composure when I saw LuAnn in recovery just after surgery, and there was nothing I could do to help her extreme pain, and yet I was so thankful she was still with me, and was going to get better. It took my future Daughter-in-law to keep me from breaking down completely, so I could dry my eyes, and walk out of the ICU. I think I will remember to say Thanks! a lot more often in the future.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I don’t know why that is Emover…I’ve talked with many folks that went into the ICU after a loved one had by-pass surgery…all of them said the same thing…whether it was a guy/gal/father/son ect. All were moved in a “very shaking” way. Including myself.

    I say…thank you for your post…It reminded me to stop, smell and give my “Rose” a hug!

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