Would you be mad?

  • fishahollik
    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    I stopped into Lonerock bar/bait today to get some willowcats. I asked for 3 dozen. I paid for 3 dozen (24 bucks) The woman who sold them to me even exclaimed. “you got one extra but thats ok” > Well when I got back to my dads to split them with him (he wanted some also) I found out that I only got 29 willowcats. Last time I knew 3 dozen was 36. Seems I got shafted. I guess I shoulda counted them before I left but I don’t make it a practice to question peoples honesty. I guess I will have to start counting minnows and nightcrawlers before I leave the bait shop. Its a long drive from La Crosse down there so I don;t plan on running back to complain. Would any of you be mad?

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    If you cant tell…..I am NOT happy.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Maybe she meant that you got one more than the last guy she shafted .

    Just kidding (Sorry I couldn’t resist) !!!!!! yes I guess I would be mad, especially @ $.67 a willow. Perhaps it was an honest mistake? Either way it was not good service and ticked off a good customer. Take a look at the bright side your fishing ……..Good luck

    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1093

    Maybe it was an honest mistake.
    Besides, how many times have you bought a dozen fat heads and got exactly a dozen? I never have.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    While reading the posts in this thread, I was ready to say yes, I’d be mad, even though it may have been an honest mistake.
    But then I got to chamberschamps post and it certainly put a new light on things.
    At least give them another chance. If it happens again, then I’d look elsewhere for bait.

    United States
    Posts: 1434

    I would calmly go in there on your next trip, explain what happened the last time and say if it ever happens again, they will never see you again. Amazing what response you will get if you threaten to discontinue patronizing them.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4525

    Or call down and tell her what happened. You might get a free dozen next time.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    Fat heads are one thing at $3.25 per scoop! A few extra or short is no big deal. But Cats? I would be mad, especially as how she said she was counting them, and you got one extra! I would let her know, and collect a few extra next time.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    I might get a little angry, however, it would not drive me mad, I have a wife for that! Just kiddin’ I Da’ Woman, just kiddin’ honest.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    If I had the number I woulda called

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Have you bought bait there before?? And how were you treated? If you’ve been treated well in the past then maybe it was a honest error.
    Last year during our opener I was buying 4 dozen minnows from a bait shop and watched as the guy doing it counted every single one of that I got.I told him if he ever counted my bait(minnows)like that again it would be the last time I bought from them.I was nice about it and he was to,but it was a very slow and boring process to watch.
    Ryan Hale

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    A call would be good and nicely ask if she can add a few next time, and am sure they will tell you to mention it to her when you come in again, and they will make it good. if they don’t, they don’t need your business.
    By the way, HOW was the fishing using them Willows???? what were you fishing for and how did it go. I’m more interested in a fish story, pics are a bonus.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Now that I have calmed down some. Let me answer some additional stuff thats been asked.
    1) this is the first time I have ever been there for bait or any reason. I have driven past it many times.
    2) if it were fat heads or crappie minnows at 3 bucks a doz its no biggie. Were talking almost a buck a piece for these critters.
    3) with gas prices at 2.20 a gal its not feasable to drive down to complain in person. I don’t have their number or I’d call. Information charges for info. Thats self defeating as I have already lost money.
    4)You can be SURE I will mention it next time I am down that way, whether for bait or any other reason.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    Give em’ heck next time. Bu7t don’t lose sleep over it. Lifes to short to worry about the little things.

    Posts: 14

    If I ran out of bait I would be. If I ended up dumping them on the ground then not so much.:) Exactly what is a willowcat?

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941


    Go to D&J Riversports from now on in Onalaska…They are good people and won’t you over

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    D&J Riversports rocks They also have a store in LaCrosse Wade.

    Dave G
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 631

    About a dozen years ago this started happening to me at a local bait shop that I had been going to for years. Their scoops of fatheads got so small, they were about as big as a tablespoonful — needless to say I have never bought bait there again.

    In retrospect, there was a new guy doing the bait and I should have said something at the time instead of just not shopping there anymore. It is amazing how the size of a scoop of minnows can make, or break, a bait business.

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