Oil Injected OMC motors

  • souleman
    Posts: 10

    I was on a different fishing web site and the question of which was better, oil injected motors vs. 4 stroke. I have a 1993 40h Evinrude with oil injection and I have had no problems. Has anybody out there had any problems with their oil injected motors and what type of problems?

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    I have a 1998 150hp Johnson, and have had no problems with it.

    Posts: 337

    I have a 2002 mercury 40hp oil injected motor and i have had one probleme with it. That was it started leaking oil all over the bottom of my engine compartment. Glade i got the extended warranty cause this happended just after the factory warranty ran out, They ended up putting a new oil pump in. somthing was bad with the pump and it just started leaking. Anyone else have this problem with the Mercury 2002 40hp 3 clylinder engine? If so let me know please.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    There were probelms with the mid to late 80’s Johnson VRO systems. You could go out to google and do a search for more info.

    A lot of guys just dsconnected the VRO pumps and pre-mixed the oil/gas…. probelm solved.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1630

    yep i have a vro and she’s strictly pre-mix , had a mariner with oil injection blew up, got starved of oil from the tank. but the new ones i do not think you have to worry about them but could be wrong..

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