I really want to hear a “Netter” defend the practice! If someone tells me they do it because of what the “White Man” did to them I’ll puke!
Are you looking for someone to defend the practice, or their right to do it?
Maybe I should just stay out of this one….. (tiptoes back to Iowa forum).
It is not the practice persay. You and I can go out and net bait, whitefish when in season. But to net hundreds of thousands of pounds of fish per capita is outrageous! If the NA’s want to preserve their heritage, and pass this way of fishing on to their young, do it with limits like we do. How many children do you see in the netting boats? But as we all know, that is not what this is all about! It is about money!
Another thing for you all to ponder, and feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
Do the NA’s have to abide by speed limits while on our roads or reservation roads? Yes. Were there speed limits back when the treaties were signed? Did anyone have the foresight that we would need them in the future? No.
Do the NA’s have the right to gather food from stores on or off the res. without paying for it? No.
Do the NA’s have to use our money to purchase goods and services on and off the Res.? Yes. Back in the day, they could barter and trade. Not today. WHy? Because things CHANGE!
These are all examples of things that are bound by rules and regulations that did not exist when these treaties were signed. So how is it that they can pick and choose what laws to follow, and which do not apply? The NA’s never took the volume of fish in the day of the treaties as they do now, and we arguably take much less per capita! Every other Minnesotan can take only 4 fish from a assigned slot limit from Lake Mille Lacs for instance, while a netter can take about 2000? Where is the justice?
What would happen if we all decided we were going to throw gill nets into the lake and do it ourselves? I never gave up the right to net! What do you think would happen to me? They would have to use my argument of limits against me! Against ME! Not the NA’s! So Gianni, I guess the answer to your question is that the right without proper limits is what I am concerned with.