I agree a class action suit ! We want our money back. Let’s see 25 YEARS of paying for Licenses $1500.00 Lund $29000 boat, $10,000 Fishing gear at least. All of our Boat/trailer Registration fees , Fish house licenses, Trout stamps , “MEASURING TAPES” for us few that like to keep A walleye for a dinner or shore lunch or 2. YES I FEEL THE LAKES HAVE BEEN STRIPPED NAKED
JLDII , Yes the WESTERN Wisconsin bands have desamated the walleye.s here to, just like Mille Lac’s.. Last summer my Brother and I went to your what should be one of the greatest walleye lakes in the state.. We fished the flats , reefs, points , weeds, 9:00 am to 4;30 pm )”0″(eye’s), 9 Smalley’s, 15 Perch. July 8th 2004 my bro’s and I’s birthday 5 hours drive round trip.. Hey well have to add that to the CLASS ACTION for “GAS and wear and tear on our towing Vehicles and boats, If the BAND can get free TAX PAYER BOATS. For the miss information on netting/spearing and extreme regulations our Government has estowed upon us, Maybe us sportsmen should get a tax brake on all of the above items and more.
Attached picture is from pool 4 a nice sauger that went back in the water by the man Idaer’s know as “RIVEREYES”