Actual Quotes from Psych Unit

  • DasBoot3
    St Peter MN
    Posts: 37

    A Few from work,
    1. Nah nah I aint that stoopid.

    2. I don’t know if I know.

    3. Bad change is not good.

    4. Well, zero IS better than nothing.

    5. It’s not lying when you say it that way!

    6. It’s not a real sport unless gasoline is involved.

    7. There aint no future in yer fronting.

    8. It’s always a bad thing when people be using their own judgement.

    9. Don’t be infringing on my right to get angry.

    10. Even Heathens have feelings man.

    11. Life without chocolate is far far too terrible to contemplate.

    12. At the end of a 30 minute ratting out of room mate – “anyway I’m not involved”

    13. We will be until here until we leave.
    Written on a envelope for a outside pizza order;
    “HERE IS THE$15.00 IN THE $15.00 IS $13.00 TO GIVE TO THE DELIVERY MAN, IN THE $13.00 IS A $1.00 TIP I WANT $2.00 BACK FROM 15.00. THANK YOU

    My all time favorite

    Don’t be giving me that intellectual psychological **** either.

    I think my book could build the story behind each quote.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Get busy db3!

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    Das Boot 3 you are going to get yourself obligated to writing a book if you aren’t careful.

    I knew a psych tech who talked for years about writing a book debunking the whole “multiple personality disorder” diagnosis as a myth. Everybody would say “yeah, yeah, whatever.” Then one day he shows me the whole, I don’t know how many hundred page, thing. I think he actually got it published too!


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