Horsepower Limit

  • Wadsworth
    Posts: 255


    The two points that I think cover this issue are this,

    The biggest problem with wakes, poor driving, etc, generally come from the Tuna boats, no question whatsoever.

    The other point you made about cleaning up the environment is definately a valid one, and I for one agree, however, I will bet you my next paycheck that my 135 Optimax emits far less pollution than the 90 hp carburated 2 stroke running next to my boat, yet my 135 opti would be banned under your idea, and the stinky 90 would be perfectly legal.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    I didn’t mean for this to pizz off so many people. There will always be exceptions…Im done with all are right, I must be wrong because I don’t see it your way.

    And by the way…The Coast Guard rating fo horsepower for a boat has absolutely nothing to do with the actual horsepower…it was started as a means to limit the size (physical weight) of the engine on a boat because its the largest motor the boat can handle and still have level flotation when swamped. This too should be revised due to the differing weights from 2 stroke to 4 stroke.

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