EFN Get Together Thank You

  • Dave G
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 631

    I just wanted to say “thank you” to all the people who worked on the “EFN Get Together”. You guys did a super job organizing it, plus all the food was excellent – although I believe I put on a few extra pounds. By the way, whoever did the fish, could you post exactly how you prepared and cooked them – they were delicious.

    I had to leave at 5 PM so I did not get to stay for any of the prizes, but I am sure they were also appreciated.

    Thanks again,
    Dave Gulczinski

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Just like the BB/BS Day the FTR Get Together was great. Lots of people, got to meet alot of people from the message board, made alot of new friends and the food was fantastic. Those cooks can really cook. Everts Resort had plenty of room as its about twice as big as it use to be plus four ramps. There were great prizes and tons of tackle and food “Thanks” to all of the great sponsors and hard work put in by James and Steve H., EFN Owners. Its really a great feeling to belong to , in a small way, to a great group of guys [EFN] and the ”Message Board ” group of guys who really care about people and fishing and lasting friendships. Thanks Guys and Gals. Bill and Nate Cadwell

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Thank you EFN for a great weekend, it was nice to see old friends again and meet new ones. My daughter just loves her new tackle box with the built in radio, that kid was all smiles and very proud of her new tackle box, the look on her face was priceless On the way home she wanted to know when we were going to go fishin again so she could try it out My faimily and I are already looking forward to next year! Thanks again to everyone at EFN and all the volentears for making the Get together possible!

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    This past weekend was a great success! The BB&BS gathering went just great…..the FTR get-together on Saturday was a great finish to a great weekend for all. I enjoyed the smiles on the kids, the best was watching them get interviewed by KAAL TV I think…….Thanks Hawg for giving me the opportunity to catch some fish on Saturday, it was great fishing with you.

    Thanks James, Steve and all the staff that helped put this great weekend together. And a special thanks to Steve Vick of Everts Resort for allowing this to take place at his place. He handled this event very well,

    I would recommend Everts to anyone going to pool 4 / Red Wing……THANK YOU

    Iowa, Davenport
    Posts: 144

    Let me second Bobbers commments.

    Kensyl Reading——-EFN ProStaff
    OL’ Miss Guide Service

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Ditto to all the above comments! I want to thank James and Steve for giving Everts Resort the chance to host this event. Everything went smoothly (as planned of course!). I must say, the BB/BS event was absolutely the best part of the weekend! Those kids were on cloud 9! Watching these kids get interviewed by tv cameras was truly amazing! They will never forget that day as long as they live! A big thanks to all who donated the rods, tackle boxes and tackle. The kids were having a blast just going through their tackle boxes at the end of the day looking at all the stuff they had. I also have to thank Pete, Shirley, Charlie, Kenny, and Yvonne. They are all people who helped me out so much… before, during and after the get together! My girlfriend Amber was a great help running the bait shop while I organized people parking and helped out with all the other things! One last person I have to thank is Jack Weber, the owner of Everts Resort. People give me all the credit for this resort making a complete 180 in the last year, but without all his hard work and dedication to providing a great fishing resort to the people, Everts would be nothing! His main concern is to make sure people have a good time and enjoy their stay here. Thanks again to everyone!!! You all know who you are!

    Doug Ertl
    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 957

    Sheri and I thank all the EFN Staff, Everts resort (Steve and the staff did a fantastic job. The perfect spot for this event) It was great meeting all you FTR’ers and FTL’ers. We sure do have a great bunch of guys on this web community. It was an absolute blast. It was really cool seeing those kids with big smiles hauling those stringers of fish around. Looking forward to next year already.

    Posts: 199

    I’ll add my thanks, too. The weekend was fabulous all around and it was mainly due to the efforts of a lot of people, including the gang at Everts, James, Steve, Hawger, the guides who volunteered their time and efforts and fishing abilities and everyone else who participated in the Friday event, plus the folks who showed up for the party Saturday.

    What a great group of people!


    Prior Lake
    Posts: 79

    I have to agree with all the above posts – thanks to everyone who organized, contributed and helped with the get together – it was a blast. It seems to get a little bigger every year and a whole lot more fun every year. It was a pleasure meeting many of the members of this great site – i am proud to be a member. Thanks again!!! I figure i might be fully recovered by Tuesday!

    South St. Paul, Mn.
    Posts: 401

    It was a great event starting with Friday morning and the BB/BS event and continuing through Sunday morning. Even the mosquitos did not get too much of my thinned out blood although I did feel a bit sluggish in the morning yesterday.
    Thanks to James , Steve , Evert’s and Steve and all the new friends I made. I even caught one of those smallies off the dock yesterday morning.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I am sending in a HUGE “Thank You” from my tribe, commonly refered to by most as the “TLO” (Short for Tuckner Liberation Organization.) The kids had a blast, and really appreciated the tackle boxes and lures. My little terrorists set up shop at home yesterday, and played the trading game all day. My daughter ended up with the short end of the stick as usual, but she reasoned she had more room in her tackle box for Barbie stuff! All’s well that ends well! I wish I could have spent more time getting to know all that showed up a little better, but the kids can keep you busy! Great to see all that showed up!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Ditto to all of the above posts. I had a great time. Met a bunch of great folks. Can’t wait till next year.


    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    We had a great time too. See you all again soon. I have some pics put together, if you’d like I can send them to you, Just send me an e-mail at [email protected] and i’ll send it out to ya.

    see attachment for another pic !!


    Clemson, SC
    Posts: 53

    Thank you EFN Staff for the get-together festivities, and all your efforts to keep this website crankin

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402

    I would also like to thank everyone who made this weekend as enjoyable as it could have been. The BB/BS event was great!! This event was a huge success for EFN as a whole, and will only get bigger and better in the years to come.

    I would like to send out a big thank you to Jack Weber and Steve Vick of Everts Resort for the great hospitality they provided for the staff and crew of helpers we had this past weekend.

    The get together itself was for sure a real blast ! It was great to put faces to names and just talk about the one thing we all love and came to share stories about, the great sport of river and lake fishing

    Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1141

    Nice pic. of Gianni. Has anyone heard from him. Maybe the people at the end of the road{nuff said} got him.

    Winona, Minnesota
    Posts: 1073

    James, Steve and all others who contributed,
    THANKS! Great day all around!
    Cannot wait till next year

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Tuck and I were only cooking the fish, Get the recipe for the batter from Richard Smith (aka smitty).Heat the oil to 350 degrees and roll the fish in the batter of your choice and slowly drop them into the oil, Carefull not to get your fingers to close! When they start to float their done. I usually use Shore Lunch and Tuck uses somthin’ else. GOOD LUCK!

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    We survived the excursion, though I will not asking ProT to borrow a hat anytime soon.

    Owatonna Mn 55060
    Posts: 174

    Thanks All !!
    New Faces, New Friends, Happy Kids, What more could a man ask for. “THANK YOU” to all who stepped up to bat when asked to do tasks, that made the event go so smooth, that it was over way to soon . This event will be one that I will remember for a long, long time. Can hardley wait to start working on the next !

    Richard (Smitty)

    Keep a tight line !!!

    Austin, Mn
    Posts: 77

    I’d also like to thank everyone involved in making this happen. What a blast! I’ve been to all 3 FTR get togethers and they just keep getting better. I really liked being able to camp on site also. It’s nice to be able to enjoy a couple of cold ones without the worry of towing a boat home afterwords. It was great to see some old friends again and meet some new ones. I’m already looking forward to next year!

    Brian Lyons
    Posts: 894

    Hey Bob, it was a pleasure meeting you Sat. nite. I enjoyed talking with you and I’m sure BFD did also, although he hasn’t been seen since lying down for a nap Sunday afternoon ……B

    Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1141

    Yea I had fun talking to Bob. Maybe someday someone will tell me all the details I don”t remember.

    Austin, Mn
    Posts: 77

    Speaking of missing details, I wonder how that road trip that a few of the guys took turned out. I was glad to see that Ford truck parked back at Everts the next morning but haven’t heard any details. Maybe they don’t remember either! LOL! We won’t mention any names. You guys fish pool 4 often? We’ll have to hook up sometime. I go south to Winona or LaCross once in a while but not often. Looking forward to next time.


    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    Little late getting on here but what the heck. Thanks for the get together. You are all good people. I have never taken part of something that fantastic and have it cost me nothing. It was free and a few people busted their butts to make it work. The events were fun, the food fantastic and the company great. I would and am recommending Everts Resort to everyone I get the chance to. A great place to stay and again, friendly people. Thanks Steve for the great deal on the bunk.

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