kirk moe Algona,IowaPosts: 137 March 30, 2005 at 3:32 am #1246140 New to my brother and I. The bro and I are gearing up for our first year on the GNWC together Should be a great season.
skhartke Somerset, WIPosts: 1416 March 30, 2005 at 3:37 pm #353483 Nice looking rig! I’m sure you and your brother will have a ball this year! Good luck!
chappy Hastings, MNPosts: 4854 March 30, 2005 at 7:08 pm #353545 Looks good for another tin boat ,Huh buckshot?
kirk moe Algona,IowaPosts: 137 March 31, 2005 at 3:54 am #353717 Thanks guys. Chappy buckshot will two be at the summer gtg?
Brian KlawitterKeymaster Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi RiverPosts: 60012 March 31, 2005 at 6:19 am #353748 Pretty snazzy there Moe!