In response to the lack of courtesy topic!

  • BomberA
    Posts: 649

    On days like this past Saturday on Pool 4 when there is an army of boats hovering in an area doing their jigging thing, is it proper to slow down to no-wake, reduce your speed a little, or just stay on pad and bob & weave.

    Also, when people are in the middle of the channel, do people get mad when you don’t slow down and go by. I usually slow down a little in the high traffic areas, but then I throw a bigger wake and I’m sure people get mad about that. Any thoughts?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Courtesy???? I didn’t much on the River Sat Morning.
    I was with Fireman1217 and Walleye-Brat….Fireman’s first spring experience on pool 4….well needless to say I was shocked.
    We were pitching a shoreline and we had 2 boats cut between us and shore….a Pro V with 4 guys and an alumicraft with dad and 2 kids….it was obvious what we were doing and both boats were close enough I could have flipped my jig into their boat. I couldn’t believe it.
    I bit my tongue and just moved on but how frustrating when I am showing a newbie pool 4 to have people pull stuff like that.

    As for your boat wake question….I would say even though it was a ways up to the dam through the crowd slow no/limited wake is your best bet. I did see the DNR out there just as we were leaving around 11:15 and I would bet they will ticket you for going too fast through boats, I have heard of this happening in “the gap” on Winnie during the opener when the boats are piled up in there.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 13

    Wisconsin’s regulations state: you can’t operate the boat
    at speed greater than reasonable, can’t create a hazardous
    wake or wash, and the operator is responsible for all
    damage.” It’s just common courtesy. I slow to no-wake
    when I approach another boat that is closer than 100 ft.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872


    It’s just common courtesy.

    And it’s just common sense. Do onto others…

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 174

    The problem is that common sense isn’t so common anymore.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Ya know it happens every spring! I would say that if you know it’s nice out and there are going to be a gazillion boats out there and your gonna get Pi**ed off at it….. Don’t go that day or go down river or move closer to shore out of the channel. Myself ,I slow down, but ya know there are others that aren’t.It does absolutly no good to complain about it…….Because it happens every year!

    Saint Paul
    Posts: 156

    I wouldn’t expect anyone to slow for me if I am fishing in the main river channel. I would hope that anyone traveling through the main river channel would navigate at a reasonable distance from me, if possible.

    The area below the dam is different than the main channel and I think normal lake courtesy would apply. The lock side of the river is the channel so you can motor through that area. If you fish in there, then expect some wake…

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Hi Chappy….I was way below the dam…there wasn’t a single boat in “the spot”(you know the one)and in a matter of 30 minutes after starting our pitching…heck you’d a thought I threw a marker out…it was like we were magnatized drawing everyone and their brother to us.

    Next trip…I am going to toss a bait caster with 20 pound test and a daredevil in the boat…just in case.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    I used to fish with a guy on Mille Lacs that liked to carry a few softballs in his boat, and when a boat got too close he would wing it there way. Made a good point, but not the smartest thing in the world. I agree that it is getting worse and worse. All a guy can do is do it the right way and not worry about others with not respect. Same with cleaning up after yourself and not leaving trash etc. We can only control ourselves.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Yeah, I know the spot, But like I said, People don’t know curtousy!(SP?) Face it, If they want to go there there going to do it with speed and or not even bother asking. I guess I’m just a nice guy who gives way to IDIOTS like that! As far as them cutting in front,they must have been awefully shallow!!

    Fort Atkinson , WI
    Posts: 281

    Reasonable distance. THAT’S just it. If I’m fishing in a heavy traffic area I expect to rocked by boat wakes – not apreciated but I know that I’m likely in for a good pounding when I fish areas like that. I can live with that. When it gets to be too much , I find less heavy traffic areas or head home.

    It’s the guys who go rippin by within casting distance when there’s plenty of room to pass further away. It’s happened quite a few times to me this spring so far.
    I just don’t get what the big hurry is for these guys. I mean I enjoy rippin down the river just as much as the next guy but I’ll always slow down and stay as far away as possible from guys out fishing. So what if you have to slow down for a short distance while manuvering through or past a group of boats especialy smaller boats.

    Sure this is an anual thing and griping about it aint worth a pinch in the end but the lack of consideration by some will never cease to bother me. It has to be a lack of consideration or ignorance. Either way, some folks out there just don’t have a clue.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    I went by a guy last friday that was fishing in the channel and he gave me the “your number one” salute. He was on the red can side of the channel, I went way wide and went past him on the green can side. I didn’t slow down (36mph) but I make less wake on top than if I slow down. Plus I was over a 100 yds away. Wait til the jet ski’s get out there.

    In a big crowd, I try to go slow and cause very little wake. Way too many people blow by with no regard for others.

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