NCAA Frozen Four (All WCHA)

  • kurt-turner
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 691

    Anyone fired up for the upcoming Frozen Four? The best part is the first 2 games are HUGE rivals. Denver vs CC and Minn vs No. Dakota. April 7 seems like months away but it’ll provide time for some wounds to heal…. Go Gophers! Seems like the perfect excuse to upgrade to a big screen TV…… Always need an excuse right? Kurt

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1654

    Oh yeah….I am fired up for it. Already making plans as to which bar we are going out to watch the game at!!

    In the infamous words of my uncle that is an NDSU alum……”Sioux Suck!!”

    GO GOPHERS!!!!!

    Shakopee, MN
    Posts: 858

    Being a hockey player and a Badger fan, this is going to be a good frozen four, but I really don’t know who to cheer for. I am putting my money on North Dakota and Denver in the final.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    This sure was a fun weekend of hockey. What a job by all of the WCHA teams to advance.(Sorry Wisconsin) I was lucky enough to attend the Maine/Minnesota game and all that I can say is that is had to be one of the best hockey games I have ever been able to watch. Up and down action, and great goaltending on both sides. I think this Frozen Four could go to any of the 4 teams left, and it should make for some exciting games.
    Go GOPHERS! (especially if Hirsch can make it back into the lineup)

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 214

    Buckshot..tell your uncle “NDSUCKS” from a UND alumni. Im in a bind every time this happens…I graduated from UND but still cheer for the Gophers. I’ll have to wear my Gopher hat and UND jersey. I did this a couple of years ago when I went to the games during the season….they tied both nights!!!

    Posts: 2294

    The Gophers will have their work cut out for them in Columbus. NHL size rink, which is a sure advantage for the clutch and grab teams.

    We’ve won 2 of the last 3 NCAA Championships, if we win it again this year, will that make us a DYNASTY?


    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    I am sooooo fired up I can’t controll myself! Oops, now I have to wipe!
    Seriously, anybody that knows anything about hockey has to be fired up for this! What match-ups!
    I see MN losing to CC in the final. But just to be in the final 4 with 10 Freshmen is AWESOME! Way to go Gophs!

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416


    We’ve won 2 of the last 3 NCAA Championships, if we win it again this year, will that make us a DYNASTY?


    It seems to work in the NFL!

    Posts: 1531

    Gophers all the Way! Need a little luck but if they play the way they started the year it can happen! what worries me is how well ND is playing

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    Why can’t every weekend be like this last one, hockey! hockey! hockey! Goooooooooooo Gooooooooophers!!!!!

    Posts: 2294

    I think N.D. is a good match up for the Gophers. In the end, I think it will come down to N.D.’s penalty kill versus our power play to decide the winner.


    Southeast MN
    Posts: 691

    10 awfully talented freshman that should make for an exciting 3 more years. Not to mentioned there incoming recruits………

    In a one game “winner takes all” the best goalie almost ALWAYS wins, can anyone say there’s a goalie hotter then Briggs? I don’t think so….. I hate the two week delay. These young testosterone laiden studs could light it up on 2 days rest.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    I agree with the ND comments. I would have much rather played them earlier in the year! But this is what makes it exciting! I really didn’t think the Gophs would have done all that well with the mid season slump they had, and injuries and all. With Hagemo healthy, and Hirsch, if he has his head screwed back on is ready, we should really be hot! I hope they play Atherton as well. He has playoff experience, and is a hard hitter! Playing ND, we are going to need some of that.

    God, I can’t wait! I can see the line “I have an eye infection, and can’t see coming to work today” coming into use!




    Yeahhhhh Gophers!

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    What time do they play Thur. next week?

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 691

    Thursday, April 7

    CC vs Denver 1:00 p.m., CST,
    Gophers vs Sioux 6:00 p.m., CST.

    Definitely can feel a sore throat coming on…… Need lots of cold refreshments to make it feel better….

    Cottage Grove, Minn
    Posts: 1551

    I may have to take time out from my busy retirement schedule and watch that game….

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    WCHA is ALOT better across the board than the other confrences. The east has Maine and Boston, central has Mich and Lake Sue St. Almost every team in the wcha is tough. Badgers will be there again next season. They improved from last year. Doesnt matter who wins as long as we can keep the Nat champ trophy in the wcha.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    I thought the Gophers had the youngest team in College hockey, but WI took that honor. Sconnie is going to be tough next year. The NHL will never have anything on college hockey!

    Minot, ND
    Posts: 146

    The Goophers are TOAST!

    In the immortal words of Carl Spackler “Pay no attention to that bush, moving around over by that tree, it’s just a bush. Nothing to look twice at. Nothing to be alarmed about. This looks like it could be gravy. I smell varmint poontang, and the only good varmint poontang is dead varmint poontang. Freeze Gopher!”


    United States
    Posts: 1434

    I can’t believe that the NCAA hockey feds did not line up the finals in St. Paul so the Gophs would have home ice throughout.

    Owatonna, MN
    Posts: 33

    Didn’t Michigan, Boston College and Boston have home ice?! This is going to be at least the 4th year in a row the NCAA champion is going to be from the WCHA, this league dominates! The Gophers are going to be awesome next year with all the experience this large freshmen class is getting, in addition to the greatest american born hockey player prospect joining the team next year, from Madison, Wisconsin no less! I hope everything turns out alright for Tyler Hirsch and he resumes playing. This shows the tremendous pressure a gopher hockey player undergoes with all the glorified history of this team. Go Gophers!!!

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 691

    rmartin – and your point is? Don’t tell me you think winning 2 games in overtime is a home ice advantage…. I’m not buying it, they earned their wins fair and square. How bad did they out shoot Cornell and it still went to overtime… Think before you type…..

    Posts: 2294

    Does N.D. have any kids on their team from N.D.? Seems all their success comes from the efforts of kids from Minnesota, and young men from Canada.

    Minot, ND
    Posts: 146

    Now Jack…I’m sure somwhere in the UND Mission Statement it says something about DIVERSITY and all that jazz. We are just being politically correct up here by providing a good education to all the fine young lads from Melfort, Thunder Bay, Swift Current, Warroad, etc.

    Actually, the Fighting Sioux’s 2004-2005 Roster lists 7 Canadians, 7 Minnesotans, and 6 NoDaks.

    Diversity Jack…Diversity! LET’S GO SIOUX!

    Posts: 2294

    I hear ya Jim!

    I guess the only thing that bothers me is when a team has a bunch of 21-23 year old freshmen that have been playing Canadian Jr. leagues for 5-6 years before they join the college ranks. In some ways, I’d like to see the NCAA restrict the number of non-american players allowed on scholarship at any one time. Seems to me the tax payers of any state would prefer to send their own kids to school, as opposed to giving those limited opportunities to foriegners.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    If you want home ice, you need to bid on the regional. The Gophers do that. If you want to complain about the Gophers playing on home ice, you may want to complain to the athletic department of your school. They have every opportunity to bid on it as well.
    I think Briggs played solidly, if not spectacularly. Parise is as hot as any goalie going right now, and the Gophers will have to get to him early if they have a chance. The return of Goligoski, and Hirsch should certainly help the Gophers power play, but UND is killing the penalty very well right now.
    It should be fun. My wife and I will have to order in for our 10th wedding anniversary (4/7)

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    Seriously! Would anyone really WANT to go to Grand Forks? I mean really! I suppose if you could combine it with spring snow goose hunting, and walleye fishing on Devils Lake. But just to go there to watch hockey? Hockey is better here. It’s at the Ex anyway, right?

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    It’s in Columbus, OH. On the campus of Ohio State University. They always play the WCHA Final Five at the EX. That is it’s permanent site, but the NCAA Frozen Four is held at locations around the US.

    United States
    Posts: 1434


    rmartin – and your point is? Don’t tell me you think winning 2 games in overtime is a home ice advantage…. I’m not buying it, they earned their wins fair and square. How bad did they out shoot Cornell and it still went to overtime… Think before you type…..

    And you think they would have won these games in less favorable surroundings?

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