Lack of Courtesy

  • adexecutiv
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 13

    I’m a relatively new member, but I sure enjoy this site
    and all the input from the pros. Friday, we were drifting
    with six other boats below Dresbach when four guys in a flat
    boat boars right through the middle of all of us at max wake. Half an hour later, a lone fisherman in a big Lund,
    sponsored by Gander Mt. & Northern Battery does the same
    thing, and he’s only 30 ft. from my boat. They both had the
    entire river to go around us to get to the position they
    wanted. I see no reason for this conduct. I see it as
    total lack of courtesy for other fishermen. This site
    promotes Catch & Release, but maybe we ought to remind each
    other that concerns for other fishermen is just as important.
    Maybe if we clean up our own members actions we could
    eliminate getting the image some bass clubs have. I know
    we have bass fishermen on this site but we all also know
    that a few turkeys can ruin it for everyone.
    Nough Preach’n.

    United States
    Posts: 1434

    I do not like it either, but this is Spring (and Fall) fishing, so if you want to be out there, I would just try and put up with it. You will just never change some people, but then maybe some of them did not know that they were bothering anyone.

    West Central WI
    Posts: 85

    adman I here ya……I was bobbin around out there with you that day also and 1 of the two boats you mentioned did the same to me and I seen the one with 4 people in it doing the same to others(maybe you) . I dont give a rats if its spring, summer or fall, that is just plain (rude)& wrong. There was plenty of room to go around our boats, not even that many boats around when they did this. I’m glad most of us are not like that, and show a little respect & courtesy towards our fellow fisherman.
    (Swing Wide Please!!)……….Good fishin’…Murf

    Posts: 151

    Yes it happens on the water, . . . and on the highway, . . . and in line at the grocery store.


    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    i was on the float in dresbach on saturday, how did ya do fishing? it was real slow for the most part caught a 10 pound northern and a 8 pounder with a 3 pound walleye i let go. i saw a guy keep a 5-6 pounder walleye and i just wanted to hit him. oh well to each his own. there was a lot of boats out there on saturday

    West Central WI
    Posts: 85

    Hook n Finger…..overall it was a slow bite on dresbach saturday. We caught 12 to 14 small eyes/sauger mix 10″ to 14″ stuff. Nailed a couple of 20s and a 22 later, which made up for the slows……Murf

    big water
    Andover ,MN
    Posts: 291

    this happens alot everywhere and every time of the year not just spring. and i think that it’s not being courtsey it’s stupidity most of the guys don’t know that they are doing it . it’s sad but true… then there are those that do it and don’t care
    so what do you do ? put up with it because you know they are a dumb or put up with it because they know they are a dumb either we are the losers
    sad but true…..

    Posts: 134

    There are always plenty of fish in other spots. People mostly congregate around the dams in the spring but I have had some of my best days spring fishing down river away from the dam. when the dams get packed I move down river and when you find the fish you usually have them to yourself

    Posts: 2294

    One time I had a problem with some guy who thought nothing of zig zagging his way thru the boats at about a quarter throttle, making a huge wake and sending everyone to their knees so as not to go over the side. Everytime people would say something to him, he would just tell them to shut up, they don’t own the river. Finally, one time, when he was at the end of his drift, I positioned my boat so he would come past my stern on his way up river, started my big motor, and trimed it way up. When he got in range, I turned on the shower, and got him real good! Soaked him and his partner, and everything else in that boat. It was a nice day that day, but not nice enough to continue to fish soaked to the skin in good old muddy Mississippi River water!!!

    Posts: 181

    I was fishing at the bottom of lake peppin last summer and the eyes were bitting. There was a good number of boats drifting the same area. I got to the end of the area that I wanted to fish and pulled out and slowly started going up river. Another boat pulls out and starts to follow. He is a little bit agitated at my speed so he goes around me. I got to the spot that I wanted to start my drift again and pulled in line away from the other boats. The other guy pulls in up river from me and starts to drift again. I was using my electric to slow my drift and I was really nailing the fish. The other guy didn’t want to drift that slow and went off to the side of me. On his way by he called me a
    “F-ing prick” and “A$$whole”. At the time I had no idea what I could have done to upset him to that point. My wife was in the boat with me and was frightened to the point that she didn’t want to fish anymore. My wife thought that he was just mad because I was having a real good day and he didn’t seem to have any luck at all. I am not a old time river guy and if I am doing something wrong by drifting to slow or starting my drift before the other guy wanted to start please let me know.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Tater gun-paintballs-punkin launcher, or the convincer-a five boned eye patch. You guys don’t have to put up with that crap.
    And if the boats are creating waves to cause a danger to you or your passengers, and by law it doesn’t matter what part of the river you are on, call the law and turn in their boat numbers.
    I stay as far away from the crowds as I can and don’t seem to be bothered with anything I can’t handle, other than an occasional dickhead and even then I can ussualy strike up a conversation with him and find out he’s not such beener after all and was just in a hurry.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Herb! Tell us how you really feel!

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    I love it JLDII! I don’t know that I would have had the guts to do that. But I sure like it when somebody does! They deserved it!


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