Remember when………

  • cherilovell
    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495

    After seeing a new commerical for a name brand bleach (they showed a little girl playing with a worm and a boy finger painting in mud), I got to thinking when I was little, we would play all day long out side, help out with the farm work, and never once washed our hands to eat lunch under the shade tree. I remember when I’d steal a few bites of raw hamburger while mom made supper. I remember when I was told I could eat a bussle of dirt before it would hurt me.

    I remember when………. (now you fill in the blanks)

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    I remember when I could chase girls and actually catch them!
    I remember when girls would chase me and I’d outrun them!
    I remember remembering to put the plug in the boat!
    I think I remember what a walleye looks like!
    I just remember…….I forgot what I remembered!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I remember when mom said, EAT IT it isn’t going to hurt you. I remember when my dad would say what are you doing with that in the house, shake his head and say get it outside now, I remember quit a few of those. I remember when i’d say but dad you bring such and such in the house and he’d say ya but thats diffrent. I remember when both my folks said i see you finially came home and my mom would say are you hungry. I remember when my mom would say go take a bath you smell like he__ and look like the dirt outside on the ground. I remember when my mom would say lord where have you been you look like someone drug you through a knothole, then laugh like heck. Now i do those things i couldn’t do then around my kids now because im older and i own the house.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Now you got me going MG…

    I remember when:

    2 short rings and a long one would mean someone was calling us on the partyline.
    Everyone in town had a phone mounted on the wall.
    Riding my tricycle to grandma’s to play “marbles”.
    The end of the block was a long ways and grandma lived THREE blocks away.
    Riding my bike to the gas station for lawn mower gas and coming back with change from the quarter.
    Baking soda and salt made great tooth paste.
    Going on church picniks and having to watch out for cow pies.

    Loving to go fishing…wait…still do!

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    I remember when my dad used to FILL up the car for 5 bucks.
    I remember the ivory snow girl before porn.
    I remember my mom saying ‘just wait till you dad gets home little mr.”
    I remember when the neighbors could smack us…now parents can’t even smack their kids. (And people wonder why they grow up to be such hoodlums)
    I remember the first fad of “hip hugger” jeans for girls and guys jeans were worn so you couldn’t see the waist of their underwear.
    I remember Rupp and Scorpion snowmobiles.

    I’ll stop for now

    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495

    I remember when it was safe to swim in Lake Mich.
    I remember eating snow and icicles.
    I remember Easter Eggs being allowed to sit out all day.
    I remember metal jungle gyms and slides.
    I remember no seat belts being installed in cars.
    I remember having a waist-line.
    I remember respecting my elders and I remember what happen when I didn’t.
    I remember the teacher still being aloowed to crack the ruler across our knuckles.
    I remember choc candy USED to taste good and the same with butter – now it tastes like wax.

    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023

    I remember-

    Staying up all night watching for santa to come flying across the sky and wondering how he was going to get that 3 wheeler down the chimney.
    Sleeping in on weekends, I cant wait till they’re teenagers!
    My first pheasant hunting trip with my dad with my brand new 410.
    The Halloween snowstorm of, well I dont remember that part
    Ice fishing on Forest Lake every witer when I was young.
    My first deer hunting season, I couldnt wait till I got to stay up that late and do what they did!!!
    My first trip of the year up to URL, man did they bite!!!!

    Cottage Grove, Minn
    Posts: 1551

    I remember running the spotlight while my dad shot jackrabbits.
    I remember sitting on a nail keg full of walleyes while my dad pushed the game warden’s truck out of a snowbank. He later changed his ways and was Farmer/Sportsman of the year in Minnesota.
    I remember the smell of lutefisk in my norwegian grandmother’s house at Christmas.
    I remember trapping mink on the creek that ran through our pasture before they ditched it out.
    I remember seeing only the orange ball on the antenna of my 55 Ford after a blizzard in western Minn.
    I remember my first kiss from a girl behind the fire hall in town.
    I remember my first home run.
    I can’t remember what I had for breakfast.

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    damn Putz, you made me spit pop all over my monitor!!

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Putz, I played Softball with you!……. I’ve seen beter swings on a front porch than what you had!

    Covington Indiana
    Posts: 269

    Gas was 80 cents a gallon ,and buying 50 cents worth of gas.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Chappy…his first home run was last week…

    See what lye does to a person…I have to start laying off the olives.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    I remember when teachers had black habits and weren’t afraid to show you what a ruler was really made for.
    I remember climbing under the Lansing bridge at night and catching pigeons.
    I remember kick the can, red light green light, fox and goose, and the original version of eeny meeny miney mo.
    I remember scraping and painting my family’s wooden commercial fishing boats and then filling them with water to swell and seal them.

    E. Moline Illinois along the Rock River
    Posts: 1180

    I remember…………..What was the question?

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    I remember when…………from a slightly younger perspective…..
    MTV played music videos.
    Having a VCR made you the coolest kid on the block.
    Satellite dishes were 8 feet in diameter.
    Atari was the ONLY video game package to have.
    Member Only jackets and parachute pants were “hip.”
    Putting a marshmallow in the microwave was a cool science project……

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1842

    There are quite a few here that bring back memories Remember when …even the music.

    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364

    I remember when….

    I played with GI Joes and Transformers

    I used to go down to the creek with a couple of friends and play war.

    I would wake up for school 10 min before the bus would get there and still be dressed and ready with time to spare.

    When I used to pass notes in class and you would open it up and it would say, “Do you like me?” and have to circle yes or no.

    When I would bike 3 miles with a pole in one hand and tackle box strapped to the front of the BMX to fish at the Chippewa River all day long for what ever I could catch.

    When I got $20 for the week for gas I could get a full tank of gas and still have enough for snacks and a pop.

    When we actually got snow in Wisconsin and building snow forts and sliding down our sliding run in the back yard.

    I could go on with this forever….. Good tread Musky Girl!!!

    Fort Atkinson , WI
    Posts: 281

    I remember when Mr. Twisters first came out. I remember thinking they cost a lot for a pack of 6 tails and 2? jig heads. I also remember catching my first Musky and some nice walleyes with those black with yellow head jig Mr. Twisters.
    I remember being king of the lake when my uncle let me take his 14 foot Alumicraft with a 20 hp Johnson out by myself at age 12.
    I remember when there wer’nt any fishing shows on tv. Heck I remember no tv in our house at all when I was a pup. Afetr that a BW tv and you could only get 3 stations on a good day.
    I remember saying the pledge of alegience to start every school day.
    I remember the taste of soap when I got caught cussing or said somthing inapropriate.
    I rememeber trick or treating WELL after dark.

    Most of all , I remember when life was simple.

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    I remember being 8-9 years old and flooding the back yard with a garden hose to collect night crawlers.

    I remember being 8-9 years old being able and walking with my buddies to the Minnehaha Falls or the Mississippi to catch carp. And no one would bother us!

    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    Remember when you did’nt need a 300 page rule book for trout fishing in Mn. remember when you could bring a coffee can full of angle worms tie on a real hook (with barbs) and put a trout in your creel without measuring it or checking to see which stream you were on.You didnt have to worry if you had your trout stamp endorsed.Oh the good old day’s !!!!

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    I remember being 7 years old and walking to the store, in south Minneapolis, with out worry and buying 100 pieces of candy for $1. Remember when a bag of Doritos was $.75. I remember you could not wear a hat in school. I remember a simple video game called Asteroids. And roller skating. And Atari was cool. And a BMX bike with mag wheels was cool. Walking through the neighborhood after a fresh snow offering to shovel snow for money.

    I remember being younger and wishing I was older so I could get a job to earn money so I could spend money . Only if I knew then what I know now.

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    Alright I’m jealous I wasn’t born in the 50’s or 60’s.
    You guys had such a great time. Be thankful for being able to experience a time period like that.

    Laws were only the important ones.
    Gas was cheap.
    Hard work paid off.
    You learned morals through experience.
    Family values were more obvious.
    And the best one….You lived using your common sense.

    Now society will take your birthday away. Did everyone forget how it should be or what?

    Posts: 151

    During the first six weeks of high school, there was a 12 guage in every vehicle in the school parking lot.

    During the next six weeks there was a 30 .06 in every vehicle in the school parking lot.

    Because . . .

    We all went hunting on our way home from school . . . and a coach or teacher often joined us.

    South metro
    Posts: 134

    Telephones had rotary dials… true story- we were cleaning/sorting stuff in my folks basement after Dad passed. My brother said he was going to call his wife, walked over to the old wall mounted rotary phone, started dialing, and both my son and nephew looked at me in surprise and asked “what the heck is that sound?” L-O-L!!!

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    I remember when parents made you wear a belt to keep your pants above your a&&.
    I remember when the only person to wear his hat backwards was the catcher on your ball team.
    I remember when stocking hats were for cold weather only.
    I remember too much, and not enough.

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019


    I remember when parents made you wear a belt to keep your pants above your a&&.

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    I remember
    pulling into a gas station and telling the attendant to gimme a dollars worth of high test. At 7 cents a gallon you’d almost fill the tank.

    watching the test pattern on tv waiting for cartoons to come on. mighty mouse, tom terrific, heckle and jeckle

    having to get a new battery for the crank phone on the wall, they looked kind of like a package that a bottle of listerine came in.

    starter buttons on the floor of the car

    browntone pictures

    hangin out at the filling station with my dad, and being thrilled if I could get a 7 ounce bottle of pop

    the lone ranger, the cisco kid, the 3 stooges

    horhound drops for a cough

    sassafras(sp) tea


    enuf already

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    I remember going to the pop store and being able to pick out 6 of my favorite flavors.
    I remember when kids could be kids and the parents didn’t have to worry so much. Although they probably did.
    I remember my dad waking me up on Saturday mornings to watch Tom and Jerry cartoons.
    I remember when a $.25 a week allowance was for the rich kids.
    I remember when you could get a decent case of beer for under $10.00
    I remember getting spanked in a public place, and people felt bad for the parents that their kids would be that poorly behaved.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Black Nibs-The Real Licorice
    3 cent full sized candy bars
    Cutting a winter’s supply of firewood off the islands.
    Watching the use of blasting caps to drive fish into a seine under the ice.

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    Ok, what about steel pop cans with the pull tab to open. And I remember taking soup cans from the cupboard when my mother was not looking to make a Polish Cannon to shoot tennis balls.

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