Thanks for the ride

  • todd_miller
    Houlton, WI.
    Posts: 244

    Way to go buddy. I have followed your progress online and am truly impressed with the guts it took you to express your feelings to begin with and now a great follow up. As you can see there are many caring and good people on this board who are always willing to help others in need.Have a great Thanksgiving.

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Hey man,
    You are really making a great turn around. If there is anything i have learned in life, it is that you have to treat everything you own or are able to do as a gift. For we are the fortunate ones. there are many others in this world, country, state, heck, i’ve helped out at the salvation army. There are plenty of people in need right here in our city. When i fish and do other stuff in the outdoors, i have compassion and i can realize that i am one of the lucky ones. I can tell that you feel the same way. Fishing/being in the outdoors is something we get to do, and it can really help us overcome our problems. Stick in there! We are here to help!
    I also agree with drewsdad, give church a shot. It has really changed my personal outlooks on the world, its people and everything else. Probably the most important thing i have ever learned in church is that God has given us these gifts, and we need to be thankful for all of them.
    Well jeepers, i wont have to think too hard around the table this thanksgiving when its my turn to give thanks huh?

    Good luck man, We’re here for ya!

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    My life as well as the family has been so much better the last month or so. My wife and I don’t argue, I spend more time with the kids, and I am talking to them more than I ever have.

    Now THAT is music to my ears Mike! I’m sure you’ll still have your ups and downs like all of us but if you keep this healthy attitude and keep your priorities straight you’re going to be in great shape. I’m sure your family is thrilled with your progress and that’s gotta make you feel better. Take the time to reflect and notice how YOU made this happen. I wish you continued good luck on your journey Mike!

    Posts: 507


    I don’t know you personally, but have followed your post for some time and truly admire you for the strenght that you have. It is great to hear positive news from you on this post. I believe that no one is handed anything in life that they can not handle or bear. Sometimes this means the person needs outside help, but bottom line is it can be handled. Yes, some people seem to have life better than others, but it is the rest the world that are the strongest of anyone who are able to work through life when it doesn’t seem so great. From everything I have read in this post you are among the ELITE in this world for having the courage to look this is the eye and deal with it.
    Have a save and Happy Thanksgiving.


    Posts: 5130

    Hey guys
    It has been 9 months, and time has been flying. Anyway, things are going great right now
    Hard to beleive how things can change, and for the better. I now look at life in a different light and it is a bright light. Family, friends, and the outdoors all mean a lot more to me than ever before. I can’t even begin to thank all of you enough for being there for me and my family during some very tough and scary times. I hope I am over the worst of it, because I never want to go through that again. I am still on the meds for another 3 months or so, then I will have to start backing off of them. Hopefully I will be done with them after that. My lifestyle and thought patterns have changed for the positive and I am sure that will be a key to future success. Thank again for all you have done

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Great for you and your family,
    Have a super and postive 2006.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Amazing what happens when you keep your feet on ice

    Great to hear bud Wats


    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Great to hear Wats! You did all the work!
    I remember a year ago when I had cancer surgery. This site was a HUGE source of moral support! Not to mention guys from the site who stopped by to see me in the hospital! This site has taken on a life of it’s own!
    I am looking forward to meeting you at Mille Lacs!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Yes, Great to hear Wats. When you do what you need to do, have friends for support, and have the Lords strength to go forward its amazing how a persons life can turn around for the better. Great News Bud.
    Thanks, Bill

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    That’s great news Watts!!!! Looking forward to meeting you at the Ice Fishing GTG on Mille Lacs

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431


    That’s great news Wats

    I look forward to meeting you at the GTG on the pond.


    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    Man that is great I am proud of you bro.

    Posts: 5130

    Well, here we are a little less than a year since I first posted this. WOW, what a difference a year makes in one’s life It has been a pretty bumpy ride and it still isn’t over with. I won’t lie and tell you everything is going perfect, because it isn’t. But, I can tell you this. This past year has been the happiest I can remember I realized a lot of things about myself and also found there are a lot of friends from this site that are there for us if we ever need help with anything. My wife, kids, and I have a better relationship than ever before. I have been having a ball fishing with new friends from IDA. I also got the chance to meet several other’s from the site as well. We can all rest assured we are part of one huge extended family through IDA. I have also learned that the past is something I cannot change but just something we accept and I have to move forward with a better future.
    Occasionally when I get down, I will go back and read this post and realize what I could have missed. Life is worth living and it can be great or it can be hell, depending on what you make of it. I am still slowly learning to make it great, but it gets a little easier all the time.
    The only downside is I have gained some serious weight over the last few months, like 40# Oh well, I needed some insulation for the winter
    Once again, I would like to thank everyone for their prayers,advice, stories, and for all the support I have gotten from you all. IDA is the best place on the internet because of all the members and lurkers we have here I can never be able to repay the kindness that turned my life around.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Mike, There’s nothing wrong with being fat and happy bud. I’m living proof.

    I’m really happy for you and your family. I said a year ago that I hoped to be around to see things turn for you, and here we are. Way to go Mike!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Keep working your programs and don’t stuff your feelings into alcohol or food and things will continue to go well Bud. You have come a long way and you can continue to go forward and have a great life. Congrats Mike on this past year of recovery. You can do it.
    Thanks, Bill

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Mike, I see a guy now who is behind the wheel in this deal. Before, you were “Along for the ride” and your life seemed to be at the will of the forces you were fighting. You may thank a lot of the people here who listened and supportted you. But it is you that took the bull by the horns and worked darn hard to get where you are. to you! Keep up the good work! It was nice to see the light in your eyes this last weekend at Evert’s.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    I have been silently monitoring your progress with great interest. Although we have never met, I feel I have gotten know something of you through your posts. My sense is you have come a long, long way, Bro, in the past year. My encouragement would be to “Keep on Keepin’ on”!

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Yo Buddy Wats,

    See, my hugging you on the ice is helping

    Keep up the hard work, that’s just what life is, work! I’m sure your family is enjoying your new outlook also. You be the man Wats

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    Wats – I have a feeling that your post has done much more than just help you. A lot of fellow IDA’rs have read and watched your posts this past year, myself included and I would venture to say that many of us have welcomed the advice given by others and some of us can relate to what you are going through as well. It took a tremendous amount of courage for you to take the first step of looking for help and a lot of courage to continue seeking help. I for one applaud you and am glad that you are making progress. I hope you are listening to the tape I sent you, especially the self esteem part. Fat and happy is far superior to trim and miserable(Im living proof). Never give up, never surrender!

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    You truly are the MAN Mike!!!


    Keep on keepin’ on

    Posts: 5130

    I was sitting here today and the thoughts of the last year were going through my mind and figured I would put a few words here.
    As I look back to what my life has been after seeking help and taking the meds, I realized just how much different it is. I can honestly say I am happy to wake up each day and look forward to what each day brings. Whereas before, I really didn’t care anymore.
    My job is going much better and I get along with my co-workers, and we actually have fun instead of scream at each other all day. I will admit, I was the instigator most of the time. If one person on a team is angry all the time, it rubs off on all the others. Now that I am under control, things go a lot smoother
    Family life is also still going well. It seems everytime I turn around the kids have a game or a school program to go to. They have always had these, but before I never went. I know they appreciate me being there as well as Mom. And the twin girls are very aggressive and athletic COme on scholorships

    Here is some advice from someone who has been through hell and back and is living a much better life. If you are experiencing ANY signs of depression, PLEASE-seek help. You don’t have or need to be embarrassed about this condition. All you have to do is make an appointment and go from there. The doctors are very understanding and can recommend a treatment plan and nobody has to know if you don’t want them to. If a guy like me can do it, anybody can.
    Do I still have bad moments? You bet I do, but, they are the same as anybody else without depression. I can let a lot of things just blow off, because in reality, the stress caused from anger isn’t worth it. We deserve to live a quality life. Stress, anger, or mental conditions do not contribute to that AND they can be dealt with. Life is tough enough without added burdens. So please, take my advice, and improve YOUR life

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Hey Wats im glad to see your doing good now, some of the best news for the whole year. Just so you don’t feel alone and feel like you were the only one I had my trails too the last 10 years because of some problems that were forced into our lives and had too seek help too. Medicine does help and level the playing field like it says it does. The world and life in general is a big place and sometimes were dealt a hand that seems totally consuming but with the right help it isn’t. Im gald to see your ok now and im feeling fine too. If anyone has any symptoms of depression like mike and I had don’t be the least bit ashamed of self conscious to call someone and try to get yourself back to your old self again, it won’t be long and you’ll be just fine.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 683


    Glad to hear how well things are going for you. Congrats on all that you’ve done to admit the issues and then do something to get help for them. I’m sure your family is very thankful for the changes that have happened.

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