I was sitting here today and the thoughts of the last year were going through my mind and figured I would put a few words here.
As I look back to what my life has been after seeking help and taking the meds, I realized just how much different it is. I can honestly say I am happy to wake up each day and look forward to what each day brings. Whereas before, I really didn’t care anymore.
My job is going much better and I get along with my co-workers, and we actually have fun instead of scream at each other all day. I will admit, I was the instigator most of the time. If one person on a team is angry all the time, it rubs off on all the others. Now that I am under control, things go a lot smoother

Family life is also still going well. It seems everytime I turn around the kids have a game or a school program to go to. They have always had these, but before I never went. I know they appreciate me being there as well as Mom. And the twin girls are very aggressive and athletic
COme on scholorships

Here is some advice from someone who has been through hell and back and is living a much better life. If you are experiencing ANY signs of depression, PLEASE-seek help. You don’t have or need to be embarrassed about this condition. All you have to do is make an appointment and go from there. The doctors are very understanding and can recommend a treatment plan and nobody has to know if you don’t want them to. If a guy like me can do it, anybody can.
Do I still have bad moments? You bet I do, but, they are the same as anybody else without depression. I can let a lot of things just blow off, because in reality, the stress caused from anger isn’t worth it. We deserve to live a quality life. Stress, anger, or mental conditions do not contribute to that AND they can be dealt with. Life is tough enough without added burdens. So please, take my advice, and improve YOUR life