I would like to thank all of you that have replied,PM’ed, and taken the time to read about my life so far. It does seem to help a lot when I write about things that are uncomfortable to talk face-to-face about. I have been a loner for so long and I need to change that somehow. It is so easy to find the negative things and thoughts and much tougher to see the positive side of my life. So I am going to look at the positive side of things today. I have a great wife and kids. Sometimes the kids drive me nuts, but I was a kid once to. My wife is totally opposite of me in so many ways. She is pretty calm and level headed and has unreal patience. She has to have patience to be with me this long
I have put her through hell at times and she is still here. I really don’t know where or what condition I would be in without her. For many years I told myself the only person I needed was me. I thought I could handle anything in life with a bad attitude and a willingness to throw a punch if somebody looked at me funny. I have mellowed out a lot over the years, thankfully.
As a kid, I never really had many friends. I went to school, did my chores, and then hid in my room. I learned that if I stayed out of sight, I was out of mind. I must have read thousands of books in my little “sanctuary”. I spent very little time watching t.v. and never played video games at home. The weekends were the worst time of my life. That is when I would lay awake at night waiting for the drunk s.o.b. to come home. I knew what was coming so there was no need to go to sleep. The abuse also happened on weeknights. Imagine being yelled at and then being slapped and punched until wee hours of the morning and then having to get up and go to school. There were quite a few times my mom would keep me home or excuse me from gym class to hide the bruises. Things were different back then. I still don’t have a lot of trust for people. My kids will never have to deal with the abuse I had. I don’t drink very often, although I do have a few on occasion. But, they have to deal with a different kind of abuse. I still to this day hide in my room in front of the computer, or lately reading a lot of books, while they do whatever it is they do. That is something else I need to work on. They are going to be gone and I have missed out on a lot of things in their lives. But, like we all know, nobody likes change. I have a lot of changing to do and it is rough. All I can do is hope to change little by little until I can be comfortable with a different lifestyle. Thanks again for listening.