I can’t add anything but please keep us posted as to your progress. We will still be thinking of you.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Thanks for the ride
Thanks for the ride
March 16, 2005 at 3:27 am #350000
This ride is not over bud, just slowed down a bit. Good to hear your okay. Good luck. Be strong. Your in our prayers.
March 16, 2005 at 12:36 pm #350048Chemical imbalances are not to be taken lightly. The person can’t help but be depressed, their system is out of wack. Sometimes the meds and doses has to be changed but the meds do wonders. I have seen it with my own eyes many times. The meds work wonders in helping balance the imbalance. Nothing bad here folks, just somes in people your system gets goofed up thats all. But help is a must. Glad to hear things are going ”forward” for him now. Feel much better knowing this as yes his life is at stake. I have been to a hospital several times because a loved one tried committing suicide because of severe depression due mostly to a imbalance in the chemistry in their system. Its not pretty. This person is alive and the happiest she has ever been in her life. So help does work. Please keep him and his wife and family in your prayers. He is alive today because of prayers and people reaching out to help him. To whomever called his wife-Thank You as that played a very big part in saving his life. To all who prayed-Thank You as that also played a big part in saving his life. We lost another friend here on the site due to this type of situation. I did not know him, but everyone on here is a friend in my mind, and I don’t want to see us lose another friend. Thanks everyone.
Thanks, BillMarch 16, 2005 at 12:40 pm #350049Mike, That is really great news! You have taken the first steps out of the “swamp’ and you may well be showing others the way! The ride is not over as now the up hill leg begins. As you move forward, the road will take you to higher, firmer ground. I can’t promise there won’t be any bumps, however your IDA family is not going to let you out until you are back on top! And you can take that to the bank!!
March 16, 2005 at 12:46 pm #350050If someone who knows him personally would please see that both he and his wife can get to this thread and read theses replies from people they would see how much he is cared about here and this could help both him and his wife know that they have friends and are not alone in this. They both need our support and prayers. Thanks everyone. We are all one big fishing family here and helping each other is very important. Thats what family is. Thanks. And to his wife-you are also part of this big family and our prayers are for you also to help you have the strength you need and feel cared about too.
Thanks, BillMarch 16, 2005 at 1:00 pm #350056AM!
Congratulations! You are on your way to a better life, that’s awesome! We will continue to pray for you and please don’t be afraid to ask your other family ” IDA” for help again. As you can see we all love ya man!March 16, 2005 at 1:32 pm #350059AM, I was very glad to read your post. If I could have found your number yesterday I would have called your wife. I felt comfortable that the IDA family would do the right thing and they did. Your last post brought tears to my eyes. Glad to have you around, your family needs you, things will get better
March 16, 2005 at 1:36 pm #350067That is wonderful news Mike! I am very happy you made the right decision. You are on your way back into the sunshine!
Posts: 95March 16, 2005 at 2:01 pm #350079I’m so glad you have gotten some help. There were sure a lot of people thinking about you. Monday night I did a lot of praying for you. I had to go out of town Tuesday and I worried about you all day. Got home about dark and was glad to see you had a post.
GOD BLESSMarch 16, 2005 at 2:13 pm #350085Awesome!!! Watson, that’s great! You have a long tough road ahead but stay on it. Things will work out for the better.
March 16, 2005 at 3:26 pm #350109AM!
God bless you bud!!!!
Hang in there and let the doctors take care of you!!!
I wish you God speed in your recovery.
March 16, 2005 at 3:40 pm #350116Good morning AM
Just finished reading your post. I am so happy that you are getting help. I have tears running down my face because now I know you are going to be OK. I’d met you at the GTG and though of you as a great guy. Have always enjoyed your posts. It’s good to see you back with us. It will not be an easy road to recovery but at least you are on your way. We all love you AM so hang in there.March 16, 2005 at 5:27 pm #350158AM,
THE MOST courageous and gutsy post ever on this board. You have a lot more going for you than you think just because of your actions.
March 16, 2005 at 7:23 pm #350194Having lost a brother a few years ago due to depression, I am so relieved that you have opted to fight. You don’t know how much respect I have for you. Like you, my brother found solace in hunting and fishing. The response you have received from this site reiterates what I have thought all along, Not only are the folks on this site knowledgeable and willing to share, they are just darn good people!
March 16, 2005 at 7:36 pm #350197hey Wats!!
wow dude, who would have ever expected that this ride would be harder then them ranked bulls that we used to play around on. dude, I am sooo glad that you are getting help and even happier to whom ever let you wife in on your secret world. If ever you want to chat, PM me or give me a call, I would be glad to lend you an ear. just remember back in them crazy days when we where in the gate, taking our wrap, pulling the hat down tight.
ride the ride buddy and come out on top!
March 16, 2005 at 8:54 pm #350215Am,
Glad to hear you sought advice…. Hope your journey through life is a lot more pleasant. Keep up the good work and keep coming back to IDA. Kurt
March 17, 2005 at 1:48 am #350264Quote:
Having lost a brother a few years ago due to depression, I am so relieved that you have opted to fight. You don’t know how much respect I have for you. Like you, my brother found solace in hunting and fishing. The response you have received from this site reiterates what I have thought all along, Not only are the folks on this site knowledgeable and willing to share, they are just darn good people!
Thats one of the resaons this site is so great. Members [everyone] can talk and ask for help or prayers when needed. Try that on some other sites I know and you are booted off. The way I look at it is everyone here is important, belongs, and is a fishing family member. And when one of us needs help like this its great to be able to respond and try help that person. I’ve never seen or heard of any rules here against doing that. If there ever was then I am certainly good at stretching the rules because I will listen to my heart and not some rule like that. And I can honestly say that I have never heard a word against anything I have ever said or asked for when someone needs help. And that makes this site GREAT in my mind.
Thanks James for this great site. Thanks again everyone for your prayers for him and his family and please continue to pray for them.
Prayer works, I know that for a fact. Thanks, Bill
March 17, 2005 at 6:09 pm #350426I’m really not sure how to proceed. Here is the problem: This is by far the most important thread on this forum. However, AmWatson might like for this to fade into the past like all threads do. I guess I just want to say that I hope things are progressing well and you’re feeling better.
I’m not gonna keep sending this post back to the top, although a good argument could be made for leaving it at the top (with Mike’s approval of course.)Anyway, I’m sure even though the flurry of posting has slowed considerably you are still in the thoughts and prayers of all of us. Take care sir!
ddMarch 17, 2005 at 6:50 pm #350297First off, I again want to thank all who have offered their help and understanding on this thread and PM’s. But, I also want to apologize to any that might have found this topic offensive or were bothered by it.
Today was another small step taken when we went to the therapist. I have never been to one and would have never dreamed I would ever go see one. We didn’t get too deep, but we had alot of questions thrown at us. So far the therapist thinks I have a form of depression called dysthemia (sp). It can be cured, that is what I do rememberI used to laugh at the idea of people getting help from a shrink, but now that I am in this position, it really isn’t that funny anymore. We kind of traced the depression back a lot farther than I previously thought. It goes back roughly 14 years. At that time I didn’t recognize what it was, I just thought it was who I was. In one way I just want to get it all out in the open as quick as possible, but I know that is not going to happen. In another way, I am afraid of to release all the ghosts in the closet. Basically, my childhood was full of physical and mental abuse, but luckily nothing sexual. We have yet to see how the depression and the abuse are tied together, or if they are 2 seperate issues. I have 4 more scheduled appointments for now, and I can almost guarantee there will be more, if I don’t back away and run, like I normally do. I am pretty sure the wife isn’t going to let that happen. My wife has known about it for years, but couldn’t really help me. Like she told me, if she brought it up, I would deny it and would have refused help. She was right at the time, I had to make the decision on my own. I just wished I would not have been so damned stubborn years ago. There are a lot of years I wish I could relive, but I can’t. All we can do know is try to make the best of what is left. I still can’t talk to people on the phone about it, but I can write things down and that is why I put this on here. SInce Monday, I do feel a little better in some ways, but in others I kind of feel worse. I should be out staying active, but I have been hiding in the house trying to sort things out. After the visit with the doc today, I now have more questions about myself than I did when I went in. I am not sure if that is good or bad, but that is the way things are right now. I do know that the therapist’s are not as I had thought them to be. I had them stereotyped with the couch and them asking “And how does that make you feel”? That might come later though
The office was very home like and the therapist was so calm and easy going. It was a very releiving atmosphere. My wife, by my choice, is going to be with me for as many appointments as she can. There are things that are going to come out that she may or may not want to hear, but she will be able to leave the room when she wants. Her support today was a big help for me. Well, that is enough rambling for now. Thanks again.
March 17, 2005 at 6:57 pm #350431Am,
Glad to hear the therapist is helping, and I know it will continue. If posting is cathartive, please continue, your well being is what’s most important. Keep up the good fightdave
March 17, 2005 at 7:02 pm #350432Mike,
As a representative for In-Depth, I’d like to tell you how proud we are for the decisions you’ve made. It’s opened a lot of eyes for sure. It takes one hell of a man to do what you are doing. Keep it up!
March 17, 2005 at 7:22 pm #350434Am-
you have personally helped me see things that I have gone about, seeing much it sounds the same way that you have, I thank you for that. I hope this recovery of sorts goes well for you, Im sure there will be roadblocks but it looks to me like you have your mind set on a different way of living and no roadblock will get in your way, I can relate to oonly being able to write things down, that took alot of courage for you to post hereMarch 17, 2005 at 11:24 pm #350469Mike there is no need to apologize, I would be very surprised if anyone was offended or bothered by your posts. Not only is this good therapy for you to write down your thoughts but I can only imagine how many other life’s you have touched and saved who are going through the same thing, it is all a part of Gods plan I am sure.
I hope I have the opportunity to meet you someday soon as I would consider it a great honor to shake your hand, I tip my hat to you sir!Quote:
I also want to apologize to any that might have found this topic offensive or were bothered by it.
March 18, 2005 at 1:12 am #350489Mike, I am relieved to hear that help is there for you. When I first read you first reply, I knew things were not good. Now everytime you responsed back I see more and more things that mean you are heading in the right direction. Knowing that your wife is there at your side must help immensely.
One thing in your last post that was a very big step is when you mentioned that your wife has know for years, but was afraid to bring it up. She thought that you would deny it and refuse help. I know about this first hand watching this as a child myself, when my Dad had a drinking problem and was almost willing to break up our family over it. My Mother finally told him either get help or she and the family were gone. I don’t know if that was the best way, but my Father then realized that it was a problem and went away for a month to get help. That was over 35 years ago. My parents went to AA for 25 years just to help out others being a sponsor after that. Little did I know I was heading down the same path in my 20’s as my Father took. Only difference with me is I was single and didn’t have others that relied on me or a reason to go home. It took a DWI before I came to the relization that I needed help. I was forunate that “When I wanted HELP my parents were there for me!” just like your wife is there for you.
So by you looking for help here was the first step and also admiting that you are willing to talk to her about this now.As for going back and reliving years ago… there is no better thing than living your time now to it’s fullest. My Dad has told me that is how he felt also. He knows now that we love him NOW for the person he is, because what he did when he got help to keep us a family. My dad has been retired for about 8 years now and I’m 46, but every weekend we can be found together at a race track enjoying life.
I don’t know if this helped in anyway for you, but I am just like you in it helps to talk and these guys and myself our here for you 100%! ANYTIME TOO!
Take Care, Mike!
A Fellow IDA,
Jerry m. Zimmer… aka…ZimmyMarch 18, 2005 at 1:38 am #350491Something else I would like to add. When I hit bottom, I or my wife knew where to turn. Sometimes things like this make you think unclear and simple things turn into bigger things. ANyway, when things get that bad the first line of defense is any clinic or hospital. From there depending on the severity, you can get a plan for recovery. I also got a visit from the LaCrosse County Sheriff on Tuesday not sure who sent them, but they did mention the post. They also gave us another route for help. If you dial 211, it is a program called First Call For Help. It is similar to 911, and they have operators there to help with a whole lot of problems or questions. But, I strongly advise you get help before it gets to deep and it is too hard to pull out of.
March 18, 2005 at 2:57 am #350496The road to recovery may at times seem tough as you are dealing with pain that needs to come out. Even though it doesn’t feel good at the time please remember that it is good pain as it it pain thats being felt in order to come out. The difference is that you are dealing with it and in a way that you will be able to let it go and go on with your life in a healthy way. You will be a much happier person in the end and will be starting what will be a new life for you. A much better and healthier and happier life.
You can do it Bud!
Thanks, BillMarch 18, 2005 at 6:10 am #350516Mike-
You and I have never met, and I can’t claim to know what you’re going through. It has taken a TON of courage for you to come through what you have so far. Take it from a guy who’s been there- follow through with the therapy. I too thought it would be a bunch of “how does this make you feel” crap. It wasn’t easy for me to stick it out and keep going. But I promise you, if you give it time, it WILL help. Hang in there, you’ve got more support than you know.
GregMarch 18, 2005 at 10:25 am #350521Glad to hear your getting help and your wife is supportive. Too many people don’t recieve help or support till its too late. God bless and good luck.
March 23, 2005 at 11:03 pm #351897Today has been a tough day
It has been a week since I first wrote my problem down. Things were starting to improve for a few days and then BAM, reality comes back. But, I know this is going to be a bumpy ride and I just hit a pothole. I finally talked to my Mom about things yesterday trying to find some answers to questions the counselor will want to know on Monday. I found out something that has never been told to me for 32 years. I had no clue about my bilogical father and really still don’t. But my mom droped a bomb on me telling me I have a half brother and sister somewhere. Why in the heck would you wait 32 years to say something? I don’t get it. She did say my attitude was exactly like his. Also my sister suffers from depression and tried to commit suicide a few years ago. I knew we were a dysfunctional family, but not this bad
Today was so full of negative thoughts that keep going around in my head. I hate them!!! I know I am not helping myself by keeping busy. No work right now and my boat motor is down,so I can’t even get out on the water to try and clear my head for the day. Sorry, for bringing this back up, but I needed to vent.
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