Thanks for the ride

  • barebackjack
    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023

    Am, Thanks for sharing this with us, this hit home too close for me to ignore as hard as I have tried. I asked my significant other last night to read this post and that maybe it would help her understand more what I am going through at different times, her response, “could you print it out I am busy”. I guess to me that was getting a cold shoulder from the person I didnt want or expect it from, I attempted again today to approach her about it, I told her I would email it to her, her response “Is this going to make me think you need meds more than I do already” I hope to god that this is not a typical response from significant others, this was my way of reaching out to her. Reading through these posts hasd made me understand better what I am going through and thats a big relief, now i have an idea of what to do to make things the way I would like them to be again. Thanks to all who have posted, bunch of caring people. Am I prey you get what you need from wherever it is you need to get it, good luck bud.

    Apple Valley/Isle, MN
    Posts: 614

    Bareback Jack & AMWatson,

    Bareback, I am not suprised by the response you got. It certianly is not what you’d hope for, but not at all unexpected. Just as it can be very difficult for you to talk with someone about it can be very hard for some people to listen.

    Please don’t let that discourage you. Talk to a friend, priest/minister, psychologist, or even better all of the above. Some will be very helpful at getting you through the struggles you are dealing with, others will not be as skilled. Don’t let one persons inability discourage you.

    If there is anything I can do, or if you want to talk, or have a beer with another Chris LeDoux fan let me know.

    [email protected]

    Good luck,

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Not much more I can say that has not already been said. Please take the all the good advice here and don’t try and do this on your own, you are among friends here. Looking forward to meeting you at the Get together this year. You and your family are in my prayers.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    We did not have a chance to meet yet but I thought we had made a connection through this site. Your post have been great and the shot box conversations awesome. Please take the advise from a very concerned group of friends.
    I hope we can do a fishing trip together soon. Our family prayers are with you.

    Waukee, Iowa
    Posts: 24

    AMWatson … I too went through a very very rough childhood along with my younger brother and younger sister who has since passed away ….. as you can see there are many people here who will be very glad to talk to you … My younger brother has a lot of the same feelings you are having and I talk to him all the time and try to help him realize he is a great person and there are many people who enjoy his company … If you want to talk sometime please email me or pm me and I will call you on my dime even …. I truly would like to help ….. my email is [email protected]

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Wow, what a family! Mike, I hope you dive into this, and make this your personal crusade to help others such as yourself, and myself! We have all had our bouts with depression of some sort. It appears this may be the time you have Max’d out! There has been a lot of advice given out here. Many people who have taken this roller coaster ride can attest to the fact that there is “The other side!” It may seem that you travel through darkness forever, and then like a shot from the blue, there it is! Here we are! Grab a hold, and we will all help where we can. It may be an email, a phone conversation, or a day in the boat. You have it all here. Only your doctor can help you with the clinical diagnosys. Hopefully we can help in the recovery. I have just been through two of the darkest periods of my life. Having had cancer, I have had to face my own mortality. Friends and family helped me more than I ever could have done on my own!
    I will be praying for you Bud!
    I asked a friend of mine how I could repay him for being there through my bitter divorce, and he said “Just be there to help someone else get through it, because you have, and know what it is like.” That is about the only thing I can add to all the above posts.
    There is a lot of power in prayer. You will be in ours!
    I am looking forward to the post where you tell us you are turning the corner!
    Be strong!

    westby wi
    Posts: 864

    We have spent hours in a boat together and i think of you as a good friend. There is nothing i can say that hasnt already been said. I hope you get a chance to read all this and see the many people your life has touched. You have my number,call me anytime,day or night im here for you. May God be with you my friend.

    big water
    Andover ,MN
    Posts: 291

    has anyone herd from mike? myself and many of us would like to know if he is ok… we all are conserned

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 1111


    Lntony2 talked to him this morning and I guess he’s okay, he just needs some time to work things out. Good to hear.


    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Thanks for the update Brian, that’s great news!

    Posts: 5130

    To all that has PM’ed me and posted here, I am really grateful and I and my wife thank you. I didn’t put this post on here to gain sympathy or draw attention. I simply had to reach out because I have held everything in for so long and it caught up to me. Maybe I can give you a look into the mind of a “mad man”. People have experienced depression know what I mean. I could put on a happy face when people were around, but inside I was falling apart. As the years went on, it was harder to “escape” the feelings inside. I thought I was tough and didn’t need anybody or anything to help me with my problem. People, there are things in this life that NEED outside help. I never got help because I thought I was being weak. My family looks up to me to be the leader, and I failed them badly. The longer I pushed the feelings away, the harder it got to get over the next bout. Some may not want to hear what I am going to say next, but it needs to be said. Last night after posting, things turned ugly. My wife was already asleep and all the anger, guilt, and helplessness finally took it’s toll. I sat in my room mentally making preparations for what was to be my last day. I had it all planned out and visualized my every move. The shotgun was 3 feet away. I have never felt so scared and numb in my life. It was like everything was going to be alright, all I had to do was walk into the woods behind the house. At some point, something inside made me stop. I wished I knew what it was, but I don’t. At that point, I knew something had to be done and soon. I used to think suicide was for cowards but now I am not so sure. When you experience something like that first-hand, your view changes. This is not something that just happens, it culminates over a period of time. I just reached the breaking point. I can tell you this, and I am not going to hide behind my emotions anymore. Last night, this morning, and this afternoon I cried like a baby. Somebody tipped off the wife today so she found out about the post. I know who you are and to tell you the truth, I want to thank you. I still was not man enough to tell her myself. We spent this afternoon at the clinic. I was diagnosed with sever depression. The doctor I spoke with treated me like a human being not the nut case I thought I was. He has me on meds for now, but he also has me going to a therapist on Thursday. I also had some blood drawn so it can be tested for a chemical imbalance. The doctor thinks the therapist will do more for the healing process than the meds, so I am going to trust him. I have a long way to go before this is all over, but I am releived to finally get some of the pain off my chest. I strongly beleive I nearly lost everything in life last night and I never want to experience those fellings again. And, you were all right, my wife was/is going to be with me until we can get my life back on the right track. For people who are in the position I am in, get help soon. Do not be like me and think you are invincible and cn get through life on your own, because you can’t. Again, thank you all for taking the time to post your thoughts and prayers for me, I really did and still do, need them. This site means the world to me

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 1111


    We’re just glad you’re okay and that you posted to let us know. Good to hear from you, bud, and it’s good to know you did the right thing and sought help. I don’t know the feeling, but I know that it can happen to anyone and thank you for the advice. It’s reassuring to see that everything is okay and I wish you the best!

    I hope to see you on the river this year!

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941


    Glad to hear you’ll be ok bro!!

    I’ll see you soon!!!

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    That is awesome news!!!. Remember your kids and wife need you. The feelings you have will go away but it takes time. You also need to make sure to keep taking the meds even if you dont start to feel better, they take some time to work and if the ones you are taking now do not work, then you will try another one until you get one that does. One last thing, dont beat yourself up. You have a disease that’s treatable and not your fault..

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Thank you so much Mike for your very honest post, it took allot of courage for you to post this I am sure. I know this will be of great help to others out there going thought the same things you are are. Take care and God Bless, let’s try to hook up for some fishing sometime soon.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    Glad to see you started down the correct road to recovery. I hope we can meet and tell stories of those whitetail encounters someday! Thanks for the advice and good luck. You are in my prayers bud!

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Chilli Cheese Fries…. You know your my dog…. Who else could honestly share a meal with Tom and I and 1 not get grosed out and 2, were able to keep down your meal with all the laughs being tossed all over the place… All I am saying is…. Donkey Puch….

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Thats GREAT

    Glad you got some help. The med can be short term but once you feel that you can talk about what is eating at you, you might not need to take them long. My offer stands, if you need to talk I am here for you.
    I hope someday we can meet and go fishing together. That is if you do not mind fishing with a grass carp lover.

    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495

    I am glad to here you are taking steps to make a recovery. I sent you a pm last night because I to have been there and hoping you would still understand you have friends and family out here even thou you have not met most of us – that we do care, that some of us have been there, and that your not alone. I thought of you all day worrying about what you did, and I am glad you made a choice to seek help and not take the easy way out.

    Posts: 2627

    After reading your post last night I prayed for you and I’m sure many others did too. This morning first think I checked to see if there was an update then it was a long day of checking this post and the shout box hoping to hear something and saying more prayers. I am so very thankful you got help and started the road to recovery. It will be long and there will be rough spots along the way but there are a heck of a lot of people pulling for you. Please make sure your wife knows of the resource you have here in case she needs anything too. If you need an ear or a boat partner or whatever please put me on the very long list that has formed here. One last thing, please don’t underestimate the power of prayer. The Lord was with you last night,today and for all the days to come.

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    Look at the post views and you see an amazing outporing of concern for you and your family. Thank you for allowing us to help you. You are doing the right things and things will get better. It takes time. Take care sir and God bless! Let us know if you need anything!


    big water
    Andover ,MN
    Posts: 291

    that is good thanks for the update my prayers are with him

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Hey Wats

    Glad to see you on the road to recovery

    One thing I’d like to mention to you…know it or not you not only saved your own life,but just by being open and posting on this site, you may well have just saved one or more people in your same situation

    The big guy upstairs had plans for you and your carring out his plans right now !!!

    La Crosse, Wi
    Posts: 177

    Mike, even though we haven’t met I have had the opportunity to get to know you through your posts. When I read your post this morning, I got real concerned and followed this post all day. I so wanted to post to you this morning but the job has strict rules about those things so I had to wait until tonight. It is great to see you are getting the help you need. I was amazed at the out pouring of love on this sight. I guess I shouldn’t have been, it really is one big family. Before your post, I was just looking in the phone book to see if I could figure out your number to give you a personal call to offer my support. I am pretty sure I found it but will let you sort things out with your wife and give you some quiet time. Just know that I am here to talk if you need it and will keep you in my prayers.
    Good luck and GOD bless,

    Fort Atkinson , WI
    Posts: 281

    Best news I heard all day Am. Better days are comming , You’ll see !

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Thanks for the update,that takes balls my friend! I agree with Redneck and the power of prayer. I believe this was the something inside you that made you stop. WE will continue praying for you and your family. Hope we can spend sometime in a boat in the near future shooting the bull.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5717


    I’m so happy to hear that you’re on the road back. Not only did you did a good job of helping yourself today, you did a good job for your family as well. And you’ll never know how many other people out there will be inspired by your example to get help too.

    Today it starts getting better. I can tell you from my own experience that it isn’t going to go in a straight line. There will be some days that don’t go as well as others but in the log run it will just get better and better.

    And from what I see here, you have a ton of good friends.

    Take care


    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    The day will come in the not so distant future when you will look to heaven and say ” thank you “.
    You are needed by your family and friends and it looks like your extended IDA family needs you also.
    The Lord has plans for you (10 lb Walleye rumor amoungst the angels)so please take care, stay safe and I hope to meet you on the water someday.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    1280 people have seen this post as I am writing this. Mike, I am very glad to hear things are coming around! Like I said, you made it through the darkest part! Every day WILL get better.
    Good luck Bud! You were heavily on our minds the last 24 hours, and you will continue to be.

    Lake Elmo MN
    Posts: 1106

    I sent you a PM.

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