I would like to share an experience I had recently with my IDA family. A few months ago I had a small sore on my nose that would not go away it would almost heal up and then I would bump it when washing and it would start bleeding again. My wife bugged me enough that I finally made an appointment with my doctor to have it looked at. My doctor recommended that I see a dermatologist. The dermatologist did a biopsy on my nose and treated some other spots on my face and the back of my left hand. The dermatologist told me that spots on the back of the left hand are very common from hanging your arm out the window while driving. I do not remember the correct terminology but the treatment I got that day for my hand and face was kind of like freeze dying the spots, and yes it is painful. The biopsy came back positive and the doctor recommended Mohs Surgery, basically what they do is cut a layer of skin at time, test it for cancer if it comes back positive they take another layer and test it again until they get all the cancer. Luckily for me they only had to take two layers until the test came back negative, I have to go back in 6 months for a check up and then yearly visits after that. As you can see from the pic I had to have a few stitches to patch me up, not very pretty but I was lucky as allot of people have larger areas that need treatment. I know a co-worker that he and his wife both had the same surgery on there face, his wife had it the worst as it was a large portion of her face and her lips as well, very painful. I do not want to see anyone have to go through what I went through so please take care this fishing season and anytime you are out in the sun and take the proper precautions, use sun block and wear protective clothing your skin will thank you for it.
March 9, 2005 at 7:08 pm