Well it has been confirmed. I am a complete Moron!!! Awhile back I posted a question about the wiring on my boat trialer, and got some good advise. However being the moron that I am I decided to rewire the whole thing. Keep in mind that I have never attempted such a thing.
I went out and purchased what I thought was the correct wire, and proceeded to remove the existing wire from the trailer. Now I’m not a complete idiot, just a moron, so I did snake the wire through, and hooked everthing up, and to my surprise it really was that difficult.
I hooked up the boat to the truck, and was so excited that I (the moron) could actually do this. I turned on the signal on the side that I knew worked prior to the rewiring, and it actually worked. Now the moment of truth. I turned on the other, and to my horror, it DID NOT WORK!!!!
What the Heck could be wrong with this thing.
Soooo, a couple of beverages later, it hit me. Did I ever check for a blown fuse? Answer, NO!! I’m a moron, or quite posibly the Idiot that I claimed not to be earlier.
Now Here is my question, and remember to keep this as simple as possible.
I have lights on both sides, I have signal on both sides, But when I hit the brake, I only have one brake light, the other goes out. Why?
Thanks for reading, and please don’t be to hard on me. The wife is handling that quite well on her own.