Thanks James

  • Art
    Posts: 439

    Delete the whole one about the cats. I have a daughter that likes to fish, we live on a smallfarm, shes’s worried about her 1 cat. This is supposed to be about fishing.

    Posts: 19

    I completely agree with you. We’re all supposed to be buddies here, and use the forum to share stories and help each other. I think cats are completely irrelevant to this forum (indepthangling), so I think everyone will be happier when we just stick to what we love: getting out there and catching some fish.

    Cottage Grove, Minn
    Posts: 1551

    Good on ya, James. Get that topic off our site. If I want to shoot a cat, I’ll shoot it. If I want to catch a fish, I’ll come to this forum.

    Posts: 439

    Thanks Iowan and Putz. Hard to explain to a 4 year old why her pet cat was shot.

    Waterloo, IA and Hager City Wi.
    Posts: 674

    Right on! I think we all need to get back to the reason this site is here, and why we’re all here, instead of somewhere else. We’re here to share information, to help our fellow anglers/ hunters/ OUTDOORSMEN to become better skilled in the pursuits that they enjoy, not to argue…….. I know if I need an argument I can just ask my girlfriend who’s going to do the dishes tonight! I left the aforementioned post alone, because it was out of hand, but I know that we’re different from other sites, and that’s why I call this one home! My sincere thanks to James for giving us all a place to call home! So let’s not slide into the proverbial Dark Side to which so many other boards go, and keep this one about helping a guy or gal out, and I think we’ll all be better for it!

    That’s my two cents,

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    A little well-managed controversy from time to time is perfectly healthy.

    Fortunately (for everyone), I was in Long Beach and missed the whole “bad pet owners” thread. Should’ve been there Little B, sunshine, 70 degrees, social hour every afternoon in the O-club overlooking San Pedro harbor with my buddy Sam Adams…

    On the other hand, my wife said she enjoyed the cold-snap here as well

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    There are hunting forums on this site, and the original post did make mention of a hunting season on cats. Yes, it got to be controversial that’s for sure. There was even a little bigotry, but that was checked quickly with apologies. Nothing hurt in the end. I happen to think it was an appropriate topic, but perhaps should have been moved to the hunting forums where fewer people travel.

    Delmar, IA
    Posts: 255

    I don’t remember anyone saying anything about shooting a family pet that was under control on someone’s property. The discussion mainly centered on wild cats that killed game for sport. I apologize if I led anyone to feel that a family pet was in danger. The DNR regulates how much game we can kill. Who regulates how much game a wild cat kills?


    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    I think it was wrong to stop the post…

    The issue at hand was shooting CATS…it’s a new proposed law, it’s controversial, it’s a legit topic….I hate always having to tip toe around people b/c they MIGHT be offended…

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    I am in absolute agreement with you Slop, ignoring a problem does not make it go away! Terrorism comes to mind.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    I’m with you Slop! I hate to see a little controversy get a post deleted. Now if it was getting personal, then no problem. Should it be in the hunting forum??? Yes. Oh well, now back to fishing!!

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    General disussion forum- outdoor related- the post should have remained.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    We’ve proven that as a group we can discuss most anything BUT that thread quickly got off topic. We tried to get it back on track and let it continue on but if you go back and read the last half dozen posts before it was closed there was NOTHING of value being added any more.

    Was it a good heated debate? Not in my opinion. It was given the chance to be. But it didn’t turn out that way. So at the point when a controversial thread turns ugly or completely pointless due to the lack of serious and thoughtful discussion (as was the case with this topic in question) it’s time to pull the plug and move on.

    So…. let’s move on.

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    Slop and everyone is right. Its a hunting post. Nobody is going to shoot your pet. The post should have stayed.

    Posts: 19

    Go back and read the posts. You’ll see that people were talking about shooting/killing their neighbors cats. Now could we please just drop this?

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 1111

    Like I’ve been told before, no need to debate on the forum when it’s not going anywhere.

    Do it through PM’s…I can see how a thread such as that could be offensive to some people. I’m sure a thread of this nature would also scare away visitors/potential members.

    Posts: 2294

    I understand James’ decision, and it’s fine with me. I don’t much care either way. It’s not like my right to vote was taken from me. This board is his business, and he has the right to do what he feels is in that business’ best interest.

    We will have many more opportunities to discuss this issue in the near future when all the PETA people invade Wisconsin to try to stop this issue from happening, and we can then start talking about getting rid of them along with those ferel cats!!

    Cottage Grove, Minn
    Posts: 1551

    Glad its gone also. Not that it offended me but it just seemed to have participants going off track. Like I said, if I want to shoot a cat in the woods I will. Also if I need to take a dump in the woods, I’ll do that to. Hmmm. If you take a dump in the woods and no one sees you, is it indecent exposure?

    How’s that for going off track?

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Putz, I submit the answer may depend on how far off the track you managed to get!

    Posts: 2294

    I just hope that if Putz takes that dump, it is far off the track I’m walking!!

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Ohhhhhh Putz Putz Putz
    What are we going to do with you?

    “I am the great cornholio I need TP for my bungholio”

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 85

    I DO have a great story about oldfartputz taking a dump in an old barn one year deer hunting.

    I better ask his permission on this one though……

    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495

    I guess I should be the one to say SORRY here. I only meant to bring up a topic I saw on the news and it seemed hunting related and thought it would be ok to post. I did mention that everyone should behave them selves but I guess that was just asking to much. I am sorry for any wrong doing and for any man, woman or child who had to read something they felt should not be on this site. I felt it was a topic worth taking about because of the hunting, the issues of the decline in song birds and other small animals and the problem at hand of feral/stray cats. I was wrong in thinking that we are all adults here and should know how to act. I should have known better…… From now on I will keep my opinions and thoughts to my self as to not start any more trouble or offend anyone.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Big B…you silly guy!

    MG, you did nothing wrong…except for apologizing. There wasn’t anything wrong with your post..Most of it was quite informative and a lot of it was very funny. A few posts were not needed. (all in MHO).

    You have no control over other peoples opinion and what they post…

    So that’s my thought and I’m sticking to it!

    Delmar, IA
    Posts: 255


    Thanks Iowan and Putz. Hard to explain to a 4 year old why her pet cat was shot.

    I am surprised that your 4 year old is a reader of this fishing and hunting site.

    I recall reading lots of things on this wonderful site that I wouldn’t suggest for reading for a 4 year old. Maybe you should be with her when she is on line to explain that we intend no harm to family pets and that as we catch and release fish we are not trying to torture them?


    Cottage Grove, Minn
    Posts: 1551

    Young son, that tale is not meant to be retold on this forum. It is too long, too tragic, and too ‘R’ rated for here even if it has a happy ending. Definetely not meant for the weak of heart but the nurses seemed to get a kick out of it. Maybe over a few beers with the boys at a GTG. I had all the kids that I needed at that time anyway.

    Maybe I should write a book someday.

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