Shooting Stray Cats

  • Jake
    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    If you’re out of the city limits…….I say DUST EM!!!

    I won’t specifically go out of my way to shoot one (although I have a buddy who will ), but any cat that gets caught in one of our pheasant sloughs gets waxed in a hurry

    West Salem,WI
    Posts: 211

    No disrespect.I’ve hunted with a coupla them many times over the years.The 1st gen Would kill any thing they could,and utilized everything.They came from a hard place.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    I have another un-related story….this reminds me of this past thanksgiving..I was up at my parents house eating turkey, shooting pool, ya know, the holiday thing…

    Well, there’s been a 3-legged doe that roams their property regularly, and my mom had deamed it her “pet”.

    Needless to say, it came around on the wrong day, cause it was deer season, i had my gun, and i had tags to fill…

    Yup, you guessed it…I blasted it from the deck.
    Got Jerky?

    Posts: 565

    I wouldn’t try shooting a hawk. They are protected as far as I know, and you could get in some trouble.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493


    I wouldn’t try shooting a hawk. They are protected as far as I know, and you could get in some trouble.

    haven’t we already been over this???

    Shooting birds of prey——-> BAD IDEA

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    ‘spose I should throw my 2 cents worth in here Musky Girl…you trouble maker

    I’m not real fond of cats. Maybe I should say I wouldn’t own one. But not everyone would own a dog…or a Lund or a AK-47 or a golf club. It’s how you take care of the the above that really matters.

    For instance, my neighbor has a cat. For 8 years that cat stayed in the house. For some reason it’s been out running around for the last 4. Didn’t really bother me until I saw it kill one adult and 4 young bluebirds in my front yard. I talked with the neighbors, but apperantly the cat goes nuts when it wants to go out and can’t. So…they let it out. A number of times I’ve thought about popping it when it’s laying under my bird feeder. But because it’s my neighbors pet, I can’t do it. Even when it hisses at me.

    Stray cats are no differant than stray dogs (chasing deer).

    I’m not in favor of a season on stray cats, it should be open all year. We don’t have a closed season on flatheads when their sleeping in the winter, we shouldn’t have a closed season on cats either.

    I thought I heard that there was a problem with them in WI someplace. Milwaukee? Just made the news in the last couple weeks.

    For all of you that said you should eat what you kill…I have this to say. Tastes like chicken.

    So. St. Paul
    Posts: 125

    You are correct, but I read recently something that sounded like good advice. shoot, shovel, shut up.

    Posts: 565

    Post deleted by Mile 832

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Ive hunted all my life since i was 9 years old. Ive seen stray cats hunting with my dad, relatives and alone. Ive developed an eye for which ones are feral and which ones are domesticated. The feral cats always run from a human and they don’t look like any cat that hangs around a farmers barns etc. I have cats in my house and i like them and they help us by eating mice and rabbits around the neighborhood that helps us from replanting our garden in the spring, especially greenbeans which rabbits love. In the past our female cats have gotten pregnant and when they have thier kittens its a constant trip for the females coming to our doors and dropping rabbits, squirells, chipmonks etc. I know they do this to teach thier young how to hunt. They drop these animals by the doors of our house and were constantly picking up dead animals and putting them in the garden for fertilizer. Unless we keep the females inside so they can’t hunt they bring the animals to the doors. We feed them like were supposed to do and they still hunt to teach thier young how to fend for themselves as im sure other animals do in the wild too. If i see any cat out when im hunting that looks wild after a good look of what i know about feral cats i shoot it. Wild cats not only teach thier young how to hunt and fend for themselves but they hunt to feed themselves all year long, this is how they keep thier stomachs full if they can. To me thats alot of birds and animals for a clutch of feral wildcats that shouldn’t be there in the first place. If im in doubt weather its a feral cat or domesticated cat i don’t shoot it, some farmers and others pets do get out and stray away for a few days but if it looks feral to me i thin it out.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 1111

    It had no shoulder whatsoever.

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 380

    Slop did you really shoot your moms “pet”. Just as well it pobably wouldnt of made it throught the winter.

    Posts: 19

    Yeah, I know what you mean. I’m friends with a couple, but I still won’t go fishing with them because they keep everything single thing they catch. I guess you can kinda rationalize it because they actually eat everything, but still it does make fishing a bit tougher at those spots. It’s annoying to see them do it, but some of the hmong anglers I meet are dirt poor, so they actually need the fish to save money.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941


    Slop Bass! That is funny and sick at the same time! Did your mom know you shot it?

    The funny thing was, she called me up from downstairs b/c it was feeding at the bottom of the hill….She got sentimentl for a few minutes, but she got over it…It was her fault for telling me it was there… I tease her about it everytime i bring them venison…

    it had been there for years, the leg was some kind of diformity….but it was well adapted to 3 legs….Biggest Doe i’ve ever shot…BC helped me butcher that mug

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Tim, Slob is sick and twisted…he had the head mounted…a shoulder mount I think. It’s in her kitchen.

    Great White
    Vinton, Iowa
    Posts: 362

    What’s up with the “Kill Whitey” Jake–that’s harsh–I don’t think I even did anything!


    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    The ONE thing i did feel bad about was the neighbor at the bottom of the hill…he had his family over and i’m sure they were watching the deer go back up the hill when i blasted her….The grandkids are scarred for life now i’m sure…

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 380


    What’s up with the “Kill Whitey” Jake–that’s harsh–I don’t think I even did anything!


    lol whitey

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 1111

    “Eat More BASS”

    Now THAT is sick and twisted!

    Posts: 565

    Post deleted by Mile 832

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    B.C.? you don’t like the taste of bass either..huh?

    I thought if I put that up…I would lead people to believe they were good tasting like cat…kinda thin them out a little…if you know what I mean.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    This thread just hasn’t been one of our better ones, that’s for sure. Or at least I feel far too many of the comments were off topic, off-colored humor or just flatly in poor taste.

    If this was one of the first threads read by a new visitor, do you think they’d stick around?

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Never mind then

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Sorry James…

    I was trying to lighten the conversation w/some laughter

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Theres nothing wrong with eating everything they catch as long as its within the limits of our laws of size and possesion limits. Where i live the orientials take all the carp and rough fish home instead of leaving them on the banks which is good. If thier all rough fish i say go for it. Too bad its not feral cats in the wild!

    Posts: 669

    I once read a study that was done by a wildlife type group on wild cats. Sorry, it was a long time ago and I can’t rememember who did it. The one thing I remember about it was how they came to the conclusion that cats are extremely successful preditors and can have a huge impact on local small game/wildlife. As much possibly as skunks and foxes can have on duck populations. Should ya shoot em? I don’t know about that, but they can be very harmful to wildlife.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I can appreciate that Slop. I was hoping something would happen to get people to stop talking about shooting the neighbor’s dogs, cats or other protected animals. That kind of talk just does us no good as a group.

    The thread started out basically asking for people to be responsible pet owners due to the damage cats can cause. This is a worthy topic that is without a doubt more than a little inflammatory. The real question became can we talk about the subject without making ourselves look like a bunch of wild-eyed, “kill anything that moves” bunch of knuckle-draggers?

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Something to think about for you non-hunter folk……

    What are you going to do when you catch that first big head carp? You just gonna let it go knowing it WILL eventually do harm to the fishery?

    Doubt it……unless you don’t care about the future of the resource, you’ll be putting a knife through it’s head.

    In my mind, its the same deal with stray cats.

    If that makes me a “wild-eyed, kill anything that moves knuckle-dragger”……so be it

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 380

    Jake I had the same thought about comparing them to the asian carp but, didnt post it.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    I may have been a little rough around the edges on my posts and maybe even a little edgy, but I won’t change my stand on the issue as it evolved.
    Hey, anybody get out on the water today?

    Brian Lyons
    Posts: 894

    Beware good folks!!
    There are many ways to TROLL

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