I’m a member at the other site and here. I do like both and think both have something to offer. I don’t particularly care for the rules on the other site either. That seems to be a sticking point with most folks. I’m not a staffer on either site so I can’t comment on that side of things.
I do think the fishing advice here is more trustworthy as far as what works and what doesn’t. I definitely feel more comfortable buying a product that is recommended by a pro staffer on this site. One thing I especially like at this site is that there are “experts” here that are professional tournament fishermen. While most of the pro’s have sponsors, one thing is for certain. If a pro fisherman uses a product, it must work to a degree that helps them catch fish. Also most pro’s on this site will qualify their statements with “I am sponsored by this company” and aren’t trying to be sneaky about plugging their sponsor’s products or drumming up sales numbers for the site.
I don’t particularly care for the subtle (or not so subtle) posts on the other site that are really just ads for a sponsor product. A staff member will post about the success they had with product X and then a couple more staff members will chime in with their success too and then the lemmings all get in line to march off the cliff to buy the product. Undoubtedly some of the products they plug are worthy but don’t insult my intelligence by posting advertisements under the guise of a message board thread. I definitely have my B.S. Radar set at a higher sensitivity level when on the other site.
Bottom line for me, I visit both sites and use the info from both sites that I feel is useful. However I feel the staff here is more trustworthy, the information more useful, and the “noise” level lower on this site.