Fishing Machine, Sal and Herb

  • cherilovell
    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495

    Them are some funny stories. I have one to add (doesn’t have anything to do with teeth (and this was back in my young and stupid days). A few friends had gathered for a GTG of the local CB club I belonged to. I was in charge of making spare ribs – because I had a rep for them being the best. So I have a huge cake pan over flowing with ribs and hand it off to someone to past to the table. This person is sitting down in a lawn chair as he is placing the ribs on the table – he busted thur the chair and as he is hitting the ground the pan of ribs are flying thur the air (you know the saying – when pigs fly). and land all over the yard. Guy yells 5 second rule and scrambles to pick up all the ribs. Now this yard is known to have pets in it but he proceedes to put the pan of picked up ribs on the table and asks who wants some. We all of course say no and he proclaims the ribs his as that a little dirt ain’t going to hurt anything and he waited all week long for my ribs. So he has started to go thur the ribs one by one to pick off any visible signs of grass, dirt, ect… As he is doing this, some other people are now shooting off fireworks. As he is sitting there eating he wants a bottle rocket to light off. He now sooner gets the lighter started and along comes two police officers. Their first comment was that they could smell ribs from up the block (they parked a block away to try and catch us shooting off fireworks because someone called and complained). Then the police ask if we are shooting off fireworks and the guy eating the ribs says no. Well, he thought that the bottle rocket that he was trying to light the second before the police came along didn’t light and he threw it under his chair in hopes of it not being seen. Well the fuse was started and as he told the officer no that we were not setting off fireworks the bottle rocket went off. The only place for it to go was thur the seat of the lawn chair he was sitting in
    The one of the officers says he has to write out a ticket for the fireworks and while this is being done, the guy offers the police some ribs in a “no hard feelings” jesture. They each fill a plate and proceed to start eating on their way back to the car with no clue that the ribs had just been on the ground where dogs do #1 and #2.

    Fishing Machine
    Lansing, Ia
    Posts: 810

    Ohhhh my god stupid is as stupid does is all I can say That is pretty darned good

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Good stories, im glad you got your teeth back fishing machine. Hey maybe thats why they say what you don’t know won’t hurt you, a little history behind the food dosen’t hurt eigther.

    Fishing Machine
    Lansing, Ia
    Posts: 810

    Thanks mossydan. I was glad to get them back too. But didn’t put them back in my mouth. They went in my pocket till I got home and could wash them there. Didn’t want them to fall back in the hole
    Herb may not have fished them out a second time.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Anything for the fishin gals.

    Fishing Machine
    Lansing, Ia
    Posts: 810

    My sweet boy. How I love ya son. You had to go in shoulder deep as it was and freeze your buttons off. From now on extra care in everything I do. May not be so lucky the next time.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Hey fishing machine, The winter waters pretty clean up there and id bet you would have been safe if you had to use them. Hey Herb salami salami balogny, i haven’t heard that one in a long time, lol

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    There have been some of the BEST memories of my life created from the people of this website ❤️ from the days of EFN… To FTR…to FTR/FTL… to In-Depth Angling to where it is now as In-Depth Outdoors 👍👍
    I have been able to make more friends than I can count !!

    I have a very special place in my heart for a gal who’s nickname is @fishingmachine along with a Great Man by the name of Herb Bailey “God rest his soul”

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Thank you BK for bringing me back to this post… you too are a reason this place is like a second home 🥰

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    What’s really crazy Dave is that I talked to fishing machine about 3 or 4 weeks ago to talk to her about meeting up when we come down to Lansing this summer. The other day, I was picking up a couple magazines out of the library to bring down to the boat. Big River magazines.

    When a magazine fell out of my hand and landed with two pages open on the floor and there was fishing machine looking right at me. She was in an article written by Ted Peck and talked about this very trip where her teeth fell into the water.

    Even though I’ve heard the story before here on IDO and she may have told it to me in person at the time but seeing it in a 2017 magazine gave me a belly laugh!

    Both Sal and Herb are gone but for those of us that knew them their memories will always live on!!

    1. DEF56CAC-D0C2-48E1-B03E-3C62BD13A89D.jpeg

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4333

    These stories happened waaaay before I knew anything about IDO let alone FTR. I still had a great laugh. rotflol rotflol Thanks BK and Dave for sharing. waytogo

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    That was my first GTG.

    My hotel room was right across the hall from Chappy’s (and someone else). It was the middle of the day. They were make barely any noticeable noise when I stood out side of their door in the hallway.

    So, the nice neighbor I am, I called the front desk and asked them to call their room number and say exactly this…”The guy in the room across the hall is complaining about all the noise you guys are making. Can you keep it down?”

    All of the sudden it was sobering quiet and then there was a knock on the door. I can’t type in public what was said with a big old smile on everyone’s face once I opened the door.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Those are some names I have not thought of for some time.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    Seems like a lifetime ago… I too have made many friends on IDO over the decades. In fact Saturday night, I get a random message from none other than Ecnook… he was playing scrabble and his letters spelled out my last name.. so he just messaged to say “hi” and we had a 5 minute chat. Life is made up of small things… thanks for that one Dave 😎🤙🏻

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