Here’s one to turn your nose up at…
A retired county sherriff and I were having a beer back in the ’70’s. We were talking about goofy stuff that happened to each of us…
Then he told this story…it pretty much ended the conversation. Back in the ’20’s he was a county deputy and for extra money, he worked at a local dance hall. All of these rural places had the old out houses and no electricity. Well, you guessed it. One older fella stumbled up to him (he had just a little too much) and asked for some help in the two holer. He dropped his teeth down the hole and it was too dark to see them. Using the flashlight they found the teeth, I really don’t remember what they used to pull them out of there…..Once out the slightly liquored fella wipes them on his coat sleeve and pops them into his mouth…
Back to the dance floor he went. 
I start spitting every time I think of that story.