Sucks to be in that position. What does a guy do when it is family or friends??? Sure, the easy answer is to “burn em at the stake”………….But that also means turning on your brother (is a fish more important than blood???), or destroying a life-long friendship over a stupid fish………There are alot of people who get behind the wheel of a vehicle after a couple of beers at a family function, who are borderline drunk…..probably not drunk, but “maybe” to the point of getting a dui…..did you ever turn your brother or friend in for drinking/driving? How about when “your best friend” in the boat, kept that one walleye on the river that was 14.9″….did you ever just say “good enough”……..The law is the law, you should have called TIP on him when you guys got to shore……..
Point is, saying burn them is alot easier when you don’t know the people. But when it is family or friends, it is a different ball game. We all have “friends” and family that do things we ain’t so proud of…….but we don’t execute them……
Besides, these people consume their catch right away. How are you going to catch them in the act??? How are you going to turn them into TIP when the evidence has already been eaten? The friend of the friend of the friend
doesn’t do it when the friend of the friend is there……………
I had the same predicament a few years back with my uncle (75 year old guy) keeping his limit of sunnies every time he went fishing on the lake he lived on………..He probably had 200 sunnies in his freezer. Which, over the course of the week would get consumed by guest who would come to visit. The man eats fish with his family probably 3 or 4 times a week, which 20 or 30 sunnies would be needed to feed 6 people at the dinner table. Plus, when people went home, he always packed a bag of sunnies for them to take home with them. The fish were getting eaten on a very fast pace. No wanton waste. Just consistent harvesting which is fine and legal.
He got to the point, where one day, he claimed he cleaned 1500 sunfish one summer……
When you hear the numbers, it sounds horrifying……….However, to a degree it is borderline legal/illegal.
That is when we had a “chat”. I informed him that keeping 200 sunnies in the freezer is acceptable, if you have enough people with license to support that volume. I also informed him that cleaning 1500 sunfish equals to 100 days of fishing and eating 15 fish on those 100 days. Now, when I also showed him that he was only at his cabin for 90 to 110 days per year………….that he wasn’t in the parameters of the law, is when he could get in big trouble.
All this was a “good debate” about what is the difference if he catches them each day, or a bunch in one day, to feed the family and friends for a fish fry. What is the problem if he has those fish in the freezer if people are going to eat them.
The turning point was explaining the law to him and how his big mouth and peoples eyes on the water are going to get the game warden knocking on the door. And knocking on the door at the wrong time, will be putting his fishing career out of commission………
It is tough when you have “old timers” or “veterans” who just can’t comprehend selective harvest. They got to “get them now, or they won’t get them ever again”, or it is “my lake” mentality.
Like I said, the turning point was explaining the fact that if the fine is great enough, you can’t fish anymore……….What is the point of living on a great body of water if you can’t fish?