Rod Holder Placement

  • pyake
    Posts: 167

    I have posted on a few threads recently on this, but thought that I would put a new one out dedicated to the subject. I have a 1750 Fishhawk on which I would like to mount four rod holders. The gunwales are 4″ by 3″ aluminum tubes which will accept whatever type of mounting system you like. My fishign preferences are by far casting for muskies, followed by casting for smallies. I would like to add the rod holders to start trolling for muskies in some MI lakes that allow it, but will likely continue to be primarily a casting fisherman.

    My main considerations for placement of the rod holders are to keep the gunwales clear when casting (holders need to be easily removable) and for the best placement for use in a trolling situation. I don’t want to install these things and then wish I had put them somewhere else. Initially I was planning on installing flush mounts but after looking at the size hole that I need to drill in my gunwale I have some reservations I have not decided yet whether to put all 4 holders in the back, or to split two to the front and two to the back.

    Several sugestions have been made on putting rails on my boat, but the layout of my Fishhawk creates some problems with this due to interferance with rear cleats, gas fill port and stearn light plug. I will attach some photos to hopefully illustrate my concern. I also don’t want to be hitting my rod against the rails when working jerk baits. If there is an ideal way to place two flush mounts towards the transom, then I am leaning that way.

    Posts: 167

    Port side view

    Posts: 167

    View from bow

    Posts: 167

    View of rear casting deck.

    big water
    Andover ,MN
    Posts: 291

    try mounting some rails
    oh by the way nice motor i’ve got the df140 that sucker rocks

    Posts: 167


    try mounting some rails

    oh by the way nice motor i’ve got the df140 that sucker rocks

    Should the rails go just forward of the rear cleats? I want to be able to troll a tiger tube in the prop wash so I’m thinking the further towrds the transom the better.

    Suzukis rock!!!

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    Pete, The rails will give you the option of sliding the rod holders to various positions. Check out RAM rail mounts. The holders can easily be removed and stored out of the way. The photo shows my rail moumts.

    Posts: 167

    Thanks Don,

    I like your setup. I am going to have trouble keeping rails tight to the transom like yours because of the cleats and gass fill port placement. Other concern is rails end up closer to mid-ship which I would like to avoid for handling big fish off the side of the boat. Much easier to lean over a flat gunwhale vs a narrow rail into the ribs.

    Based on what you do with rails, what would be the ideal spacing between two flush mounts on the transom?

    St. Charles, MN
    Posts: 293

    I have the same boat and had the same concerns as you have on where to mount rod holders. I fianlly decided to go with the Cabela’s flush mount and side mount holders with the 360 HT rod holder and I have been very satisfied. Check out the link below.

    Posts: 167


    I have the same boat and had the same concerns as you have on where to mount rod holders. I fianlly decided to go with the Cabela’s flush mount and side mount holders with the 360 HT rod holder and I have been very satisfied. Check out the link below.


    Where did you locate the mounts in relation to the cleats and gas fill, etc.


    St. Charles, MN
    Posts: 293

    I have a T8 kicker tiller model on my boat and do allot of trolling for walleye’s. I have my rod holders mounted directly in front of me which is aprox. three to four feet forward of the cleet and the gas cap. This is my personal preference in relationship to where I’m running the boat and makes it easier to quickly grab my rod when a fish strikes. If you want to mount your rod holders back closer to the transom I would go with the side mounts which would not interfer with the cleat or the gas cap.

    Posts: 167

    Here is what I have in mind – red dots represent rod holder mount locations. I will most likely go with flush mount vs side mount…

    St. Charles, MN
    Posts: 293

    I have my flush mounts located in the same position except for the one back near the transom. The flush mounts are more work installing but look much nicer when you get done.


    Posts: 167

    Next question is best installation technique. The RAM rod holders are pretty nice but lack any documentatoin on best method to install. The Cabelas website, I believe, states that you need to drill a 1 3/8″ hole in the gunwale.

    Boy, I’d hate to screw this up!!!

    St. Charles, MN
    Posts: 293

    I didn’t want to screw my new boat up either but I just followed the directions, drilled the 1 3/8″ holes and the whole job was pretty easy. If you have any more questions when its time to install, just send me a private message and we can talk on the phone.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I would suggest you first sit in your boat where you and a friend would be sitting and see just where you want to mount the rod holders as you will want them within reach of where you sit. This way you avoid mistakes. The place way at the back of the boat could be a far distance to reach. Best to check it out first.
    Thanks, Bill

    Posts: 167


    What do you think about the other locations. Tried to place them in line with the front and rear casting deck seat posts thinking the same thing that you were. Trying to balance use of holders when seated on the decks as well as for a trolling situation from the console.

    The only thougt for the 5th mount located at the transom is for trolling in prop wash which will require me to turn a rod inward. Makes sense to try them before I start drilling holes.


    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Are you going to be sitting in the rear platform seat or on the platform with your feet on the floor or in the seat on the floor? Do you have and use a kicker? What I’m getting at is if you would be trolling with a kicker then where you place the back rod holders could change things as you will want them also placed where you have easy access from where you sit while trolling. Might want three holder locations back there then or move the back one forward. The flush mount ones will be out of your way when casting when you take the rod holder out of the flush mount.

    Thanks, Bill

    Posts: 2294

    Just be sure that before you start cutting or drilling any holes, put a trolling rod in the holder where you think you want to mount it, and make sure you have clearence for the seat to swivel clearly around. I’ve seen more than once where someone installed their holders and didn’t realize until out on the water that the rod butt stuck out so much that the seat back would hit it when you tried to swivel around.

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