Soldier Down

  • rvvrrat
    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1844

    Yesterday we lost another soldier from the Vietnam War. Rick Spaniol served in the US Marines from 1968-1970. He earned three Purple Hearts from gunshot wounds inflicted during battle. His cause of death was non-hodgkins lyphophoma which he developed as a direct result of exposure to Agent Orange, which was used as a defoliant by our Defense Department.

    If you can spare one, throw him and his family a prayer.

    If you are a Marine please give him the words a non-Marine cannot.


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    USMC 81-85

    Circle Pines, MN
    Posts: 608

    Semper Fi…..
    USMC/HM2 Smith

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    My prayers are out, along with many Thanks to Rick and all of our military members!

    Lacrosse Wi
    Posts: 495

    Our prayers go out to Rick and his family. Ronald Reagan once said, “Most people go through life wondering if they have made a difference, The Marines don’t have that problem.” Rifle Company India 3rd Platoon 3Bn/1st Marine Regiment 65-66

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    They are in my prayers. Thanks, Bill

    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    We thank the vets ofen.
    Our prayers to the family.

    If I may ask, what does semper Fi.. mean?

    Janesville, MN
    Posts: 3

    The meaning of Semper Fi:

    Semper Fi is actually a contraction of the full motto, Semper Fidelis, which is Latin for ‘Always Faithful’. The contracted form is often used to affirm group actions.

    Fidelis is singular, by the way, but can be either masculine or feminine. The plural is fideles. Thus indicating the Marine loyalty to a single ideal or cause.

    [email protected]

    Fort Atkinson, WI USA
    Posts: 336

    Semper Fi 7051 1974-78
    When I go to the Highground in Neillsville here in Wis a prayer will be said for him and his family.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1844

    Thank you to everyone who replied.

    It is a sad situation when someone does the right thing but has to pay for it later due to other factors.

    Again, a heart felt thanks from the family. God speed Rick.

    East Bethel, Minnesota
    Posts: 696

    Sorry I missed it but I will keep Rick my thoughts as I do all Vets. And I will not place my hat on my head today for today I give a hats off to Rick for all he gave to us. ( Hats off.)


    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    I am getting in a little late here but Rick will be in my prayers. I am proud of all those who have served and are serving currently. Thank you all

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    What Scott and Hextap said……….

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