Viking-Packer Tilt

  • sandbar
    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 1039


    Could someone point me to the golf forum?

    If you keep replying to these sports threads, you might become a Viking fan AND a golfer! Go pick the acorns up in the driveway!

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941


    Repeat after me now: “Best wide-out in the NFL, Randy Moss.”

    That’s a matter of opinion…..but definitly ONE OF THE best

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890


    Could someone point me to the golf forum?

    Brian, look for it on page “Fore”!

    Posts: 24

    What happened to Sportsmanship?

    It walked out the door on the heels of Responsibility.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Agreed Slop, but sitting alone in front of my computer, my opinion is the only one that matters.

    Now if we’re sitting on barstools, I’ll listen to anyone who’s buying.


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    Oh man, I gotta get me one of those!!!

    Posts: 2294

    I have to wonder how much of this Moss debate is being stirred up, and kept alive by Packer fans who are trying to keep the attention and discussion away from the fact that their team lost?

    If I were a Packer fan, I’d be rather concerned. Favre might not be back, they have several O linemen going into free agency, their defense is not very good, and the Vikings have a young talented team that might just have had the game they needed to turn their franchise around, and at the Packers expense!! Obviously, Culpepper, as long as he’s healthy is under contract for another 8 years, and will be tearing up the division, and Moss can’t be stopped!!

    The prospects for the future don’t look very bright for the Packers right now. Reggie White was the main reason quality players first started coming back to play in Green Bay, and Brett has kept that feeling alive, but if he leaves, are the top players still going to be willing to come play there. Only time will tell!

    In the mean time, Moss offers them an escape from having to face the cruel reality of the Packers situation.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Let it go already, Time to move on!

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3138

    I agree that sportsmanship is sadly lacking in professional sports. Butt Moss contradicts himself all the time. As the father of a child with Cerebral Palsey I was totally outraged by a Moss comment about 5 years ago about some developementally disabled kid he blew off for an autograph. Moss basically said the kid was to dumb to remember the incident anyway.

    I don’t know if that little controversy is what changed Moss’ tune; but now the guy gets field seats for these folks and gives them footballs after touchdowns. I have no idea if it is sincere or not. I do, however, like seeing him do that and I know the ones who get those seats and footballs will treasure them. It is a classy and wonderful gesture from a guy who may not be classy or wonderful at all.


    Posts: 2294

    This is copy/pasted from another site.

    “When Nicholson did it, no one was moonstruck

    January 12, 2005


    Seven years ago, when Jack Nicholson accepted the Golden Globe for Best Actor for his performance in “As Good as It Gets,” he bounded onto the stage, turned his back to audience . ..

    And pretended to moon everybody.

    As Nicholson wiggled his rear end around, the crowd roared.

    “I warned this would give me another decade of not having to behave myself,” he quipped.

    On newscasts and entertainment shows across the country, there was much chuckling but little finger-wagging as Nicholson’s stunt was played again and again.

    In the papers the next day, there was much talk about the nutty evening, as this was also the night when Ving Rhames gave his Golden Globe to Jack Lemmon, and Christine Lahti heard her name announced while she was in the bathroom.

    ” was a wild evening by staid awards show standards,” said the Los Angeles Times, noting that Nicholson “mockingly mooned the crowd ala fellow nominee Jim Carrey.” But the paper made no judgment call on Jack’s actions.

    And that was about it. Nobody “digitized” Nicholson on the evening news. Nobody banned the clip because it was so offensive. There were no talk-show debates about Jack contributing to the further decay of society, nor were there newspaper editorials calling for sanctions against NBC for showing the moment on live TV without so much as a five-second delay to protect the children.

    It was the late 1990s, the last Golden Age for free speech. A time when hysterical overreaction did not rule the day.

    Moon landing at Lambeau

    Fast-forward to 2005, and Randy Moss’s end zone moon job at Lambeau Field.

    All right, so Moss is an immature, attention-starved, egocentric clown. Didn’t we already know that? And couldn’t we use the same terms to describe Dennis Rodman, who became a folk hero for similar, if not worse, behavior?

    Sidebar here: In the Vikings’ preseason opener, after Moss caught a 48-yard touchdown pass from Daunte Culpepper, he handed the ball to 8-year-old Will Bennett, the son of Vikings’ punter Darren Bennett. Will has muscular dystrophy. In a September game at the Metrodome, Moss gave two touchdown balls to Jason Mulligan, who uses a wheelchair. The latter good deeds merited a Page One photo and a three-line caption in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press — and that was about it. The national media ignored it.

    I don’t know about you, but I’ll endure a playoff pretend-moon in exchange for a couple of classy, goodwill gestures any time.

    The new McCarthyism

    The hysteria and hypocrisy surrounding Moss’s silly little moon-mime are breathtaking in scope.

    First there’s Fox announcer Joe Buck, who acted as if someone had allowed their dog to soil Lambeau Field. Buck howled that it was a “disgusting act. … It’s unfortunate we had to air it live.”

    Right, especially when it interferes with the constant promos for such Fox shows as “Who’s Your Daddy” and “The Swan.” You know, the classy material.

    And giving credit where it’s due here even if it means I have to throw in enough plugs to make Joe Buck blush: kudos to the Tribune’s Teddy Greenstein for reporting that it was Los Angeles Times columnist Bill Plaschke on ESPN’s “Around the Horn” who pointed out that Joe Buck “takes a lot of money from a beer company to do a commercial about a self-serving, self-indulgent guy named Leon who reminds people of Randy Moss. It’s fine when he’s getting paid to do it, but when he doesn’t get paid to do it, it’s disgusting.”


    By the way, the beer company in question is Anheuser-Busch. Buck has been an announcer for the St. Louis Cardinals since 1991. Anheuser-Busch owned the Cardinals for 40 years, and the corporation still has exclusive sponsorship rights on Cardinals broadcasts. So how about a bowl of conflict with that Bud Light, Joe?

    It took Colts’ coach Tony Dungy to remind everyone that Packers fans have a “tradition” of mooning the visiting team as it heads to the bus, and how’s that for an attractive mental picture? So Moss wasn’t just mooning out of the blue (which would make it a blue moon), he was engaging in a little re-butt-al, so to speak. In that context, the whole thing is pretty creative and kinda funny.

    The larger point is this: we’re going nuts. You know what offended me about the Nicollette Sheridan-Terrell Owens episode? The bad acting. You know what bothered me about the Janet Jackson routine? That 99.9 percent of the complaints came from people who protested only after they were urged to do so.

    We look back at the 1950s and McCarthyism and we wonder what those people were thinking. How could they be so small-minded, wrong-headed and anti-First Amendment.

    Fifty years from now, people will be wondering the same thing about the USA of 2005.

    They’ll wonder what the #### we were so afraid of, and what the #### we were thinking.”

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    I really dont see why yall are makin a big deal about it. Escpecially the viking fans who try to come up with some excuse for it. All the players moon everyone when they bend down to hike the ball anyways.
    But hey, we might actually see minnesota win a superbowl for their first time, right?

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    The only people I see talking about it lately are the vikings fans. It seems everyone else let it go…

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 380

    I saw moss was fined 10k as well. I would prefer everyone would be like Barry or Walter but that just isnt going to happen with these punks. The celbrations I hate most are the ones when the team is losing and a guy makes a tackle and has to run off the pile and do a dumb dance, like barnett of the packers has done. Or like when williams of the Vikes made a big hit on Keyshawn early in the year on what I believe was a 3rd down. Keyshawn caught the ball made the first then williams lit him up with a big hit but keyshwan. He then started running his mouth like look at me the the big bad DB. I was just thinking in my head “you stupid **** he just got a first down.” there is no need for that its not like they celebrate just when they make a 3rd down stop that can swing a game. I like echook(sorry if i have your name wrong) said it best take the camera off of them and this would all stop. I dotn know if u all noticed that when T.O. did his dumb situp dance I believe it was Pinkston was running over to him to celebrate then T.O. went down to do his situps and Pinkston just turned his back in what looked like discust and walked away. It takes 22 starters plus any reserves who step in to win a football game. Not just one jackass(yes there are gamebreaking players). I am so sick of all that and the way the nfl calls penities on defensive backs anymore i wont watch the nfl. The college game is far more team oriented and they are still playing for the love of the game. Plus the nfl should adopt how the DB can play in college. You can bump all u want as long and u dont hold and the ball is not in the air. The nfl has IMO sacrificed the game with rules favoring the offenses and by allowing these individualized celebrations. BTW some people have mentioned favre running up and down the field after a TD. Nothing wrong with that case it involes teammates. I hate how the nfl has done away with team celebrations that are planned, i think a individual one is much more detrimental to the game. I think the NFL needs to take a good long look at itself and get back to playing football instead of making money. I know that will never happen but we all can hope. sorry if i have gone on and on once i started i couldnt quit. I guess i will just keep hating pro sports til the man gets some balls and puts a stop to all the nonsense.

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 380

    Guys I have worked myself up so much about this i am writing the nfl a piece of my mind. I know it wont do any good but I hate what has happening to the sport i love so much.

    United States
    Posts: 1434

    It is the rehearsed celebrations that I do not like. A spontaneous display of excitement after making a good play is OK and not distracting, but spare me the preconceived struts, dances jigs and rolls.

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