Seasonal on the river

  • Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Looking for input from all you river experts.
    I’ve looked for some time now for a seasonal location on Mille Lacs, Leech ect. My problem is I don’t want to be squeezed into a spot. I need some room. Also I don’t tolerate jet ski’s and skiers as well as I use to.
    So, the question is, are there seasonal spots around the Red Wing area? I haven’t really fished the river but I’m not opposed to it either. I’m mostly a Pike and Bass guy although if forced to I probly could put up with a Walleye if I had to. Am I looking in the wrong area? Should I stick to the lakes?
    Thanks for all your input.

    Posts: 122

    If you want to fish bass and want some room then you should look for a stock dam out in the middle of a pasture. Just kidding I couldn’t resist.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1846


    To answer your question…yes there are seasonal places on the river. Places with actual waterfront come up occasionally, but most are sold by word of mouth.

    Most places on the river do not have a lot of elbow room. Lots are usually 100′ and some as small as 50′. The jet skiers are out in full force during the summer along with huge cruisers, especially on the weekends. Most of the time from 5-10am in the summer is OK, even on the weekends.

    Good luck on your search.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Thanks rvvrat,

    Is that true all along the river around Red Wing (cruisers & jet ski’s ) or just primarily around Pepin?

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 325

    I can tell you that from Lake Pepin to the Alma dam is very busy on weekends during the summer. Like rvvrrat said 0500-1000 hours on weekends is good fishing. After that it’s hiding out in the backwaters until the jets get back that way too, then it’s time to get off the river. Weekdays are GREAT though!!

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1846


    I have a place on the lower end of Pool 4 so I don’t spend a lot of time on the water in the summer in the dam/Redwing area…James, Dustin or Steve can answer this better since they spend quite a bit of time specifically in that area.

    I’ll agree with Blackduck…very little bothersome traffic during weekdays.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402

    The pleasure boat traffic on the upper end of Pool is heavy on fri sat and sunday. The weekdays are tolerable but the holiday weekends like 4th of July, memeorial day and labor day are awful . I will hit the main channel areas in the early am then head in to the areas off the main channel when the traffic get rolling. If you are on a good bite main channel you will not notice the traffic nearly as much though

    The jet skiers are not a problem at all, they do not bother me. It is the drunken idiots on the big cruiser boats that will spoil your day . They have no respect for anglers

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