Line Counter Reel

  • eyejacker
    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Need a little advice on selecting the best line counter reels on the market. I have 4 of the Cabela’s variety and have been highly dissatisfied with them and need to replace them! I appreciate any/all suggestions and comments offered.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Diawa Sealines.

    Get the 27’s for long lining and board pulling and the 47’s for leadcore.

    These reels have been the most reliable reels in my boat and I’ve had the same original 8 I bought back 6 or 7 years ago.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402

    Diawa sealine’s have been great for me. I own 8 of them and have only had to get one fixed in the last 5 years. You will get several recomendations from other anglers as well but it is going to be hard to beat the Diawa sealine models .

    Brian Lyons
    Posts: 894

    Sealines for me also!!!
    I use the 27s and have had no problems at all

    Posts: 2


    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Diawa Sealines 27’s get a thumbs up from me also.

    Welcome to IDA Sauger4!!!

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13402

    Sealines here also. I like my 17’s but am not sure about the durabilty of them. Had to get both replaced with in the first couple of months of use. Now 6 months later one is acting up on me again.

    It sounds like the 27 or 47 might be the way to go. The 17 will be nice also when they get the kinks worked out of them. Its size seems to make it work well for long lineing where you want to be holding onto the rod for long periods of time.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    I also use the 47’s for lead line

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    I agree with the Diawa’s, 27 and 47, the 47 has the line capacity for your leadcore use. Jack..

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Thanks mates, Diawa Sealines it is! I do run lead to plumb the depths, amazing the leviatans that reside there!!!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Ok, so I’m the odd ball here but I like the Okumas. Thanks, Bill

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    Sealine 27’s for me! Love them!

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001


    Ok, so I’m the odd ball here but I like the Okumas. Thanks, Bill

    The Cabelas linecounter reels are made by Okuma. I had a lot of trouble with the Cabelas reels and that scared me away from Okuma.
    I also use the Diawas.

    Lenny Jamison

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I’ve been having decent luck with my Okumas but my Accudepths have been better. Because the Accu. is also made by Daiwa, I know the Sealine is going to be a better reel for any consistant, hard use. Mine don’t see an overbearing amount of use and I could get 2 Okumas or 2 AccuDepths for the price of one SeaLine….. thus the reason I went with cheaper models. In spite of my choice, what I DO know of the SeaLine’s…… you should be very satisfied with them!

    N.E. Iowa
    Posts: 76

    Let’s take this post one step further. Daiwa has replaced their 27LC and 47LC reels with new models labled SG27LC and SG47LC. What are the new features of these new reels. Is this just cosmetic changes or have they done an upgrade in performance and reliability.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    I just ordered 2 of the SG27-LCA-W reels @ $89.95 each. In that I have never owned the LC27 I have no idea the nature of the changes. I would be interested in knowing though!

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 116

    Shimano Tekota 500LC’s are the best that I have found, I have two of them paired with St. Croix Glass Rods and have found them to be terrific long-lining rods. You can find some good deals on ebay from time to time on these, but they will run you a bit more than the SeaLine’s, Accudepth’s or Cabela’s brands previously mentioned.

    Good luck in your search!

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