• jeremy-crawford
    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530


    I have come to a decision on my vote. Since I have been kind enough to challenge many of your though processes and inflict some emotion I will share the why.

    Bush does have a horrible record on pollution and his ties to the oil industry are all but criminal. The economy is a very serious concern and yes the presidents actions do have an measurable impact on the economy. Yes free trade is good for America as long as it is free trade without tariffs. Jobs and industry are not consumable goods and should not be exported. NAFTA was and still is awful policy compounded by the previously mentioned complex tax system allowing companies to hire abroad. Is all this George Bush???…. Nope, some is and he is not fixing these concerns however Kerry will only do what is popular. He is involved with peta, he shoots a goose to try and gain middle class hunter gather type votes. His positions change with the crowd he is addressing. He has no proven track record. His indecisiveness is something I can not put faith in. This inability to make up his mind and go through with his beliefs are signs of weakness. This will make his foreign affairs even worse then what we have with Bush. The other countries may not like him but you can be sure they won’t urine with him either.

    For my decision this all comes down to character. I believe that Bush will do what he thinks is best, honest, and right to the best of his pocketbook. He said publicly that he believes his has been called by God to run this nation. This may well be the fact. Revelations state that prior to the messenger will reign a 7 year tyrant for lack of a better term. I pray that as I cast my vote for GW that he is not this tyrant.

    With Bush I know what I am getting and at this point of the game I choose to leave him in. Last year the Red Sox should have pulled Pedro out in the 7th but chose not to. Am I making the same mistake?

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    With Bush I know what I am getting and at this point of the game I choose to leave him in. Last year the Red Sox should have pulled Pedro out in the 7th but chose not to. Am I making the same mistake?

    Game 7, 2004… BoSox bring Pedro IN in the 7th and he gets hit hard (very hard), giving up two runs. Despite the mistakes of the leadership the Redsox win and are on to the World Series. Hopefully our country can overcome the mistakes of our leaders. Whichever one of these guys gets the gig, there will be plenty to clean up in 2008.

    Vote Slopbass 2008!!

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Thanks Wade..

    I can promise that when i’m president i’ll completely be looking out for the rights of BASS FISHERMAN!!! Hunters, Gun Owners and anglers in general. While against groups such as PETA and the EPA, i will work to improve our environment and increase conservation efforts.

    I am Jeremiah Shaver and I approve this message.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    Just curious as to why you are against the EPA?

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    I forgot to mention, your running mate is WALLEYES_ONLY…

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    While i don’t mind the what the EPA tries to do, they do have some radical ideas/thoughts…it’s the radicallist aspect i don’t approve of…..Sorry for the confusion….

    Can i count on your vote in ’08!!

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    Sure, you can have my vote, if you clarify on what issues they are so radical on….

    Not raggin, actually curious, as I do not know.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872


    Can i count on your vote in ’08!!

    I’m using a write in candidate.

    Darth Vader!!

    Never under-estimate the power of the Force.

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030


    He has my vote for president as long as he changes his policies to include Walleye Fishermen as being equal to Bass Fishermen. I don’t know why anyone would want the job but I like his spirit. Do you support longer vacations and weekends for sportsmen?


    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    The walleye fisherman should and will have equal rights as the Bass fisherman,(as long as they’re not on my smallie spot)lol…..

    My first bill to propose: LMB6.3lb , not only pushes for a 4 day work week, but for a 6 hour day, instead of the long and usesless 8 hour day…

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    I have to add my 2 cents worth. Can’t stay away from something I’ve not seen mentioned. In the next presidential term, there will be at least a couple of new Supreme Court Justices appointed, and the idea of having a far left liberal naming them gives me nightmares. I am a middle of the road guy, but knowing John Kerry’s voting record, I can only assume that the people he would appoint would not interpret the “intentions of the forefathers” but would use the bench to legislate, as we have seen all to frequently during the gay marriage fiasco of the past year.
    I do not trust that our 2nd amendment rights would still be in tact for our children, or that our country would be able to maintain any of its remaining moral integrity with the trends that would be established with the appointments that would be made. Our only hope, if Kerry is elected, is that the Congress is controlled by the right, preventing the approval of radical left judges. I, in all honesty, believe we are best served with a division of power between Congress and the President, keeping either party from doing too much damage. I would, however, dearly love to see the Roe v.Wade decision overturned. This, in my opinion, is the biggest tragedy of the twentieth century. We have come to accept the murder of millions of children as common, acceptable practice. I cannot ever accept that, so will have to vote for the big company backers until such time as the dems get there heads out of their ‘s and stop supporting this heinous crime.
    Wow, do I feel better!

    Posts: 2627

    I hate to even get into this but I will put in a couple of points then I am out of it for good.
    1.Whatever Kerry did or didn’t do in Nam, he was still there. What he did when he got bck is solidly on the congressional record. His statements about his Nam experiences should be all anyone needs to make up their mind about him. If he saw what he said he saw then as a Officer he was bound by the UCMJ to report the incidents. To wait till he got back home in front of TV cameras to make his claims (while our men were still POW’s) is unforgivable. How would you like this guy watching your back????
    2.Kerry has voted solidly for gun control over the years. He is rated “F” by the NRA. His hunting stories he has given several national outdoor magazines are embarrassing. He is courting the hunter vote but if he were to get in he will have no qualms about selling us down the river.
    3.One last point—Kerry’s wife scares the heck out of me. What is with her?
    Well thanks guys, after 4 days of North dakota bliss I am back to the real world.

    Posts: 2294

    I’m very concerned that Kerry might just pull this off. Seems to me there are a lot of people upset about Iraq that are going to vote just to respond to us being there. If in fact Kerry does get into office, it will be most important to make sure the House and Senate stays under the control of the Republicans, so as to balance the power, and protect our interests as sportsmen. It wouldn’t bother me much if he reversed a couple thing George W. has done on the enviromental front, but thats about as far as I’ll go.

    There is one positive that will come out of this if in fact Kerry gets elected….it gaurantees us that Hillary Clinton won’t be running for President for 8 years! The Democrates won’t support her if they have an incumbent in office, so it would be 2012 before she could get a shot at the Oval office….and that scares me more than the thought of Kerry getting in to office!

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    I agree 100% about Hillary! Rumors I’ve heard of late though scare me nearly as much. Hillary as a Supreme Court Justice. YIKES!!!! I’ve been hearing a lot of scuttle that Kerry will apoint her with the first opening. Then we really need Right control of Congress to nix that appointment!

    Posts: 2294

    I doubt she would ever get ratified by Congress.

    Everyone in this land knows she is a power monger, and I seriously doubt she would be given that much power.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Loc: Marion, IA

    Jeremy Crawford
    Loc: Cedar Rapids area

    Loc: Cedar Rapids, IA

    Something in the water down here make us hellraisers or what?

    What I can add: If you’re lost in the Carribean, even the television doesn’t mention the election. You can watch an entire Red Sox v. Yanks game without seeing either one of them. It’s a nice reprieve.

    Time flies when you’re having Rum!

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Dude, That time flies when you are having run comment it too funny… Thanks.

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