I have come to a decision on my vote. Since I have been kind enough to challenge many of your though processes and inflict some emotion I will share the why.
Bush does have a horrible record on pollution and his ties to the oil industry are all but criminal. The economy is a very serious concern and yes the presidents actions do have an measurable impact on the economy. Yes free trade is good for America as long as it is free trade without tariffs. Jobs and industry are not consumable goods and should not be exported. NAFTA was and still is awful policy compounded by the previously mentioned complex tax system allowing companies to hire abroad. Is all this George Bush???…. Nope, some is and he is not fixing these concerns however Kerry will only do what is popular. He is involved with peta, he shoots a goose to try and gain middle class hunter gather type votes. His positions change with the crowd he is addressing. He has no proven track record. His indecisiveness is something I can not put faith in. This inability to make up his mind and go through with his beliefs are signs of weakness. This will make his foreign affairs even worse then what we have with Bush. The other countries may not like him but you can be sure they won’t urine with him either.
For my decision this all comes down to character. I believe that Bush will do what he thinks is best, honest, and right to the best of his pocketbook. He said publicly that he believes his has been called by God to run this nation. This may well be the fact. Revelations state that prior to the messenger will reign a 7 year tyrant for lack of a better term. I pray that as I cast my vote for GW that he is not this tyrant.
With Bush I know what I am getting and at this point of the game I choose to leave him in. Last year the Red Sox should have pulled Pedro out in the 7th but chose not to. Am I making the same mistake?