• wilk71
    Albany, Missouri
    Posts: 74

    I just want to remind everyone to get out and vote this year. It is important as sportsmen that our vote be heard!

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    sorry…different kind of sportsmanship, but i had to do it, i laugh everytime i see it….

    Albany, Missouri
    Posts: 74

    I wasn’t going to endorse any particular candidate because to sportsmen who pay attention to the issues (such as yourself) there really shouldn’t be that much of a choice to make!


    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    The bigger issue here is weather we can allow another 4 years of bush and his irresponsible environmental practices. We are currently releasing pollution into the air and water at a rate equaled back on the 60’s compounded with the exportation of jobs as well as a CBO forcast that swung from a 5.5 trillion surplus to a 5 trillion dollar deficit in just 4 years. This is unparalleled squandering of our money and has not been seen since the first 4 years of 1900’s

    Now we have the complete flip side. Kerry is promising he will fix Bush’s shortfalls, cut tax breaks for the wealthiest people in America (of which he is one) and return many of the EPA guidelines set forth in the Clinton and Bush SR administrations. The only problem is Kerrys track record. He seems to be the kind of guy who shakes your hand and gives you a warm smile after your wife steps out the back.

    Please, Can we get a normal middle class businessman to run and even have a chance at the presidency without having every elected official be of a financial silver spooned background that is pissing away everything we work so hard for.

    -Still Undecided-

    la crosse
    Posts: 280

    very well stated JC, so which of the two is the “less evils” to our environment? Bush is a big proponent of BASS, but doesn’t seem to care outside of his pond in his texas ranch. Maybe lake erie will turn back to the way it was in the 70’s and early 80’s- a watered down cesspool.

    Posts: 17

    I couldn’t agree more with what you’ve said! Mr. Kerry doesn’t do much for me but I don’t think our environment can handle 4 more years of Bush, who has stacked (what used to be) the EPA with oil and energy execs who only look out for their interest not the environmental interests for us and our kids.

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    Just a quick point here….Lake Erie has never been better. There are no more dumping grounds in the United States, commercial fisherman are being watched closer and prosecuted! Regulations have changed for the better and are working. All in the last four years? No! Has anything faltered in the last four years on Erie? No! Dont base a vote on maybes, look at the true records and vote responsibly for what you truly beleive in and not based on pure emotion!

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    Jeremy, any FACTS to back up your environmental claims?

    Surplus to deficit…went from dot com paper boom (stocks irrationally overvalued, bound to correct) back to reasonable levels and the Clinton recession (not to blame Willy, more of a usually economic cycle partially brought on by the negative wealth effect of the stock market correction but did start WELL BEFORE Bush took office). Also, index that for inflation to make the numbers a legitiment comparison and it isnt that dramatic. The deficit is a smaller percentage of GDP than it has historically been.

    I am an economics and accounting major and work as a bond trader. I can tell you that Kerry’s “plan” for taxes, healthcare and corporate outsourcing is completely ridiculous and downright harmful. I can go into details if you wish.

    Bush isnt perfect, but compared to Kerry, the choice is simple. GW 2004.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    I watched 4 of the “alternative” candidates debate a week or so ago. I actually felt like I was getting some honest answers to questions for the first time EVER watching a debate. I do not agree with all of their positions, but it’s a much more interesting debate when candidates actually speak honestly.

    I know that none of them have a chance, but the fact that they’re not allowed to debate with the other two candidates, and are not allowed on the ballots in many states… Freedom of Choice? Democratic Election? Are you kidding me!

    Just a thought from a frustrated voter…

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Facts to back up Environmental Claims….. Ready….. Set….Go….

    First I will start by saying that Cheney convened a “Secret Energy Task Force” comprised of 62 members of the Oil Industry. Bush opposed the renewable energy standards and then further insulted the picture by calling for drilling on public lands. The energy plan proposed by Bush has entries taken verbatim from the energy industry trade association. Bush’s chief of staff is Andrew Card (CEO of American Automobile Manufactures Association). His Nation Security Advisor Condoleeze Rice is a Chevron Board Member and has an oil tanker named after her. Sound odd yet???? Bush also frustrated the head of EPA’s office of regulatory so much he quit. He implemented new laws pushing back the EPA guidelines giving the power plant another 10 years operating at current levels. These pollution prevention controls have already cost you money in the price you pay for a new Mercury or Yamaha. Do you suppose the technology that has been developed to bring these better motors to fruition will become stale and more costly that these marine companies will opt to wait the 10 year extension that has been given them? Does this make you happy? I can go on however I think this is proof enough.

    Being an accounting and economics major I would think that you would read the Wall Street Journal. Its obvious you don’t. In fact even yesterday there was a big article outlining many of the shortcomings set in place during the Bush administration.

    As a bond trader I have to challenge your motives. Many if not all the traders during the Tech boom years created words like “Capitol Burn Rate” This is in all honesty is offensive to me. You all knew this could not last and your choice was to ride the wave of average everyday peoples investing until you saw the bubble burst, at which time you cut your losses while your customers lost life’s earning. Traders that partook in this thievery should be held accountable for their actions. Nope, I am not calling you a thief however I do know what happened. The media and governmental agencies all had to much at stake to call a spade a spade.


    Lacrosse Wi
    Posts: 495

    I have to add my 2 cents. I’m a Vietnam Veteran Rifle Company India 3rd Battalion 1st Marine Regiment and I was in combat. I can not understand how a person can get wounded 3 times and earn two medals in only four months. The wounds must have been very minor if he didn’t have to go out of country for a month or two to recover. His whole turning on his fellow Vets joining Jane Fonda and causing aid and comfort for the enemy I could never vote for him. Sorry have to go to work, Kerry makes me sick.

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    I feel the need to go on a Kerry shortcommings rant now however there is not enough information on his record to make a stong enough case… Well I am sure I can but I will say that I do not trust him. Like I said earlier, He’s probably slipping out the back door right now.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    All I know is my dad gave me sound advice growing up when he said keep you vote to yourself, it’s nobody elses business.(unless you are actively involved) This eliminates alienating yourself or others and losing friends. Works for me.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    These are my gut instincts listening to the candidates.

    I don’t trust Kerry. I think he will say do whatever is popular to get himself elected. I agree with the “wife out the back door” analogy.

    I trust him ten times more than Dick Cheney, who I feel in my heart is at best some kind of behind the scenes power broker, and at worst the leader of some secret “behind the government” power structure similar to something from the X-Files, and possibly the real power broker in the Bush administration. Something about that man makes me feel he and his cronies want to rule the world.

    Bush I think is a likeable guy, somewhat book smart, but comes off dumb. Don’t know why, I just always get the feeling he runs the country under the advisement of others.

    Edwards I get the feeling is a nice guy, who is pretty decent at heart, but doesn’t come off like a super strong leader.

    I see Cheney as dangerous, and the other 3 as not great leaders.

    Man, this election blows.

    PS, this is all just gut feelings, like meeting someone at a party for the first time. Got no facts to back any of it up, before anyone asks.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Ya know;
    When you think about it……..

    What will the next 4 years honestly bring from either candidate?

    Congress and Senate are responsible for the majority of our internal (inside the US) affairs.

    Our current foreign policy isn’t going to change.

    Do you think that Kerry is honestly going to do any different than Bush in 4 years. You can’t go train somebody overnight (his speedy claimed method to soldier training). He isn’t going to bring all the Iraqi soldiers here for training……ain’t going to happen. Kerry isn’t going to make things right with France, Germany, Russia. Kerry isn’t going to capture UBL any faster than Bush. Kerry isn’t going to walk into N. Korea and tell them to knock it off……
    Kerry isn’t going to pull our troops out of Iraq any faster than Bush. Kerry isn’t going to get any other country to take up the burden of Iraq faster than Bush. Kerry isn’t going to suck up to the UN, just like Bush isn’t going too.

    Bush isn’t going to make N Korea stop the nuclear arms they are producing. Bush isn’t going to buddy up with France, Germany, or Russia. Bush isn’t going to capture UBL any faster than Kerry thinks he can. Bush isn’t going to end Iraq any faster than Kerry. Bush is going to keep telling the UN what to do with themselves, just like Kerry will……

    The economy isn’t going to change. Current unemployment is 5.4%. It is not fiscally responsible or logical to lower the unemplyment rate any more……Clinton’s all time low was 5.4%. The economy is on an upswing, considering we are at war (against terrorism) and the fiscal effects of 9/11 will haunt us another 2 years. Home interest rates are still below 6%, considering they were at 16% 20 years ago, when we were in a fiscal recession.

    Jobs have been going overseas and will continue to do so, as long as we all shop at Walmart, Target, Super America, Cabelas, Cub Foods. Kerry isn’t going to stop what Clinton generated in NAFTA, just like Bush isn’t stopping it. Bush or Kerry isn’t going to protect the unions. The unions haven’t been protected by the democrats since the Kennedy administration……

    Oil prices are going to come down whether you have Bush or Kerry. It don’t matter.

    Not Kerry or Bush is going to give you free government health care. So with that said, I recommend that you put your faith in your employer, that he will keep paying the cost of your medical and dental.

    The only benefit of voting for either one of these candidates is special interest. Abortion, Homosexual rights, NRA, PETA, Green Peace, ANWAR, importing/exporting……

    the deficit…….In short
    Clinton balanced the annual fiscal budget by “working” the cost of the T-Bill. This T-Bill is what effects the interest rates on your home. Remember when rates dropped to the 7% range in the mid-90s!!!! We were all happy. Well, the bill came due to be repaid and surplused…….Thus dropping the value of the dollar and assisting the drain on the economy……..Which brought the T-Bill to the lowest record ever, since the early 50s.

    So, we have defict spending………Does it really effect you? We have had deficit spending since Rosevelt…………

    Good Luck!
    Because it is Congress and Senate that will truely take care of you at home………

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    Jeremy, you still have not given any evidence that pollutants released are the same as the 60s. Zero.

    Yes, I read the journal. I like some, I dislike some.

    Dot com boom: dot com companies did not have bonds (in general, there were a few exceptions). Why? Bond investors and traders wouldnt touch them. Rating agencies would have rated them all as junk and non investment grade. They went public and issued stock (IPOs) to raise cash-since their only source of funds was IPOs or venture capital-the bond market was closed to them.

    And yes, there were lots of voices (including the WSJ) saying that the boom could not continue. But who listens to reason when their neighbor is becoming a paper millionaire. Ever here of Warren Buffett? People were ripping him for not jumping on the dot com boom, things worked out fine for him.

    Also, dont confuse wall street analysts who were issuing recommendations for IPOs that their firms were getting rich by bringing to market w/ traders and portfolio managers.

    Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1141

    What Kerry has done or says he will do is debatable. What is not debatable is the fact that he voted to send our troops to war and then voted no on the bill to fund the stuff they need. I don’t see how anyone can vote for a man like that. Democrat or Republican “big deal”, we should all be Americans first! That means taking care of our own, especially our troops.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    Just wanted to say thanks for being a combat vet!

    Posts: 255

    Right on JC, I agree with everything you said,

    However, I am not undecided.

    Yes, I am one of the Anyone but Bush camp.

    Posts: 255

    And yes Wilk, the most important thing here is that people vote, if you want to complain about how things are going in your country, VOTE!, or you have no right to complain.

    Albany, Missouri
    Posts: 74

    Since I started this mess….I feel the need to throw in my 2 cents…..
    I could not in this lifetime consider voting for John Kerry.
    Kerry’s acts after he was discharged from the military were terrible. We have all seen his testimony before congress, but how about his trip to Paris where he met with represenatives from the political arm of the Viet Cong. Helping them in their bargaining position with the United States before the peace talks. The bargaining chip he gave them was how to use the issue of the POW’s in Hanoi. His campaign has said that he was in Paris to meet with both sides before the peace talks…..but I believe that his actions were treasonous when Americans were still fighting and dieing in Vietnam and he is in Paris meeting with leaders of the enemy to help them bargain! How about going to Paris to meet with leaders of the insurgency in Iraq?

    Kerry gets an F rating from the NRA. Gun owners beware….51 of 55 votes in 19 years to further restrict your right in owning a firearm! Mr. Kerry gets an 100% rating from the Humane Society of the United States…the largest ANTI-HUNTING group in the United States. Kerry is one of the 40 of 100 Senators that are not members of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus. Kerry gets an A rating from The Brady Handgun Coalition. Kerry voted against protecting gun manufacturers from frivolous lawsuits. And on and on.
    He did invite 20 some members of the press to come watch him shoot a goose in Ohio this morning in a splendid photo op. He couldn’t carry the dead goose out of the field because “he was too lazy” (direct quote). I wonder if the Humane Society would have tongue lashed him if he had carried it out?
    All in all….THIS GUY IS BAD NEWS!

    President Bush is not perfect….but he stands with sportsmen.

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    I am sorry you fail to see further than what it showing up out your front window. If you are looking for mercury levels in a ppm from your local neighborhood I am sure I could find them however the fundamental change in policy that directs pollution cleanup bills back to the taxpayers as opposed to the polluters is grossly wrong. If you read the legislation and research the consequences you will see that many of the polluters are given an all encompassing pardon. What is happening is that the regulations have been lifted. Lifting the regulations make what ever means is cheaper, the way it will be handled. Just because your glass of water looks clear doesn’t mean its clean. I hope you can give me the bird and a big fat “I told ya so!!” in 10 years, Trust me I do. The way it sits is out nuclear facilities are not being cleaned up, they are not following the fundamental “working time” set forth by the engineers nor are they monitoring my neighborhood for traces of radiation. Every year there seems to be one or more fish kills in the Cedar Rapids Area. This is just local. We have Cancer cells popping up all over the united states for no apparent reason. I see that you are from MN, in 140 lakes had considerable fish kill due to increased sulfur in the water. Compound this with the release of metals in the rock of which aluminium which hinders breathing in fish. Basically your lakes go well until the magic ph of 5 and that when things start to go down hill quickly.
    For fun take some ph readings over the next couple years and see how long you will get to enjoy your favorite area.

    Bottom line is that Bush has been in my opinion pretty good about not screwing things up and however this needs fixed. While I am out voting will you please keep an eye on my wife…. Who knows where Kerry will be.

    Posts: 53

    Just a reminder, Every time a Democrat is in the office, they attempt to tke away the sportsmansrights. No matter what they say, they are trying to eliminate the sportsman! They pass laws and continue to try to slip a bill passed congress to ban guns! NOT RIGHT! Vote Republican, and our favorite pass time is preserved.

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    Sorry, one more point…PETA supports Senator Kerry!

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    The same guy who just shot a goose this morning….
    I guess my mind is made up. GW it is…. Maybe, Well,
    I am thinking I might just skip this election. I honestly can not vote for someone I don’t believe in. I just wouldn’t sleep at night.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    As long as sportsmen and women stand together strong, NO president is going to take away our ability to fish or hunt. Please don’t vote out of fear, whatever way you vote.

    Posts: 122

    Hey DaveB, you are right on. I have an open seat for you anytime.

    Posts: 517

    Get real. Presidents have far less positive effects on the economy than is generally believed. Actions of presidential administrations can over time negatively impact an economy, but they can very rarely bring an ailing economy back to health. The tools available to affect the economy are too indirect and slow, and the most powerful tool available, interest rates, is not directly controlled by the administration but is only indirectly influenced by the choice of the Federal Reserve chairman.

    Free trade policies did help the economic boom of the 90’s along with the growth of the Internet… but the “bubble economy” was caused by the Internet. Not by anything else. People got into the the technology industry that would not have been otherwise… they might have been selling insurance policies, matresses, or cell phones instead.

    We are currently suffering not from free trade policies, but from inefficient and overly complex corporate tax policies that effectively encourage the export of jobs coupled with the short-sightedness of the CEOs and Boards of Directors who are focused on the short-term bottom line rather than the long-term success of their companies. Blame Clintonomics for that.

    Want a slow bleeding death? Vote Kerry. Want a true rebound? Vote Bush.



    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    I remember what the river was like back in the 60’s and it is a hell of a lot better now. There is no comparison. I can remember watersking when up camping at Bay City in the mid 60’s and having my skin turn yellow after being in the water. I know that there is still a problem with mercury and other chemicals in the river but since the inception of the EPA our inland waterways have become much cleaner. Back in those days towns along the river dumped raw sewage into the river. Factories, chemical plants and power plants pumped huge amounts of who knows what in the rivers. Most of the dumping stopped but there is still many problems. Mercury is one that will always be a problem at some level. Getting those levels down to a acceptable level is something that needs to be addressed. Coal fired power plants are the biggest culprit.

    I know that the current administration has not done a great deal to help the enviroment along the lines of cleaner waterways. I know that they lifted some of the regulations for oil exploration. They have shortened enviromental impact studies in certain areas of the country so that new power plants could be built faster. These have not helped the enviroment. However, I know that President Bush does care about the enviroment. I know that he has to make difficult decisions especially when it comes to energy to run the country. I know that he is a true sportsman who loves to fish and hunt. He does not dress in camo and carry a shotgun just for a photo opportunity. Even though Senator Kerry says he is a sportsman and owns a gun I don’t buy into it. He does not have much of a history when it comes to hunting except for when he has been on the campaign trail. I know his stance on guns and I know mine. I know that guns don’t kill. People kill. I am tired of the liberals blaming it on the guns. I like to consider myself middle of the road when it comes to politics but I don’t know about that any longer. I think it was Winston Churchill that said something along the lines of people tend to be more liberal when they are young but they become conservative with age and wisdom. I can buy into that. I may not agree with everything GW has done but I know where he stands and I know his strong convictions are for real. The important thing to remember is to get out and vote no matter who you vote for. We do live in the greatest country on the face of the Earth.


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