cannon lake, fairbult mn

  • thompkevin
    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26

    been fishing cannon lake but cannot seem to find the walleyes, anyone know where they are hideing?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Have you been fishing at night or just during the day. When I used to fish there we would rarely be able to scrounge up more than a few decent walleyes before dark. After the sun set was a different deal though. The narrows between the two lakes is a prime locale as was the swimming beach and the handful of rock humps/bars. We usually stuck with throwing twister tails or trolling cranks and did pretty good.

    This should be about the start of the good night bite on that lake. If you’ve not done it before give it a shot.

    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26

    Thanks james, I have tried fishing the narrows but always left at dark. I will try staying later and see what happens

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Boy you’ve left just before the show!~

    3″ twister tails in white or chartreuse and #11 – #13 floating raps long lined trolled near or through the narrows… (don’t try this when the guys are lining the banks unless you want to try and see if you can get them to conjure up some new and previously unheard of swear words… lol)

    Often the best fishing doesn’t get going until after midnight. This is a popular night fishery in the fall, as is Tetonka, so you won’t be alone. I used to fish this lake with a couple of buddies from Austin and we wouldn’t even show up until 10 – 11 PM… about the time that most of the others thinned out.

    Let us know how you do, please.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Welcome to IDA cannon crappie!!!
    Be sure to let us know how you do!

    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26

    Last night I tried the narrows and came up empty. Me, my son and a buddy of mine got there at around 11:00 and started fishing. The moon was about 3/4 full and the winds were relitively calm. My son started with a minnow and a lighted bobber but switched to a floating rap after about an hour. me and my buddy both threw 3″ tails ( white, orange and chartruce) for awhile and then switched over to differant raps. we stayed there untill about 2:00 am and did not catch any fish. Not sure what we were doing wrong but none of us even had a bite. There was one plus to the whole night and that came about an hour and a half after we got there. I was standing there looking at the moon (wondering where the fish were) when in the distance a pack of either wolfs or coyotes started to howl. My son (13 years old) looks at me and asked me what they were. I looked at him and told him and he said that even though we were not cathcing fish, Hearing those sounds made the whole night worth while. I could only smile and agree with him.
    If anyone has any other ideas about where to catch the wallys , please post it. thanks to those that replied.

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