Requesting input on the classified section

  • In-Depth Webstaff
    Posts: 2756

    We’re looking for some input to address an issue we’ve run into with the classifieds section on IDA. First, I’m sure those that frequent that portion of the site have noticed how INCREDIBLY busy it has become. Boats, trucks, gear… houses and campers. All being sold here. And we think that’s great. We like helping to connect buyers and sellers and have always strived to keep this feature free to all that need it.

    But it’s getting expensive for us to run. Lots of trafic. Lots of photos being uploaded and viewed thousands of times and that all adds up. Servers to maintain. Memory to buy.

    So we need to do 1 of 2 things….

    1) Look at severely restricting access.

    2) Start charging in some manner for this service.

    If we restrict access we’ll end up with a fairly lame classifed section with few items. We’re not real high on that choice.

    We could start to charge a nominal fee for posting ads on the site. We know of several sites receiving a fraction of the traffic we receive that charge $30 or MORE to place an ad for a couple months. We think that’s rediculous. Right now we’re thinking about an affordable ad structure based on selling price. Something like $2 for anything under $250. $4 up to $1000 and an unlimited category for a few bucks more. These are just numbers I’ve pulled out of the air right now but I’m sure everyone knows what I’m getting at.

    So right now we’re looking at input on what people would think is fair as far as rates or any other suggests someone might have for covering the expenses generated by the classified ads portion of the site.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    How about a charge for bigger ticket items. No charge for small ticket items. It seems to me that if there is any charge for smaller priced items that people might be reluctant to list them. A fee on these items might knock out the listing of rods, reels, tackle and other small items.
    Haveing to pay a fee to list a larger item seems pretty normal. You sure cant stick a car or boat in the paper for free. I wouldnt feel bad about paying for the service on IDA either.
    What are your thoughts on collection of these fees? Credit card would be nice and easy. Paypal might work. Keeping payment methods simple for us and simple for you will be a big plus also in how this works.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Good points Mike. It would be in our best interest to allow all ads under a certain dollar amount ($200 comes to mind) to be placed free.

    If we do go this route I’ll upgrade the classified system to allow convenient ad placement and processing. I also think it would be nice to allow a couple options that would protect the sellers contact info. And a way to control follow-up replies would be great too as that would keep people from “hijacking” an ad with unrelated banter or competing information.

    Thanks for your input Mike. We’ll definitely incorporate a free section for lower priced items.

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    I have a couple of other suggestions as well. Is it possible to put an “experation date” on these posts so they are not kept indefinetly? Also, how about a modest surcharge for subsequent pictures beyond one initial photo of the object, or limiting to, say, two pictures. People can always send more pics via email to interested parties.
    I certainly think it is only reasonable to pay to list high ticket items as well as multiple photos.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    How ’bout a 1% In-depth tax on items that are sold?

    I agree with an expiration date as well, and certainly anything that is sold can go away.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    How ’bout a 1% In-depth tax on items that are sold?

    No New Taxes!!!!

    Sorry, couldn’t myself…..

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Just a little off topic…

    But if there were an easy way to rate the buyer and seller….

    I’ve notice that there’s many folks that register just for the classifieds (selling). Kinda there own ebay thing…

    Maybe this would be a way to promote a sponsership level…Gold sponser…unlimited posting Silver 10 postings a year…or something like that…

    Posts: 2294

    I’m rather new to IDA and don’t want to ruffle anyones feathers here, but it seems to me that maybe there should be 2 different catagories. A swap board, with a limit on it as has been suggested, say $300-500, and a seperate classified section with a fee to advertise in, for any items over that limit.

    I look at it this way, a swap board is usually a place you, or I can go to to get rid of some used equipment that is in good shape, and no longer of use to you, but might be of use to someone else. Rods, reels, graphs, flashers, augers, ect. and not neccisarily fishing related, but they should at least be outdoor related, and still usable. No junk!

    The classified section would be for those items advertising for above the set limit, and include a fee to have them in that section. That fee should be set by the administrators of this board so as to at least cover their cost for providing the service. I would think that a one time fee to allow the item to remain on the board till it sells would be good. It of course should be restricted to only registered users of this board. You could also consider having the classified ads divided into two catagories, one text only, and one for photo ads, which might cost slightly more.

    I DO NOT think that either area should be used as a commercial advertisement area for retailers, brokers, or their agents. All items listed should be owned by the person, or immediate family member of the person advertising on the board.

    Of course, a disclaimer for IDA should also be included in case there were ever to be a problem with anything sold on this board. I say this because I question the selling or trading of firearms on a board such as this.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Brian makes a very valid point. There are people who come just to sell something, but in a way it could be good. I got “hooked” on the place because I was shopping for an outboard motor on the web. Today, here I am (that could be good or bad ). I came just shopping, but I found some really cool people here and I made some good friends!!!

    As far as “swapping goods”, meaning trolling motors, electronics, firearms, rods, what-nots that generally run below $500…..It would probably be good to let people post with a contact name/number, with no pictures. If you want something like that, you are going to end up talking to the guy to see the product if you want it or not. You don’t need to post pics of a trolling motor…..So, keep it simple, with no replies allowed. When I bought that outboard I was shopping for…..I couldn’t post back or ask for pictures. There was a phone number to contact the person at. Besides, if I want an outboard, I don’t want to look at pictures, I want to look and inspect the motor with my eyes.

    All people who are on this website have email. All people on this website have a phone. If something is advertised, send an email or pick up the phone to get the details.

    And yes, if you are selling a boat for $2500 or $25,000, I think it is good business/manners/ethics/common courtesy/politeness to cough up a few bucks in order to say thanks, for selling it on the website……

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Today, here I am (that could be good or bad ). I came just shopping

    This is good

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 691


    I think it’s important that you not only cover your expenses but make sure there’s enough in the bank to keep this great website operating at the high standards you have created.

    I’m more then willing to pay when submitting ads for items over a certain value, say $200 – $300. I’d hate to see less expensive items not posted because of the cost. Plus I enjoy coming to one website for all my fishing addiction needs….

    Kurt Turner

    Roanoke, Virginia
    Posts: 287

    Classifieds, shmasifieds… We’d like the Mississippi River Forum returned.


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    They’re in each state they’ve always been in only now they’re alphabetized in with the rest of the forums. They used to sit at the top, out of order, due to a limitation we had with our forums. We fixed that and placed them where I had intended the whole time… in order. Just scroll down about half way in MN, WI, IA or IL and you’ll see what you’re looking for.

    Posts: 4179

    How about limiting submissions to the “big ticket” portion of the classifieds to those IDA members who are site sponsors? That way, your 1 yr site sponsorship buys you the priveledge of posting as many big ticket items for that year as you please.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Definitely. I was thinking about putting together a single sponsorship package that would include a hat, decals and unlimited access to the classifieds.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    We would likely be better off without the Mississippi forum anyway….

    Don’t forget the discount coupons for HOF, JAM, Everetts, Winni guided trips, Bowens Lodge….let’s see what else do I need….

    If anyone is looking for me…I’m at the bottom of P4

    Posts: 4179

    James: let me know when you get that ironed out so I can dive in. I should probably be sporting an IDA hat during our upcoming October trolling trip.

    Posts: 122

    I’m not sure how much this would help you but one thought would be to limit the time that you keep a classified ad around. Keep it alive for 2 or 3 weeks from the initial post time. That would at least reduce the on going storage costs although it would not help your traffic problem. I have to say that the classifieds are a big draw for me and pictures are essential.

    Another possible idea, which I’m not especially fond of, it to have people host pictures somewhere else and just imbed a url to them. This may cause lots of confusion and generally decrease the usability of this feature.

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    can’t beleave that it is still a free service. like my friend louie always says, “there aint no free lunches kid”. i think that there should be a one time access fee of $5 or $10 on each item that you want to list. on items that are priced at or above lets say $500, there should be a 1% or 1.5% finders fee that goes to ida if the item is sold. you have to set up a pay system through this site. who’s to say that 2 people meet on this site and make a deal over the phone or via e-mail, are they are going to send in the finders fee? i think most people would pay their fair share, but there will be the ones that will try to get over on the system to save a buck or two. the other option would be is keep it free to people that pay the yearly site subscription fee. there should be a limit of how many items that you can list a year.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4080

    I agree that the classifieds are a great service. They are great for the sellers and the buyers. I think more people use the classifieds for buying than selling. I scan it two or three times a day for good deals. A lot of the posts are just people’s junk that is waiting to be someone else’s treasure. There are some great deals in the classifieds and I think some people would rather just let the stuff lay around than pay a fee. I think anything over $1000 should require some type of fee.

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