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205 mph speeding ticket
September 22, 2004 at 3:02 pm #322054
I bet it gets thrown out of court (if fought). There is no way that they can accurately measure those kind of speeds. The reading will be proven false (even though he may have been going over 200).
September 22, 2004 at 3:11 pm #322058Acutally they do write and convict on tickets like this. It is a proven mathmatical formula. Hundreds in Wisconsin and Minnesota are convicted each year by this. I know our troopers have a section of highway they do it on. I’ve seen them in court fight it and get convicted
It is totally stupid to go that fast….He shouldn’t get any publicity like he is getting for this. Of course now “Ricky Rocket” will have to see if he can get his bike to do 210 ro 220mph. Media….I tell ya
September 22, 2004 at 3:27 pm #322062I think this kid is pretty much toast. 1/4 mile in 4.39 seconds! I saw a story on it on KSTP this morning, and they were talking about getting from St Paul to St Cloud in 20 minutes. That’s flying!
Krisko is right, they convict people on speeds from the air all the time. This one is not going to get plead down either. Too much at stake here.September 22, 2004 at 3:30 pm #322065How can you stay on the bike if you’re catching wind at 205 MPH ? This guy must have the strongest arms in history.
Can you imagine if this guy had hit a squirrel, heck a grasshopper, at those sppeds? It’s amazing he’s not dead.
September 22, 2004 at 3:32 pm #322067Nope you don’t have to be strong at all. Those bikes are designed so if you are just below the so called windshield….The wind catches your helmet and forces your head and body down…I’ve got a friend that raced and it is possible to hang on.
September 22, 2004 at 4:03 pm #322074Quote:
I think this kid is pretty much toast. 1/4 mile in 4.39 seconds! I saw a story on it on KSTP this morning, and they were talking about getting from St Paul to St Cloud in 20 minutes. That’s flying!
Not to be nit picky, but I believe that 4.39 seconds was in 3/4 mile. Holy Crap!!
September 22, 2004 at 4:09 pm #322076I don’t believe he was going that fast. He was driving a CB 1000. I don’t care what you do to that bike it won’t go 205MPH. It has a twin engine. That engine would detonate at the rpm’s it would take to get that kind of speed.
By the way, he is the son of the Washington county sherrif.Lenny Jamison
September 22, 2004 at 4:18 pm #322078What would be the cost of the ticket if he was going that fast ?
September 22, 2004 at 4:23 pm #322080
By the way, he is the son of the Washington county sherrif
Not to make light of the fact that he could have been endangering the lives of others…But I bet Dad and a father/son talk!
September 22, 2004 at 4:26 pm #322081Quote:
What would be the cost of the ticket if he was going that fast ?
It’s off the charts. It will be up to the judge to decide!Quote:
Not to be nit picky, but I believe that 4.39 seconds was in 3/4 mile. Holy Crap!!
According to the article it did say 1/4 mile! 3/4 mile in 4.39 seconds would something like 600 mph! That’s approaching the speed of sound!buckmaster
Posts: 776September 22, 2004 at 4:43 pm #322087Wish I could of saw it in person. I can only imagine…blink and you would miss him. WOW
September 22, 2004 at 5:10 pm #322095The strips they use are 1 mile apart. That’s what they are here in Wisconsin anyway. They measure you in a mile. If you are ever on the highway and see a horizontal strip on the highway take note you will see one a mile down the road. They usually do 5 mile sections.
The bike was a CBR1100XX. It was on the news here this morning on KARE 11 or KSTP 5 not sure which I was watching. They interviewed a guy from a cycle shop in the Twin Cities about it. These have the capibility to go that fast. I have a CBR600Fi4 and I know that will do 150mph or so….Haven’t tried but that is what they come out of the box avalible to do from Honda.
I looked in my bond book for our speeding regs here in Wisconsin. In a 65mph limit area 35mph or more above speed limit is $491.00 and 6pts from license…The courts also suspend your license for 90 days. The only thing is they have recless driving and other things to tack on too!!! I know Minnesota fines aren’t quite as high but sure they would be similar.
September 22, 2004 at 5:14 pm #322096I agree with Gator, that bike will do 180 tops. That’s with a good rider and a tailwind!
The kid is actually the son of one of the Washington County Deputy Sheriffs, not the Sheriff himself…. Also notible is the fact he did not have a license!
I’m pretty sure the fine is structured like this. $45-$60 for the first 15 mph over, then add $15 for every mph over on top of that.
September 22, 2004 at 5:20 pm #322098At any rate, I’m sure he won’t be riding that bike ANY time soon.
September 22, 2004 at 5:39 pm #322104I think that bike would have a hard time breaking the 190 mark. I had a buddy (who is now a cop) of mine get ticketed for going 125 in a 55. I beleive that cost him $450 and 3 or 6 months without a license, not to mention several jobs he applied for.
September 22, 2004 at 6:18 pm #322122I once heard that anything over 100 mph of the posted speed limit is considered attempted manslaughter although I didn’t see that in the charges…read the article in the PB earlier. Perhaps it’s only in an enclosed vehicle or maybe they don’t charge you for attempted suicide
September 22, 2004 at 6:49 pm #322127Check this video out…. This guys is moving and the other is dumb!
Also I messed up they corrected it in the news it is a CBR 1000. I’ve been searching the net on a few things and all I could find is out of the box speed of 174 mph. This was on an 03′
September 22, 2004 at 6:57 pm #322130I have no doubt at all that the bike in question can be modified to attain that kind of speed. Modified bikes of that style do close to that in NHRA all the time (in the 1/4 mile) and that’s from a DEAD STOP. This guy was already cruising!
September 22, 2004 at 6:59 pm #322131I would be nervous taking a Ferrari Enzo aroudn a test track at 205, doing it on a bike on a public road is beyond stupid.
Even if he was doing 170, the same appilies.
Hello deer. Goodbye biker.
September 22, 2004 at 7:04 pm #322134Gator Hunter, he had an aftermarket Turbo system on that bike. Out of the box a 1000R will do 175!
TuckSeptember 22, 2004 at 9:40 pm #322153I think a lot of people underestimate what it really takes to make a bike hit 200, but it’s not like you can take a 175mph bike and change the air filter element.
September 22, 2004 at 10:20 pm #322162even if this bike wasn’t going 205 miles per hour, this bike was going very fast. from the aspect of the law the fine for 100 miles over the speed limit is most likely the same to that of 150 miles over the limit. I heard that this wasn’t the only bike clocked over 110 miles per hour on that same stretch of road that day. at those speeds they wouldn’t even make good organ donors. on a similar note did anyone hear about the motorcycle that met up with a hay wagon in excess of 100 miles per hour recently? not good.
slow down please!!!!!!!!!!
September 22, 2004 at 11:08 pm #322168talking about these speeding tickets is one thing but before you think about mentioning a accident that involved loosing a life you better think about the people on this board I know his family reads this board and a freind of mine.
not cool to bring something like this upSeptember 23, 2004 at 12:46 am #322172Personally, driving like a total maniac endangering others it not cool. I hope he reads this and realizes how many people he was affecting by being “cool”. His family especially would be the most devastated had anything happened. At that speed, on that road, his reaction time would have been down to nanoseconds.
I was young and full of confidence not long ago. I took my crotch rocket up to 160 per the speedo. I now consider it one of the dumber things I’ve ever done. My point, stupidity doesn’t make anything we’ve done in our past right. We are just lucky to be here to talk about it. I hope he learns from this lesson like I did. When telephone poles are going by as fast as fence posts at normal speeds, your moving.
September 23, 2004 at 1:31 am #322175There are way too many young men with these bikes that drive way too fast, the same kind of bikes fly past my house all the time and I know they hit well in excess of 100 miles per hour, there are allot of deer out hear and I am afraid it is just a matter of time before there will be an accident. I had not heard about the accident with the hay wagon, my prayers go out to the family. Nate think about it this way and I am sure the family would agree that if by us talking about this topic hear would save just one life it would be worth it.
September 23, 2004 at 3:03 am #322184Once again, irresponsibility looms over our way of life. These bikes have been around for a long time and going way too fast for a long time. Snomobiles are another sensitive subject with speed.
I keep wondering when the government is going to step in and demand speed chips in these “toys” just like the rev limiters? Anything over 100mph and she starts kickin’ and hackin’, forcing you to pull in the clutch and slow down. In light of the potential tragedies, I’d be willing to support such a thing. If people can’t keep the speed inside controlled conditions, shut the door!
I don’t feel like I’m any less free by such a restriction. If I can live free of feeling terrorized by idiots, it’s a step in my supportive direction.
Throw the book at him!
September 23, 2004 at 12:18 pm #322203Back in the 70’s, I too loved speed. My friend had a brand new Suzuki 500 road bike. We all had dirt bikes. It was great riding and riding fast. Until, on my way to show of to a girl friend, I passed a deer on the gravel shoulder of the road doing a bit over 100…..100 or 65, the legal limit at the time…wouldn’t really make a differance. I’ve never drove that fast again.
“If motorcyles kill people, can I blame my calculator on my math mistakes?”
Sorry Kid…I had to toss that in there!
September 23, 2004 at 3:36 pm #322233Guys;
Hate to rain on parades………
But a few buddies of mine have a bike shop. I was talking to them about this to see if it was possible after I heard the story……..
It is absolutely impossible for that specific bike to go that fast. Top speed that can be pulled out of that bike would be 190, maybe 195.
Beyond that speed, the physical forces that come into play overpower the horsepower required to go that fast. Impossible………….
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