Coyote Hunting Question

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18985

    Can someone tell me what firearms are legal for taking coyotes in souther MN? DO the deer hunting rifle boudries apply? Can I use buckshot?

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    To my knowledge, all firearms can be used, including rifles. If not, I’ve been breaking the law for many years using a 22-250……….

    By the way, I always carry buckshot in the house. I like my guns…….

    Posts: 45

    You can not have a rifle in possestion during an open deer season for fire arms that is only open for shotgun with or with out a valid deer lic. If you are in a rifle zone you must have a valid deer lic to have a rifle in posetion (other than at a autyhorized rifle range or encased properly for transport). Other times you can use any fire arm to harvest coyotes and you can hunt them any time without the aid of a light. You can also use electronic calls for coyote. The electronic calls work very well on coyotes that have not been called before. A locator call works good to locate them and then I recomend canine pups tape. They have excellent smelling and they can see very well at night so use very good camo and remember the wind. You can use a lighted rectical in a scope also.

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