fireline on line counters

  • cranky_troller
    Posts: 124

    does anybody know how much 10lb mono backing i need to put on a SG27LCA before i but on 125yds. of i0-4 fireline i just cant get it right

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    I do not know the answer to your question but, from the reccomendations of others here earlier this year I went to Gander and had them fill both of my line counters. The backer was free and you pay for what Fireline goes onto the reel. Both were filled evenly the same and the Fireline does not cost anymore than buying the spool and doing it yourself.

    My two cents.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Here is something to consider. Being I run 10 linecounters and am often changing line, both type, and test, I do this for tournaments to make things easy. I don’t really worry about getting it exact. When I am done spooling the reel up, I see how much line (on the counter) I have to let out to equal 50 ft of actual line. That will tell you how much you are off and give you a number to work with. I write that number on the base of the rod.

    So, when I am selecting a rod to use and it says 53 on the bottom, I know letting out 53 on the counter is 50 ft of actual line. If you looked at my rods now, you will see 4-50’s (those are right on) a 53, 54 and two 57’s. I try not let them get that far off (57) but the last time I spooled I was in a hurry.

    Yes, it may be easier to be exact, but I have learned to adapt to this system and Jarrad (tournament partner) has too

    Posts: 443

    Wow! Let’s not get too techincal about this boys! Take half of your 10 lb. mono off, add your fireline and be done with it! Shisshhh!

    Devils Lake ND area
    Posts: 330

    If you have two, put the line on backwards on one reel and reel it back on to the other one paying attention to when the the backing/fireline union hits on the counter and you have a full spool. Crank it off reel one onto reel two. Roght the number and line size down for future reference

    Or don’t worry about. Just remember how much you put on the last time and when you re-spool add more/less.

    To calibrate your reels do as Scott says. I don’t worry if mine are off a foot or three. There is enough variations in lures that it doesn’t make a lot of difference to me. Scott is too anal for me .

    The reason Scott has ten line counters is that there is one for each of his ex-girlfriends and each reel is special. He keeps them a custom rack in his rumpus room. Since he only has one rod is limited to one reel but he does take a couple along each time out in case one doesn’t cooperate.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    What I tryed with mine was to get the same diameter line for backing as the main line. Since I wanted a full spool of my main line on and to have it end at a full spool or very close to it You just need to know how much of that diameter line the reel will take. Subtract the amount of your main line and you should have how much backing you need.

    If I understand right on the line counters you want to run a fairly full spool for the counter to read acurate footage.

    Thats a interisting point Scott about marking how acurate the reels are reading. Sounds like one of those little details that might just make the differance when it really counts. I might have to check mine before night trolling this fall. Do you ever find your reels very far off 50′ if they seem to be spooled the same?

    Maybe in other words do the same reels seems to read the same way?

    Kerry Harvey
    Brownsdale, MN.
    Posts: 286

    Its been awhile since I put backing on my 27’s, but if I remember right there was 1200 feet of 10lb.

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