Presidential Election.

  • jon_jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    My personal opinion is that anyone who actually gets off their butt and goes to the poll to vote has already made up their mind. There is nothing that anyone could say or do to change my mind. I believe that is true no matter what side of the fence you are on.

    Be nice, make your vote and if you have something to say, make it a positive comment for your guy.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    There is NO WAY I’m ever going to vote for John Kerry…….But I’m really not impressed by the way Mr. Bush has been handling himself .

    So I think I’ll have to go “other”, as I’m either not going to vote at all……or I’m just going to write myself in

    JAKE in 04′

    P.S. still looking for a running mate

    La Crosse WI
    Posts: 158

    There is only one choice and he and his daddy are life members of BASS ! 1 vote for Mr Bush

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    Im kinda with Jake on this one.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    This ought to get you political nuts fired up!!!!

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    Jake a vote for “other” is a vote for Bush
    Seriously though do not choose “not going to vote at all” as an option, we all need to exercise our right to vote.

    Posts: 168

    I want more Bush!!!!!

    In defense of not going to vote…..This is what is great about America….You can vote for whoever you want to…or you can choose to excersize your right to not vote!

    St. Paul MN.
    Posts: 438

    If your baseing your vote on who loves the sport of fishing. Read bassen times put out by B.A.S.S masters read all the articles about the weakening of the E.P.A by this admininstration and how out of control the corp of egineers have gotten in the past three years.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Speaking of Presidents and BASS Fishing….Did you guys catch The Chief and Roland Martin fishing Bush’s private Lake? Bush needs to work on setting the hook, so i’ll give him 4 more years!!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    While it’s safe to say that no administration or office is going to be right for everyone or run a perfect term, I can’t see Kerry as an option. Maybe Bush isn’t the best, but Clinton didn’t do much to help the American people either and he got 2 terms…….. I think somebody who has the back bone to understand and make a stand for the difference between freedom and free will needs another 4 years to try and balance the embarrassment engrained by our 90’s leader. The track record of the Democratic nominee is terrible and is already back pedalling on his earlier statements about bringing the troops home.

    Also, I know the Corp. issue is bigger than I’m knowledgeable of, but keep this in mind. Do you want to pay more taxes for your special interest? Environment is a special interest catagory. 96% of our annual tax burden is paid for by big business. 96%! The taxes we “average” citizens pay only accounts for 4% and we’re already working 7 of 12 months to cover our share! Conservation needs to be our responsibility. I’d like to see this and many other things removed from government control because this also holds true in all world economics: The bigger the government, the lesser the freedom. We’ve been choking ourselves over special interest for too long. 3rd party spending in exchange for national control isn’t a good trade.

    I feel great change is needed and neither candidate is going to solve these very real issues but someone with true leadership ability is a good start.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Bush gets my vote

    Crystal, Mn.
    Posts: 1268

    Ditto to what Steve and Kid said.

    In politics you have the doers and the sayers. The doers will get my vote if it doesn’t cost me more money! Bush has made some tough decisions the last four and I will probably give him four more!

    God Bless the USA!!!

    Silver Lake MN
    Posts: 405

    While I will also be voting for Bush, I have a couple of quesitons, that don’t really need to be answerd, I just felt like asking. Does it really matter which one of these morons gets elected? Neither can get anything done, because of the 2 party system. All they do is Pi$$ and moan about the other party anyway. Do you really think that either one of these ultra rich canidates really cares about Joe schmoe? In my opinion, they are so far out of touch with reality, that they don’t even have a clue about what is really important. I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat, I just vote for what I feel is the lessor of the 2 evils.

    Winona, Minnesota
    Posts: 1073

    I am in a Union, well did not have much choice in the matter. The union is ridiculous with its backing of candidates. First they jumped in Gephardt who was in the race for about 30 seconds, then of course Kerry with the promise of more FAIR jobs. I am not sure what a Fair job is since we all have the choice to keep working at out current employers or take other options.
    My real point is that most of us Midwestern Union types are, for the most part, rednecks. If you look at the Kerry platform ideologically there is nothing we could be farther from. Except of course the Promise of FAIR Jobs. What a bunch of BS.
    I agree with the above I would like to see more Bush!

    Cottage Grove, Minn
    Posts: 1551

    Bush announced last week the he plans to expand the CRP farm land conservation program. This is in the face of farming big businesses such as Cargill, Archer-Daniels, etc. who stand to lose some income with less land in production. This is not a singular reason to sway my vote and it is only talk so far, but it is a step in the right direction.

    Sauk City, WI
    Posts: 86

    I’ll be writing myself in as well. None of them appeal to me in the least.
    Bush isn’t even a good liar.

    This country is in deep doo doo if those clowns are the best we can do.

    Posts: 660

    Mr. Bush all the way . I want someone who stands up and has some backbone to do whats right even if it’s not perfectly done.

    Sauk City, WI
    Posts: 86

    “Not perfectly done” is a major understatement.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Not perfectly done??? What war can be perfectly done?

    People seem to forget that Sadaam had already broken several of the treaty agreements from the first War…He’s a tyrant, dictator, and threat. While he has well hidden all of his WMD, i don’t doubt one bit they aren’t somewhere…Sadaam didn’t grow a heart and conscience and get rid of them all…They’re out there somewhere….as is bin laden

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    President Bush lowered federal income taxes on every single working American. Kerry has stated one of the first things he will do if elected is to roll back all of the Bush tax cuts……

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    I’m not a fan of either guy, but…….

    What was the point of invading Iraq again?

    It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the hard part in Iraq was not going to be defeating their army, but in getting that culture to accept a democratic government. What other arab countries have a full democracy?

    Rushing in and bombing the hell out of the country was essential to winning the conflict, and also guaranteed to give America bashers, Osama included, all the ammo he needs to fester his anti-american agenda.

    Oh yah, they had weapons of mass destruction. Well, either a) they didn’t and they weren’t a threat, or b) he had enough warning to get them hidden/moved to places we can’t find and destroy them, likely with anti-American allies. Either way, we didn’t destroy any.

    Was it to get Saddam out of power? I got no problem with that, but then are we going to go after all the bad dictators in the world? Unlikely, unless they have oil fields.

    I don’t like KErry much, and I have no idea how he would do as president. I do have Bush’s track record to go on, and so far it ain’t good. I don’t realy believe a president has all that much control over the economy, so I don’t really put alot of weight in those issues. But, national security, military, etc., the president has a ton to do with that, and I don’t like what Bush has done.

    Don’t even get me started on Chaney, that oil man whose company somehow is the one doing all the oil work in Iraq. He is the biggest elitist Republican I can remember.

    Anyone notice gas prices are really high with 2 oilmen in office?

    So, I guess I will vote Kerry by default. If he sucks, 4 years from now I will vote Republican again, like I did in 2000.

    Just one guys thoughts.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    One thing that Bush did that solidified my support forever…… Shortly after the 9/11 attacks its game 3 of the World Series. First game of the series at The Bronx New York….. The entire country still in shock. Everyone asking if there would even be a World Series. Bush marched out on the mound, and threw out that first pitch! Man, he had to have some 1000 pound Georgian Hog gonads to do that! I’ll never forget that. Never. Made me feel good to be an American.

    That’s Leadership!

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416



    “Paid for and maintained by DEAN FOR AMERICA”

    Nothing more needs to be said there……

    I guess not, but I thought it interesting that there is more to this story than just tax cuts for all working americans. Those making less money get a much smaller tax break than those making more money, percentage wise. Of course, all of those articles, and studies from reputable publications, they must be disregarded because of who paid for the site also. Good point…..

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    Those making less money get a much smaller tax break than those making more money, percentage wise.

    Percentage wise, the tax cut is the same, not matter what you make. Make more, save more. Generally the government taxes things that are bad for you. (Like Cigarettes for example) Is making money a bad thing?

    Not to mention the cuts are working well. 13 stratight months of economic growth…..the best in over 25 years!

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    Don’t believe I ever said anything about making money being a bad thing. I am also a firm believer in that what I make being mine. I think that if you cut taxes, you have to cut programs. Just look at what Minnesota recently went through when Pawlenty cut taxes. The money for certain things, Police, fire, DOT, had to come from somewhere. Local property taxes, went up. The government had to shut down some pretty reasonable programs.
    I’m not saing that the rich don’t deserve to keep their money, I just don’t like it when they not paying their share. I suppose we should get back to talking about fishing, or how to repair my washing machine…

    Tom S
    Woodbury MN
    Posts: 150

    I would like either Bush or Kerry to define these catch phrases.

    The Rich, give me a dollar amount, what is rich?
    Working Families……most people work
    Paying your fair share……give me a %

    Sure would clear up the muddy water if the candidates stepped up and told us who they were taking about.

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