OK, I’ll be the guy that speaks up and tries to interject a little common sense into this.
Kerry is a Joke?
The real joke is the latest adds by the Bush team, with a select group of vietnam vets claiming that they “served with Kerry” in Vietnam, and that he is lying about what he did over there. As it turns out, what they mean by “served with” is that they were in the same country as Kerry at the same time, in fact, when questioned about it, they admitted that none of them actually served on the same boat as Kerry. That same group also did the same thing to John McCain in 2000, claiming that he lied about his service in Vietnam, lied about his experiences as a POW, and actually started a telephone campaign in the south, calling voters and reminding them that McCain actually had a black baby, and that we don’t need that kind of person in the white house. (McCain and his wife actually adopted an asian child), but oh well, whatever works. Oh, but wait, the republicans didn’t have anything to do with that add (yah right!
Special interest groups? two words- [censored] Cheney, make that four words, [censored] Cheney, Ken Lay. COME ON!
We’ve all seen first hand how unfit, unqualified, and untrustworthy the Bush administration is, and those who choose to turn a blind eye to it will continue to do so no matter what.
Is Kerry the perfect candidate? No, that was John McCain in 2000, but apparently name recognition means more to voters in our country than qualification for the job. But Kerry is most definately the obvious choice in this election. And as far as “the polls keep trying to put Kerry in front”, if I call one hundred people, and sixty say they’ll vote Kerry, and fourty say they’ll vote Bush, This just in, Kerry is in front, no matter who is trying to do what.
And one more thing-
the last time I checked, Bush admitted that evidence tying Iraq to the 9-11 attacks never existed, so I think it’s about time for Bush supporters to stop claiming that because John Kerry is against the war in Iraq, he’s against “fighting terrorism”.
So let’s hear from some others on the Ditch Bush side of the fence to balance things out.