I’m wondering why all the local and national concern about Kevin Love bailing out of town. The Timberwolves are at the bottom of the barrel here in Minnesota as far as people caring. They haven’t won, won’t win, and I’m not sure they are trying to win. Love is nothing more than a good player. You seldom hear of him doing anything around town other than basketball. His feelings got hurt when he didn’t get offered a max contract. Awe poor boy….take your millions for playing a little boys game and leave town. PLEASE!! Now we hear Flip has to coach because NOBODY else will take the job.
Next we will read they sign Rubio to a max deal. Lindsey Whalen is better then this guy.
These guys are a joke and why they continue to get a pass by their few fans is far beyond me.
OK, that’s my yearly Wolves rip.