Rapala’s Labeling

  • TripleA
    Posts: 655

    I am newer to fishing and have recently purchased a few (or a lot) of Rapala Crankbaits. I am wondering why a few of them are labeled on the bill and some on the belly of the lure, but many have no label? As a new Rapala user it is forcing me to keep the tab from the box and try to put each lure back in place so I can ensure I am looking at the right dive depth/ lure combo. Any tips for keeping crankbaits straight or information on why the labeling is hit/miss? THANKS!

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Take a black sharpie pen and write the depth on the lure. Only way to keep it straight

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    Or memorize……

    Galesville, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1517

    This is what I do. Take the label from the package and tape it into the inside fac3 of the case. I group them into categories for the cases, as you can see this one is my trolls to case (with a couple tail dancers and cranking raps I also use trolling mixed in). If you have a pile of them may not be the most effective way, last count I think I was around 80 or so in 5 cases.

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    I’m not quite as organize as Poomunk but we’re on the same philosophy.

    Shallow cranks in one tray(floaters, husky jerks), mid-depth in another(minnow raps, shad raps), and deep in the third(tail dancers).

    It’s amazing how after funding the good folks at Rapala you can eyeball a crank, know the model and depth. It starts getting sick when you can name the color by the mfr’s name.

    Seriously, Clown is the name of a color

    Posts: 655

    I notice I am starting to be able to guesstimate upon looks after only a few outings… but memorizing 80+ cranks what you only use certain ones for certain conditions is pretty hard. Hopefully I get to fish enough to memorize them though!

    Posts: 655


    Take a black sharpie pen and write the depth on the lure. Only way to keep it straight

    I thought about this… would you write on the bill or body? It just seems counter-intuitive to me to draw on a lure that’s painted to mimic a certain baitfish or pattern.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    I write on the body but it doesn’t matter. You can write small you are the one reading it not the guy with you.

    Art Green
    Posts: 733



    Take a black sharpie pen and write the depth on the lure. Only way to keep it straight

    I thought about this… would you write on the bill or body? It just seems counter-intuitive to me to draw on a lure that’s painted to mimic a certain baitfish or pattern.

    I have been marking my crank baits with a sharpie on the backs in contrasting colors( black on light lures and silver on dark) for a couple of decades and it certainly doesn’t seem to hurt the number of fish caught compared to the ones that are duplicates in color that I have occasionally not marked before use. I mark the ones that catch the most fish compared to there “identical” partners with an additional marking to insure my buddies don’t get the opportunity to out fish me or loose my best crank baits!

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116


    Take a black sharpie pen and write the depth on the lure. Only way to keep it straight

    X2-Ultra fine point sharpie.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Write your labels in your lure box and group them according to dive depths. I.E. 0-3′, 3′-5′, 5′-8′, etc.

    Remember also lure performance will vary with line used. You’ll get greater depth using a 4# Fireline vs. 12# Mono due to line characteristics.

    Good luck and enjoy the Rapala’s, they catch fish.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22877

    but can the fish read it ? what with the wobbling and all…

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    but can the fish read it ? what with the wobbling and all…

    Bass guys do a lot of stop and crank.

    I think people should be more concerned with the scent the sharpie emits.

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    I just buy enough of each size crankbait to fill up an entire Plano box and then tape a copy of the depth curve chart on the inside of the cover… So far I’m only up to about 30 boxes

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Remember also lure performance will vary with line used. You’ll get greater depth using a 4# Fireline vs. 12# Mono due to line characteristics.

    I group my cranks by shallow and deep. This is obvious by the bill. I am not too concerned about exact depths because they vary.. I just use a snap so I can switch out quickly.

    However with the new DT and TT lures, it is nice to know exactly what depth they are specified to run.

    I do agree that either stamping it on the bill or on the paint is a no brainer that all manufacturers should employ.

    Galesville, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1517

    “However with the new DT and TT lures, it is nice to know exactly what depth they are specified to run.”

    I know the TT’s have it molded into the bill (dive depth). I like to have the label off the bait, so when I want more I can remember exactly which one it is, getting better at recognizing the common ones, still some that I couldn’t tell you by looking at it though.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    I think you should use a red sharpie to mimic a wounded bait fish.

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