Over the last 12 months we’ve been diligently working behind the scenes on something BIG with regards to the future of In-Depth Outdoors’ website. Our current platform, while it has served us well over the years, is long in the tooth and in need of a major face lift and modernizing.
We’re rounding the final bend and approaching the finish line with our current build and we’re excited to announce the release of what will be our new online home going forward, complete with a wide range of new features optimized for all your devices!
Here’s a sneak-peek at what to expect once we make the switch –
You can expect more previews of the experience in the coming weeks, as well as inside details on the launch and roll-out plan of the new site.
—In-Depth Outdoors to be “read-only” starting June 16, 2014—
Our first major bit of info relates to some expected “down time” for our current website. The current forums and website will be switched to a “read-only” experience on June 16 to complete the final content migration. This “read only” period will last approximately one week with the new site expected to be released on or before June 22.