Boat launch inspections

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    So……are you finally admitting sending these guys e-mails and letters is useless? Just cuz we pay their salaries doesn’t mean they have to pay any attention to us.

    Absolutely not…except for in this case.

    What I do hate to admit in this case, Don is right. We would need a revolution to change it.

    I’m not willing to go that far.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I was being philosophical. Not whining.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    I was being philosophical. Not whining.

    And I was having fun with it you whiner.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010



    I was being philosophical. Not whining.

    And I was having fun with it you whiner.

    Well stop picking on me…I’m not Will Roseberg you know!

    Posts: 3010


    What I do hate to admit in this case, Don is right. We would need a revolution to change it.

    I’m not willing to go that far.

    Revolution comes in various forms and various levels of degree/severity. … and … You’ve already taken the first step down that path; starve the beast.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I’ve been called Paul Revere before.

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121




    I was being philosophical. Not whining.

    And I was having fun with it you whiner.

    Well stop picking on me…I’m not Will Roseberg you know!

    Yesterday was pick on Will day… Every day is pick on BK day

    Posts: 3010



    So……are you finally admitting sending these guys e-mails and letters is useless? Just cuz we pay their salaries doesn’t mean they have to pay any attention to us.

    Absolutely not…except for in this case.

    I would submit for your consideration; that the difference in each case is not how they handle it, but how you view it …
    The bureaucracy tends to operate quite similarly in most cases.
    The difference in this case is; the absurdity with how this issue is handled just bothers you personally a bit more than the absurdity with how many other issues are handled

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I have never been very considerate…and am reminded of it frequently.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001


    I have never been very considerate…and am reminded of it frequently.

    No kidding. You made me fish alone last night when my partner bailed last minute! Thanks a lot pal.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Don’t blame him.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    As you all wrestle with this, I wonder if you realize how hard some of us have worked to prevent total quarantine of many lakes. Most of the new AIS preventive measures were compromises to keep our right to access open. New public accesses are almost non-existent, county and city accesses are being considered for total decontamination restriction prior to launching. If any of you had been over at the Capitol over the last five years, you would know first hand that many of these measures could have been easily enacted.

    I’d be happy to pass on any constructive comments on and invite any of you to attend a committee hearing next session; so you can see first hand how these laws come-about.

    Posts: 3010

    just because we “could’ve” gone 10 miles in the wrong direction, doesn’t mean only going 2 miles in the wrong direction equates to going in the right direction

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Buzz, you know I appreciate all the work you and others do…

    On the other hand, most of use can not get to the capital without losing wages….unless we get elected.

    If it comes the day when lakes…our lakes are being held to a total quarantine, well what’s the use of having them?

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    BK, what I find interesting is that folks think the DNR down a 500 Lafayette sit around playing cards, eating cheese and dreaming up these AIS rules. I suspect most folks working down there are as skeptical about us stopping the spread of AIS as we are. It just hasn’t been done anywhere in the US and likely never will be. But the public, legislators, lake associations, Governor – all demand the DNR to do something. In my opinion they’d rather be doing something else that might actually lead to more protection of habitat, wetlands, fish and wildlife. But when the legislature gives special interest groups the keys to the car and the Hook and Bullet community doesn’t stand up; this is what we get.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843


    But the public, legislators, lake associations, Governor – all demand the DNR to do something.

    Buzz thank you for all you and your group are attempting to do. It’s appreciated.

    Funny how the DNR can knuckle under to the above groups you mention but in the Mille Lacs case they don’t knuckle under to the guys who pay them. (or do they?)

    Lets cut the bull here………their funding comes directly from the capitol and they don’t give a lick about you or me.

    Posts: 15


    BK, what I find interesting is that folks think the DNR down a 500 Lafayette sit around playing cards, eating cheese and dreaming up these AIS rules. I suspect most folks working down there are as skeptical about us stopping the spread of AIS as we are. It just hasn’t been done anywhere in the US and likely never will be. But the public, legislators, lake associations, Governor – all demand the DNR to do something. In my opinion they’d rather be doing something else that might actually lead to more protection of habitat, wetlands, fish and wildlife. But when the legislature gives special interest groups the keys to the car and the Hook and Bullet community doesn’t stand up; this is what we get.

    You said it well.

    Joe S and Jeff F have the ears of the legislature. The first domino to fall was the delegation agreement – give the power to the LGUs who, no surprise, are infiltrated by lake groups etc. Okay fine if you folks want to put up you own money to run your program fine. A few years later in this past session domino number two fell. The legislature is now giving LGUs in the form of county aid 10 million dollars of yours and my money to fund their delegation agreement. Domino number three? Centralized inspections, gated access, ‘open’ and ‘closed’ hours…………you wait and see.

    What I find interesting is study out of WI shows property values of zm infested waters actually rise.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    More like Betsy Ross, I ‘ll expect a sewn revolution flag from you by Monday.

    Posts: 3010


    Ainvite any of you to attend a committee hearing next session; so you can see first hand how these laws come-about.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094


    I understand the inconvenience and frustrations that guys are experiencing with this. I can only imagine how much storage space IDO has burned up with the discussions on this.

    However, as much as we(you) don’t like the process, keep in mind that you still have it relatively easy. Take your boat to Wyoming or Colorado and have an inspection done there Granted, from the little that I have personally experience in MN compared to my trips out west, I think the Western states that impliment this do a great job…but also do 10X more. Technically, you need to stop at the port of entry coming into the state and have your boat inspected & certified. If an inspector sees anything they suspect – even though your “certified”, your boat gets a complete enema. Boat gets washed, flushed, live well flushed, engine,……and so on. They then place a thin cable/lock to the boat trailer. This signifies it has been cleaned by their standards. Launch the boat and the cable is broke – they then [censored]-U-ME you launched elsewhere and the process is repeated. Be honest and acknowledge that you just came from out-of-state and you’ll add another 10-20 minutes to the process. My last trip out to Granby, CO and they also inspected my gear, anchor rope, life jackets, & toss in the garbage my towels that I use to wipe the boat down with. They even had a Milwaukee Tool camera for looking into the nooks and crannies that would otherwise not be visible.
    Somewhere has to be balance. We need to do what we can to prevent the spread within reason. We all know that it is not 100% preventable and a matter of when – not if. But giving up 10 minutes of time to help pass on a quality lake to our future generations has great value in my eyes. But i also agree that there is a point of diminishing returns on being over-the-top with prevention as well.

    You have to remember and know that in Colorado, ALL WATER is Privately Owned, mostly by Electric Companies and some Cities, etc. so they can require all the inspections they want and you have to comply or they don’t have to let you launch.

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