If there’s water in the ribs of the boat, whatever little buggers are in the water will make it into the next water when the bilge is turned on or the plug isn’t replace and the boat gets “washed out”.
That’s why i tell them to give me a boat wash at boomsite when the wash station is present…That and i want the scum removed…I have a boat that leaks. Hope to replace prior to the 2015 season, but man she leaks…
Before it leaked, i rebuilt the entire boat, removing the floor and everything. I filled up the boat with water to make sure it didn’t leak, and it didn’t. But even with the motor off, and the trailer lifted up so the transom was touching the ground, the ribs in my boat held at least 3 gallons of water. Could not drain that water unless you flipped the boat over.
I’m pretty sure every part of my boat leaks now, so after a period time that water will leech through the rivets…It’s a sure method of transfering invasives. I don’t feel super good about it for sure, but i also know i’m only 1 of many leaking boats in MN and so far i am doing nothing illegal as the rules are written.
It’s hilarious that the DNR still proclaims that we can slow or even prevent the spread of any AIS. Maybe in CO…
In my eyes i don’t think it will be too long before the following happens…
Inspections like in CO
NO LIVE BAIT (Goodbye flathead and sturgeon fishing)
Gated Ramps
Dry Dock periods
All pushed by lake owners who will have to follow ZERO of those rules.